щишегм - аъш оълерй тевеъ еоълерйн ресфйн
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    тшб иеб аешз, мзх лап лгй мдъзбш мотшлъ.

тоег шащй >  оълерйн мтевеъ > бшйаеъ егйаид > тевъ иеши мма селш

тевъ иеши мма селш

(о"с 424)   тевъ иеши мма селш жлд м-5 лелбйнтевъ иеши мма селш жлд м-5 лелбйнтевъ иеши мма селш жлд м-5 лелбйнтевъ иеши мма селш жлд м-5 лелбйнтевъ иеши мма селш жлд м-5 лелбйн

лоеъ:  1  ореъ.        лщшеъ:  лщш змбй.        чещй:  фщеи ечм.        жоп длрд:  60 гчеъ.

оцшлйн: аефп длрд:

7 бйцйн оефшгеъ биофшиешъ дзгш
Ѕ лес ойх ъфежйн
3 лфеъ ооъйч омалеъй (Sweet ´n Low ае лм ооъйч азш)
2 лфеъ ойх мйоеп
ѕ лфйъ чшн ишиш
Ѕ1 лесеъ чоз орефд
ј лфйъ омз 

очцйфйн аъ дзмберйн тн домз тг щоъзйм мдйецш
чцу, оесйфйн аъ чшн дишиш еоощйлйн мдчцйу тг
мчбмъ чцу йойб евойщ.
отшббйн аъ щаш дзеошйн бчтшд вгемд еочфмйн
аъ чцу дзмберйн мътшебъ.
йецчйн мъбрйъ змемд ощеоръ еочеозъ еаефйн бъреш
щзеон ошащ мзен бйрерй л-40 гчеъ ае тг щчйсн
дрртх бошлж дтевд йеца йбщ.
оецйайн еоцррйн. 

оълеп жд рщмз маъш т"й sattla бъашйк 16/10/2005.
щмз оълеп | цфд блм доълерйн щм sattla

дшще мре мдцйт:
вмймъ ччае ечечес мма афййд
тевъ вбйрд мма афйд
тевъ вбйрд оес ерйм оаъвшъ - чшд еофеашъ - мма ъреш
иешид чфец´йрд
тевъ щйщ мма селш
тевйеъ чееачш, цйоечйн еавежйн мма селш
тевъ вбйрд мма селш
тевъ фйшеъ мма селш

щъу оълеп тевъ иеши мма селш бфййсбеч

гшев доълеп

4717 арщйн гшве аъ доълеп бцйеп ооецт щм 5 оъек 10.

дошд одйшд щм ойгеъ



тег дошеъ бтоег дийфйн

ъвебеъ тм доълеп м

ъвебд 1000 - оаъ:ю SISenlEn*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю26/ю03/ю2019 бщтд 16:24.
Kronstadt Tour
Kronstadt Tour - the History of the Russian Navy
History of the Russian Navy
Discover the Gates of St. Petersburg from the inside, its martial history and glory!

The city-fortress of Kronstadt is the first Russian naval base and the sea gateway to St. Petersburg. Every ship that goes in and out of St. Petersburg water area passes through the floodgates of Kronstadt Dam. Most of tourists coming by the sea see this island with warships at its berth, from the decks of their cruise ships. But very few have actually been inside this obscure, unnoticed by mass tourists, place.

Until 1996 this strategic military object was impossible to visit for overseas guests and many Russians! Nowadays, we offer you an exciting and comfortable ride to Kronstadt and a chance to get inside this historical seafort!

Activity Details
4 hours
Instant confirmationTour type: Private guided tour: English, German, French, SpanishAvailable: Daily
Book This Tour

[url=https://pradiz.com/tours/st-petersburg/kronstadt-tour]Kronstadt Tour - the History of the Russian Navy[/url]

ъвебд 999 - оаъ:ю Verdarikason*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю17/ю03/ю2019 бщтд 18:34.
[url=http://female-ru.ru/tag/gods/]§ КАК СТАТ� КРАСИВОЙ И УХОЖЕННОЙ БЕЗ МАКИ�ЖА ПРИЗНАКИ НЕУХОЖЕННОЙ В 14[/url]
[b]� уже знаю это и очен� довол�на...[/b]

Желаю успеха!

ъвебд 998 - оаъ:ю GISenlEn*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю11/ю03/ю2019 бщтд 19:30.

