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    тшб иеб аешз, мзх лап лгй мдъзбш мотшлъ.

тевъ сбшйрд

(о"с 413)   тевъ сбшйрд жлд м-5 лелбйнтевъ сбшйрд жлд м-5 лелбйнтевъ сбшйрд жлд м-5 лелбйнтевъ сбшйрд жлд м-5 лелбйнтевъ сбшйрд жлд м-5 лелбйн

лоеъ:  1  ореъ.        лщшеъ:  лщш змбй.        чещй:  бйрерй.        жоп длрд:  30 гчеъ.

оцшлйн: аефп длрд:

чйбмъй аъ доълеп озбшд щмй еоаж ма офсйчд мдлйп....


5 бйцйн
5 лфеъ селш
5 лфеъ семъ
2 лфеъ чоз аесн

мтшбб бчтшд 1 аъ дчоз едсемъ
чтшд 2 змоерйн
чтшд 3 - мдчцйу змберйн тн селш

мчзъ 2 лфеъ одчцу щбчтшд 3 емтшбб тн дзмоерйн .
мтшбб змоерйн тн чтшъ дчоз едсемъ еаз"л мдесйу аъ чцу.

мщйн длм бъбрйъ ощеоръ емафеъ тг щождйб.

1/4 1 лесеъ ойн
5 лфеъ селш
2 лфйеъ шен

мъъ мжд мдвйт мсу шъйзд

лащш дтевд йецаъ одъреш мщфек тмйд аъ дсйшеф дзн.

мазш щдтевд оъчшшъ мщйн тмйд аъ дчшн .
1 щоръ оъечд
1 айрцирг фегйрв ерйм
3 селш ерйм

мдчцйу аъ лм дзеошйн емцчъ тм дтевд.

мазш олн досъй щечемг тн оти ошвшйрд ецййшъй чйщчечйн отм....



оълеп жд рщмз маъш т"й аоа щм тгйам емйрей бъашйк 10/11/2005.
щмз оълеп | цфд блм доълерйн щм аоа щм тгйам емйрей

дшще мре мдцйт:
тевъ сбшйрд

щъу оълеп тевъ сбшйрд бфййсбеч

гшев доълеп

4829 арщйн гшве аъ доълеп бцйеп ооецт щм 5 оъек 10.

дошд одйшд щм ойгеъ



тег дошеъ бтоег дийфйн

ъвебеъ тм доълеп м

ъвебд 1000 - оаъ:ю udjnnbp*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю06/ю03/ю2019 бщтд 13:53.
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ъвебд 981 - оаъ:ю Henry*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 21:20.
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I´ve just started at http://soprof.com.mx diflucan it’s been proven in some ethnic concentrations of lineage for example Italians and Native Americans have a high tolerance to pain relievers and are most of the time under prescribed left to feel unnecessary discomfort due to the western medicine epic failure ideology of the cookie cutter patient. it’s my belief that the patient should have more credibility as to their condition, if the minimum isn’t enough, the patient will tell you, but doctors are encouraged to push the sponsoring medicine of the day to get funding from private pharmaceutical industry in essence telling you how you feel. obviously this mode of thinking is sentiment to torture and should be eradicated like a sociological epidemic in my opinion.

ъвебд 980 - оаъ:ю Leandro*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 21:19.
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What´s the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas? http://ttstaller.com diflucan However, just as our local marine show must go on, the blackfish season opens Oct. 5. The James Joseph II out of Huntington has already spotted some small ones, about 12 inches long. But remember, regulations call for a minimum 16-inch length, with a max of four fish a day.

ъвебд 979 - оаъ:ю Buster*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 04:45.
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Languages <a href=" https://weteachquran.com#inhabitant ">clomid</a> "One of the things I want to stress is that this is a domestic issue within that residence, and that there is no stranger in the city of Menifee that caused this to happen," Hill said at a news conference.

ъвебд 978 - оаъ:ю Florencio*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 04:45.
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Which university are you at? <a href=" http://ttstaller.com#racing ">kamagra</a> When it comes to sharing photos with social media channels, it seems us Brits have an ongoing love affair with Facebook, with 61% of those surveyed regularly uploading snaps to the site. That’s not to say everything goes on Facebook, as 55% of those asked posting less than half of their photos on the social media site, while only 8% share more than half ГўВЂВ“ surprisingly 36% claim to post none of their photos on Facebook.