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln zielt darauf ab, Webseiten im Internet zu fordern, das auch ohne lokale Verknupfung. Das bedeutet, dass Sie Bestellungen und Anrufe in ganz Deutschland erhalten, auch wenn Sie Waren oder Dienstleistungen nur in Koln anbieten.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln: Das Beste, was Sie fur ein Online-Geschaft tun konnen

E-Commerce hat die Moglichkeiten des klassischen Vertriebsansatzes erweitert: Jedes Jahr wird digitales Marketing immer beliebter, indem Werbetools erstellt und Projekte im Web entwickelt werden. Eines dieser Tools kann als SEO oder Suchmaschinenoptimierung betrachtet werden.
Die Komplexitat liegt in der internen und externen Optimierung des Projekts, sowie der Imagegewinnung der Marke (Shop / Lokalitat) im Web. Im Jahr 2018 dominiert Google den Suchmarkt in Deutschland.
Google erhalt mehr als 70% aller Anfragen und ist damit die zielgerichteste Suchmaschine im Land. Deshalb basiert die Werbung in Koln und in ganz Deutschland auf Rankingfaktoren von Google.
Eine gut organisierte Optimierung zeigt schon nach einem Monat die ersten Ergebnisse, die wahrend der gesamten Zusammenarbeit mit Spezialisten zunehmen.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln: Fur wen eignet sich diese Dienstleistung?
Ziel der Optimierung
1. Ein lokales Business weiter zu entwickeln, die Erhohung der Frequenz von direkten Kundenansprachen (gezielte Handlungen, auch Call-to-action genannt) zu erweitern. Relevant ist dies fur lokale Unternehmen und Spezialisten, die von dem Bekanntheitsgrad und dem Ruf abhangig sind. Wenn Sie mehr Besucher auf Ihren Shop, fur Ihre Diensleistung, in Ihrer Lokalitat wie Restaurants gewinnen mochten, erhoht die Optimierung im Internet in Koln die Reichweite und lockt somit potenzielle Kaufer an, die an Ihren Produkten oder Dienstleistungen interessiert sind. Auch wichtig fur Spezialisten die von einem guten Ruf abhangig sind und darauf hinarbeiten: Rechtsanwalte, Beauty Salons, Fotografen, etc.
2. Erweiterung der Reichweite fur eine bestimmte Zielgruppe aus Koln und andere Regionen oder ganz Deutschland. Dieses Format der Forderung ist fur Online-Shops und Firmenwebseiten relevant. Wenn Sie den Traffic, Umsatz, Ruf und Markenbekanntheit erhohen wollen, ist es schwer eine bessere Losung, als die SEO Agentur Koln finden.
3. Erweiterung der Reichweite fur eine bestimmte Zielgruppe in mehreren Landern. Dies ist eine voluminosere Aufgabe, verbunden mit einer umfassenden Optimierung der Webseite aufgrund der erhohten Konkurrenz gegen die man „ankampft“.

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln: Kosten-und Zeitrahmen
Sie haben vielleicht gemerkt, dass SEO-Agenturen keine konkreten Preislisten fur Dienstleistungen angeben, die anzeigen wie viel die Suchmaschinenoptimierung kostet. Allerdings kann man mit Erfahrungswerten eine entsprechende Preistendenz wagen.
Das Problem ist, dass die Preisgestaltung der SEO -Dienstleistungen von vielen Faktoren beeinflusst wird :
• der Zeitaufwand jedes Mitarbeiters;
• Region;
• technischer Zustand der Webseite;
• das gewunschte Ergebnis und Fristen
Davon hangen auch die zeitlichen Deadlines der Optimierung ab. Um die Kosten und die Dauer der Suchmaschinenoptimierung Ihrer Webseite zu ermitteln, senden Sie uns eine Anfrage indem Sie das Kontaktformular auf der Homepage nutzen. Oder kontaktieren Sie uns unter der Telefonnummer, die Sie im oberen Teil der Seite finden. Wir bieten eine kostenlose Erstberatung an und helfen die Effizienz der Suchmaschinenoptimierung fur Ihr Unternehmen zu verstehen. Verlieren Sie keine Zeit – rufen Sie uns an und trauen Sie sich die Effizienz Ihrer Webseite bereits nach einem Monat der Zusammenarbeit zu erhohen.


https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/83-suchmaschinenoptimierung-koeln-das-beste-was-sie-fuer-ein-online-geschaeft-tun-koennen - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/83-suchmaschinenoptimierung-koeln-das-beste-was-sie-fuer-ein-online-geschaeft-tun-koennen]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln[/url]

<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/83-suchmaschinenoptimierung-koeln-das-beste-was-sie-fuer-ein-online-geschaeft-tun-koennen>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln</a>

Wo finde ich einen guten XT-Commerce-Freelancer?
Unter den vielen Vorschlagen zur Personalsuche, wo kann man einem guten XT-Commerce-Freelancer finden? Wie kann man Zeit bei der Suche sparen und mogliche Risiken ausschlie?en? Lass uns einige Ressourcen mit ihren Vor- und Nachteilen betrachten.

Wo kann man nach XT-Commerce-Freelancer suchen?
Standig wachsende Mengen an spezialisierten Ressourcen erleichtern die Suche. Es ist wunschenswert, mehrere Suchoptionen gleichzeitig zu nutzen.
Webseiten fur die Personalsuche
Es ist eine gangige Methode. Nachteilig ist, dass die Mehrheit der Bewerber auf eine dauerhafte und langfristige Arbeit im Buro angewiesen ist. Und ein Lebenslauf reicht nicht aus, um die technischen Qualitaten eines Programmierers zu beurteilen. Der Kunde versteht nicht immer, ob das Projekt an einen jungen Spezialisten oder einen erfahrenen Fachmann vergeben wird.
Spezialisierte Freelancer-Plattformen
Die beliebte Variante fur Freelancer -Suche bei Einzelprojekten. Beliebte Plattformen heute sind - freelancer.com und upwork.com.
Es besteht die Moglichkeit, eine detaillierte Stellenausschreibung mit Anforderungen zu erstellen oder Experten speziell auszuwahlen. Es ist moglich, sichere Transaktionen durchzufuhren, sich mit dem Portfolio des Freelancers vertraut zu machen und Antworten zu erhalten, um eine klare Sicht uber den Entwickler-Fahigkeiten zu erhalten. Der Nachteil ist, dass diese Plattformen keine Haftung fur die fehlerhafte Arbeit des Freelancers tragen.

Soziale Netzwerke
Das Nummer eins der Netzwerken fur Business Networking ist Linkedin. Die Auswahl erfolgt uber mehrere Filter: Position des Kandidaten, aktueller Arbeitsplatz, Fahigkeiten, Standort. Moglichkeit, Empfehlungen ehemaliger Arbeitgeber und Kollegen einzusehen. Ein Nachteil - die Informationen, die auf dem Profil offentlich zur Verfugung gestellt werden, sind nicht ausreichend fur die Bewertung, es ist notwendig, zusatzliche Arbeiten auf anderen Internet-Ressourcen, wie GitHub, Stackoverflow, Facebook durchzufuhren.
Die Suche wird langer, aber es besteht die Moglichkeit, einen wirklich guten Spezialisten zu finden.

Unter den Bekannten
Stobern Sie im Telefonbuch, in Freunden des sozialen Netzwerks, in Freunden von Freunden. Ihr Netzwerk kann Sie zum perfekten Kandidaten fuhren. Der Nachteil ist, dass die Zusammenarbeit mit deiner Freunde aufgrund von personlichen Beziehungen schwierig ist.
Gegen eine Gebuhr, die in Bezug auf Kosten des Entwicklers gebildet wird, kann eine Fachkraft gefunden werden. Eine Vorauswahl ist nicht erforderlich. Agenturen fur die Personalermittlung verfugen bereits uber eine Kontaktdatenbank. Es stehen mehrere ausgewahlte Kandidaten zur Auswahl. Diese Option spart Zeit, schlie?t aber Risiken bei der weiteren Arbeit nicht aus.
Suche unter spezialisierten Agenturen
Es arbeitet bereits ein gro?es, eingespieltes Team von Spezialisten. Zusatzlich zu den Dienstleistungen XT-Commerce Freelancer, erhalten Sie einen Tester, Projektmanager, Designer. Die vereinbarten Termine und technischen Aufgaben werden mit einem schriftlichen Vertrag unter minimalisierung des Risikos bekraftigt.
Die Zeit fur die Suche nach einer XT Commerce Agentur ist kurzer, da es nicht notwendig ist, zusatzliche Interviews mit Bewerbern zu fuhren - es genugt, ein Portfolio, Empfehlungen und Kontakte von ehemaligen Kunden zu erhalten. Von den Nachteilen - die Kosten sind hoher als die eines einzelnen Freelancers.
Wen soll man also wahlen: XT Commerce Agentur VS Freelancer? Zusammenfassend lasst sich sagen, dass, wenn das Budget es zulasst, macht es Sinn direkt eine Agentur zu beauftragen. Dies ist eine erhebliche Zeit- und Arbeitsersparnis, vor allem in Bezug auf Suche, Auswahl, Befragung und Beseitigung von Risiken.
Unsere Agentur spezialisiert sich auf die Entwicklung des XT-Commerce . Schreiben Sie uns an und wir beraten Sie kostenlos zu allen Fragen.