ъвебд 977 - оаъ:ю Domenic*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 04:45.
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Do you know the address? <a href=" http://ttstaller.com#alarmed ">kamagra</a> Set six paper cups on a small baking sheet and divide the mixture evenly between them. Place in the freezer for 15 minutes, then insert a Popsicle stick into the center of each cup. If the stick doesn´t stand up in the middle of the mixture by itself, let the mixture freeze for another 5 to 10 minutes. Continue freezing until ready to serve.

ъвебд 976 - оаъ:ю Frederic*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 04:45.
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How long are you planning to stay here? <a href=" https://matrixglobal.net.id ">levitra</a> The study was carried out by researchers from the University of Cambridge, the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and the University of Massachusetts in the US, and was funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council.

ъвебд 975 - оаъ:ю Jarrod*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 04:44.
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Have you got a telephone directory? <a href=" https://weteachquran.com ">clomid</a> Studies presented Wednesday at an Alzheimer’s Association conference in Boston showed that people with some types of cognitive concerns were more likely to have Alzheimer’s pathology in their brains and to develop dementia later. Research presented by Amariglio, for example, found that people with more concerns about memory and organizing ability were more likely to have amyloid, a key Alzheimer’s-related protein, in their brains.

ъвебд 974 - оаъ:ю Deandre*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 03:22.
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Special Delivery <a href=" http://ttstaller.com#episode ">kamagra</a> After a year her service came to the attention of the ecclesiastical authorities, and 18 months into her ministry the Bishop of Tijuana, Juan Jesus Posadas, made her an auxiliary Mercedarian, an order which works among prisoners. Subsequently her work came to the attention of Pope John Paul II who gave her his blessing. In 1991 Mother Teresa visited Tijuana to see her work.

ъвебд 973 - оаъ:ю Erin*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 03:21.
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Do you know the number for ? <a href=" https://weteachquran.com ">diflucan</a> Eric Breslin, a lawyer for Crupi, asked in a court filing on Monday for permission to show the video during opening arguments, saying it shows Madoff´s "power and believability; the aura of confidence he exuded."

ъвебд 972 - оаъ:ю Antony*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 03:21.
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I´m sorry, she´s <a href=" http://ttstaller.com#flutter ">kamagra</a> Jolla Mobile has issued a press release regarding the Sailfish and Android compatibility today. This means that apps made for Android can now run on the Sailfish operating system without the need for additional modifications to be made. Sailfish has also stated that it is communicating with the various Android app stores to make the downloading of apps on Sailfish OS-based devices easy and seamless. Some apps that will directly run on Sailfish, according to Jolla Mobile, include Instagram, Whatsapp, Spotify, and WeChat.

ъвебд 971 - оаъ:ю Carson*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 03:21.
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It´s serious <a href=" https://weteachquran.com#grin ">kamagra</a> Each of the 12 counts carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a fine of $250,000. If convicted, the Walkers could also have to forfeit their ranch in Irrigon, Oregon, according to the Justice Department announcement.

ъвебд 970 - оаъ:ю Hubert*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 01:59.
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I´m at Liverpool University <a href=" http://www.ccpirapuato.com ">clomid</a> In his closing arguments during the two-week sentencing phase, Manning´s defense attorney, David Coombs, continued to portray Manning as a naГѓВЇve young soldier who believed he could change the world.

ъвебд 969 - оаъ:ю Caroline*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 01:58.
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Do you know what extension he´s on? <a href=" http://ttstaller.com ">cipro </a> Brunei will introduce strict Islamic criminal laws — including stoning for Muslim adulterers –its ruling sultan said Tuesday, as the oil-rich Southeast Asian country continues to embrace a more conservative form of Islam compared to its Muslim-majority neighbors.

ъвебд 968 - оаъ:ю ekbrjpqik*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю04/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 14:58.
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I like watching TV <a href=" http://weblinksonline.co.uk/tutorials.html#extent ">abilify 15 mg efectos secundarios</a> Bliss set about unravelling several species (I. pallida, I. amoena, I. plicata, I. neglecta and I. squalens) with the help of Dykes and used them in his meticulously recorded breeding programme in a quest to create a red iris. The red evaded him and breeders are still trying today. However, in 1917 Bliss offered ´Dominion’ for sale, a ground-breaking purple iris with rounded dark velvety falls. Laetitia Munro (writing in Roots, the journal of the Historic Iris Preservation Society), explains that Bliss crossed a rosy iris ´Cordelia’ with a purple species – I. macrantha. In 1905 two seeds were harvested, but they did not germinate until 1907. One purple two-tone iris flowered in 1909; Bliss was disappointed because he was hoping for a redder flower. In 1910, when it flowered again, it caught the eye of Bliss’s 10-year-old niece Phyllis. She admired it greatly. ´Dominion’ was the iris that would make Bliss world-famous.

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