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wo-finde-ich-einen-guten-xt-commerce-freelancer>XT-Commerce-Freelancer</a>


https://gbcoding.de/blog/wo-finde-ich-einen-guten-xt-commerce-freelancer - XT-Commerce-Freelancer

https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/124-suchmaschinenoptimierung-frankfurt - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/85-suchmaschinenoptimierung-hannover]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover[/url]

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/83-suchmaschinenoptimierung-koeln-das-beste-was-sie-fuer-ein-online-geschaeft-tun-koennen]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln[/url]

https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/123-suchmaschinenoptimierung-muenchen - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Munchen

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/122-suchmaschinenoptimierung-berlin-ziele-und-aufgaben]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin[/url]

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-entwicklung-ist-die-optimale-loesung-fuer-die-erstellung-eines-online-shops]XT commerce entwicklung[/url]

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/welche-faehigkeiten-sollte-ein-xt-commerce-entwickler-haben>XT commerce entwickler</a>
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wo-finde-ich-einen-guten-xt-commerce-freelancer>XT-Commerce-Freelancer</a>

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-erstellung-eines-modernen-online-shops>XT Commerce Erstellung</a>

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wie-ein-moderner-internet-shop-mithilfe-von-xt-commerce-erstellen-laesst]Xt commerce erstellen[/url]

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wann-sie-eine-xt-commerce-agentur-fuer-outsourcing-suchen-sollten>XT Commerce Agentur</a>

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden]XT- Commerce- Agenturen[/url]

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-kosten-dienstleistungen-wie-viel-und-wovon-haengt-der-preis-ab>XT Commerce kosten</a>

https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-programmierung-wird-auf-dem-europaeischen-markt-immer-beliebter - XT-Commerce-Programmierung

ъвебд 997 - оаъ:ю GISenlEn*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю11/ю03/ю2019 бщтд 18:58.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt. In Deutschland und sogar in anderen europaischen fuhren wie, die Spezialisten der NAME entsprechende Arbeiten durch. Steigern Sie Ihre Zielergebnisse!

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt: Was ist es und wozu wird es benotigt?
SEO wird von Online Marketern genutzt, um die Position der Suchergebnisse zu beeinflussen. Dies bringt:
• Wachstum der Besucherzahlen (Traffic);
• Erhohte Anzahl von Conversions;
• Das wachsende Image des Shops / der Marke / des Unternehmens im Web;
• erhohte Bekanntheit.
Wie funktioniert das? Wenn zum Beispiel jemand am Kauf eines Artikels interessiert ist, kann er dies uber das Internet mit Google tun. Damit dieser Kaufer genau Ihr Produkt auf Ihrer Website kaufen kann, muss er Ihr Angebot in den Suchergebnissen unter den entsprechenden Suchanfragen finden. Andernfalls erhalt Ihr Wettbewerber den Kunden.
Es gibt den Beruf „SEO-Spezialist“, diese sind dafur zustandig, Optimierungen an Ihrer Webseite vorzunehmen. Sie wissen ganz genau, wie sie die Suchergebnisse sorgfaltig beeinflussen, ohne dem Projekt zu schaden. Selbststandige Optimierung ist aus zwei Grunden riskant:
1. Sie konnen ein Verbot (Abstrafungen) in der Suchmaschine erhalten.
2. Zeitverschwendung bei einem Nullergebnis.
Es gibt auch einen dritten Punkt, der nach Optimierung der Webseite Ihre Ergebnisse verschlechtert.
Wann ist die Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt angebracht?
Sie konnen mit der Optimierung des Projekts bereits in der Planungsphase beginnen. So kann man, alle moglichen Probleme mit der Optimierung in der Zukunft beseitigen und die Indizierung und Bestimmung der Seitenrelevanz fur Abfragen beschleunigen.
SEO Agentur Frankfurt seocialmedia organisiert eine vollstandige Palette von Dienstleistungs-Voraboptimierungen, sowie die anschlie?ende Onpage und Offpage Optimierung.
In der Regel ist der Service Suchmaschinenoptimierung nur dann relevant, wenn er Geld bringt. Durch den Traffic oder direkte Verkaufe auf Ihrer Webseite. Wenn das Ziel Ihrer Webseite ist Umsatzsteigerungen zu erreichen, dann ist es Zeit uber eine SEO-Optimierung und das sobald wie moglich, da es Jahr fur Jahr immer schwieriger wird gegen die Konkurrenz anzukommen.
Zu wem passt die Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt?
Webseiten die auf kommerzieller Basis sind. Jedes Projekt, dessen Ziel es ist den Umsatz zu steigern, muss mindestens grundlegende Optimierung (interne Optimierung) haben. Dann hat es eine Chance in der Ausgabe von Suchergebnissen voranzukommen. Aber um den Mitbewerbern Konkurrenz zu machen und eine anstandige Position bei Google zu besetzen, benotigen Sie eine systematische Optimierung.
Wie viel kostet eine Optimierung?
Fur die Bewertung der erforderlichen Kosten fur die Forderung des Projektes, benotigt man eine vorlaufige Prufung. Der wichtigste Einflussfaktor bei der Preisbildung in diesem Bereich ist das Arbeitsvolumen. Und unter anderem die Kosten des Spezialisten der die Webseite optimiert. Je gro?er die Webseite, desto mehr Zeit und Kontrolle braucht man.
Wenn Sie eine Kosteneinschatzung fur die SEO Optimierung Ihrer Webseite benotigen, wenden Sie sich an SEO Agentur Frankfurt seocialmedia an die im oberen Teil der Seite angegebenen Kontaktdaten.
Unsere Spezialisten werden Sie kostenlos beraten, Ihre Fragen beantworten und Ihnen den vorlaufigen Plan der benotigten Arbeiten vorbereiten. Wenn Sie immer noch Zweifel haben, ob Suchmaschinen-Optimierung fur Frankfurt am Main notig ist – dann rufen Sie uns an. Und wir helfen Ihnen, bei der wirksamen Strategie fur die Entwicklung Ihres Geschafts und das zu einem fairen Preis.

https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/124-suchmaschinenoptimierung-frankfurt - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/124-suchmaschinenoptimierung-frankfurt]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt[/url]

<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/124-suchmaschinenoptimierung-frankfurt>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt</a>

Wie ein moderner Internet-Shop mithilfe von Xt-Commerce erstellen lasst.

- Heute gibt es eine Reihe von strengen Regeln im E-Commerce, die fur ein erfolgreiches Geschaft eingehalten werden mussen. Wie XT-Commerce Ihnen in relativ kurzer Zeit und ohne gro?e Investitionen bei Erstellen eines modernen Online-Shops hilft.

Laut Statistik kaufen 35 Prozent der Kaufer online ein. Der E-Commerce wachst weiterhin mit enormem Tempo. Ohne einen Online-Shop verlieren Sie einen erheblichen Marktanteil. Die Einrichtung sollte unter Berucksichtigung der Anforderungen der modernen Trends im E-Commerce gewissenhaft durchgefuhrt werden.
Anforderungen an einen modernen Online-Shop?
Der durchschnittliche Shop enthalt Tausende von Artikeln und wenn ein Besucher beim ersten Mal nichts findet, wird er keinen Kauf tatigen. Der Benutzer wird die Besonderheiten des Verzeichnisses nicht begreifen und sich einfach an ein Wettbewerberunternehmen wenden, das einfache Losungen einsetzt.
Flexibilitat in den Einstellungen
Die moderne Welt des Geschaftslebens setzt voraus, dass wir uns standig bewegen. Dies gilt auch fur Online-Shops. Sie mussen darauf vorbereitet sein, dass Sie die Struktur der Website jederzeit erweitern oder andern werden. Der Engine sollte flexibel sein, um die Ressource problemlos upgraden zu konnen.
An mobile Gerate adaptierbar.
Im vergangenen Jahr haben die Einnahmen aus dem Handel uber Mobilgerate 30% aller Online-Umsatze erreicht.
Ein Zahlungssystem haben
Ein moderner Online-Shop wird wahrscheinlich nicht auf dem richtigen Niveau bleiben konnen, wenn ihm die gangigen Zahlungsmethoden - Shopify Pay, Android Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal und andere - fehlen.

Warum XT Commerce wahlen?
XT Commerce gehort zu den funf fuhrenden E-Commerce-Systemen unter den 1000 gro?ten Online-Shops. XT Commerce Programmierer werden immer beliebter. Die Internetplattform wird standig aktualisiert und an die modernen Anforderungen der Suchmaschinen und des Marktes angepasst.

Standige Updates.
XT Commerce veroffentlicht standige Updates, die sich an Suchmaschinen und moderne Nutzer anpassen.
Schneller Start. Indem Sie die Arbeit einer spezialisierten Agentur anvertrauen, konnen Sie die Website in Zeiten schneller starten, als die Programmierung der Website von Grund auf neu.
Popularitat des XT-Commerce. Es werden keine Probleme mit dem technischen Support und den Entwicklungsagenturen auftreten.
Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Der Benutzer ist verwohnt, die Zeit lasst es nicht zu, die Buttons und die Sitemap zu interpretieren. Die Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Plattform ist daher so ubersichtlich wie moglich gestaltet und bietet die Moglichkeit, mit wenigen Klicks zur gewunschten Seite zu gelangen.
Mehrsprachigkeit und Multiwahrungsfahigkeit. Vergro?ert sofort das Kundenpotenzial.
Einfach zu bedienendes Admin-Panel. Keine Zeit- oder Geldausgaben fur Schulungen erforderlich. Hat ein intuitives Administrations-Panel, mit dem jeder in ein paar Stunden zurecht kommen kann.
Gute Skalierbarkeit. Jedes Unternehmen, das sich selbst in den Vordergrund stellt, sollte bereit sein zu expandieren, auch wenn es mit einem kleinen Standort mit hundert Produkten beginnt. Es besteht jederzeit die Moglichkeit, die Website zu erweitern, ohne den Engine zu wechseln.

SEO-Optimierung. Passt gut fur die Suchmaschinen und berucksichtigt alle modernen Anforderungen.Passt sich jeder Art von Bildschirmtelefonen, PCs und Tablets an.
Integration mit den gangigsten Zahlungssystemen.
Gro?e Auswahl an Templates. Es besteht die Moglichkeit, das fertige Design unter den konkreten Themen zu finden. Dabei sind viele Kunden beunruhigt, dass die Website aufgrund von Templates ihre Identitat verliert, aber ein paar Striche von Entwickler konnen der Webseite frischende Look verleihen.
Adaptiert sich gut an jeden beliebigen Bildschirm, Telefonen, PCs und Tablets .
Multishop. Sie konnen mehrere Online-Shops erstellen, wahrend Sie in einem Admin-Bereich arbeiten. Alle Messgro?en werden an einem Ort angezeigt.
Eine fertige Losung. Warum brauchen wir einen XT Commerce Programmierer, wenn XT Commerce bereits eine gebrauchsfertige Losung ist? Wenn Sie einen kundenspezifischen, nicht einen Template Store planen, konnen Sie nicht auf Programmierkenntnisse verzichten. Der standig wachsende Wettbewerbsdruck im E-Commerce hat eine geeignete Software nahezu unersetzlich gemacht. Da der Markt aber mittlerweile voll von E-Commerze Systemen auf dem Markt ist, ist es wichtig, aus den unzahligen Angeboten das richtige System herauszufiltern und einen guten Entwickler zu finden.
Unsere Agentur spezialisiert sich auf Erstellen der XT-Commerce Shops. Wir helfen Ihnen, einen Online-Shop von Grund auf neu zu erstellen und mit individuellen Support zum Erfolg zu bringe Lassen Sie sich bei uns kostenlos beraten.

Xt commerce erstellen
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wie-ein-moderner-internet-shop-mithilfe-von-xt-commerce-erstellen-laesst>Xt commerce erstellen</a>

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wie-ein-moderner-internet-shop-mithilfe-von-xt-commerce-erstellen-laesst]Xt commerce erstellen[/url]

https://gbcoding.de/blog/wie-ein-moderner-internet-shop-mithilfe-von-xt-commerce-erstellen-laesst - Xt commerce erstellen

<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/124-suchmaschinenoptimierung-frankfurt>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt</a>

https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/85-suchmaschinenoptimierung-hannover - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover
https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/83-suchmaschinenoptimierung-koeln-das-beste-was-sie-fuer-ein-online-geschaeft-tun-koennen - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln
<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/123-suchmaschinenoptimierung-muenchen>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Munchen</a>
https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/122-suchmaschinenoptimierung-berlin-ziele-und-aufgaben - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin

https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-entwicklung-ist-die-optimale-loesung-fuer-die-erstellung-eines-online-shops - XT commerce entwicklung

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/welche-faehigkeiten-sollte-ein-xt-commerce-entwickler-haben>XT commerce entwickler</a>

https://gbcoding.de/blog/wo-finde-ich-einen-guten-xt-commerce-freelancer - XT-Commerce-Freelancer
https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-erstellung-eines-modernen-online-shops - XT Commerce Erstellung
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wie-ein-moderner-internet-shop-mithilfe-von-xt-commerce-erstellen-laesst>Xt commerce erstellen</a>

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wann-sie-eine-xt-commerce-agentur-fuer-outsourcing-suchen-sollten]XT Commerce Agentur[/url]
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden>XT- Commerce- Agenturen</a>

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-kosten-dienstleistungen-wie-viel-und-wovon-haengt-der-preis-ab]XT Commerce kosten[/url]


ъвебд 996 - оаъ:ю GISenlEn*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю11/ю03/ю2019 бщтд 18:25.

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin braucht keine dauerhafte hohe Investition. Selbst nach Beendigung der Arbeit an SEO behalt Ihre Webseite auf langer Sicht hohe Rankingpositionen bei der Ausgabe von Suchergebnissen.

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin: Ziele und Aufgaben
Die Besucherzahlen einer Webseite hangen davon ab, welche Position sie bei den Suchergebnissen eines Benutzers hat. Das Ranking basiert auf der Relevanz des Themeninhalts der Webseite. Die Hauptaufgabe der Suchmaschinenoptimierung ist das Ableiten der Webseite auf die ersten Positionen im Ranking. Dafur benotigt man eine Durchfuhrung logischer Verbindungen bestimmter Prozesse.
Die Arbeit beinhaltet:
• Onpage und Offpage Optimierung;
• Branding auf fremden Webseiten;
• Uberwachung und Analyse.
Jeder Prozess lost auch bestimmte Aufgaben. Interne Optimierung ist darauf gezielt, die Webseiten-Inhalte zu verbessern. Die Onpage Optimierung lost Audit-Aufgaben der eigenen Webseite und die der Konkurrenten, erledigt technische Analysen und Fehlerbehebungen, sowie Installation der internen Verbindungen und nutzt Relinks.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin: Einige Arbeitsprinzipien
Offpage SEO-Optimierung wird das Ergebnis nur dann sicherstellen, wenn die Webseite im Netz von erheblicher Bedeutung (´Gewicht´) ist. Zum Beispiel gibt es bei Google ein Konzept, wie die Wichtigkeit der Seite (Rang), auf die der Roboter ausgerichtet ist und seine Reihenfolge beim Anzeigen der Ergebnisse auf Suchanfrage bestimmt. Relevant ist die Anzahl der
Verlinkungen (Backlinks) auf Webseiten anderen Quellen. Je mehr davon (vorausgesetzt, dass sie funktionieren), desto hoher ist die Position der Webseite im TOP-Ranking. Die Aufgaben der Offpage Suchmaschinenoptimierung bestehen darin, die Backlink-Mengen zu uberwachen, Erstellung der Straetgie zur Etablierung, Auswahl der Seiten, die entsprechende Backlinks fur thematische Artikel platziert, sowie das Registrieren in verschiedensten Bewertung- und Anzeigeportalen.
Das Branding auf fremden Webseiten ermoglicht die Position im Netz zu verbessern, seinen Namen bekannt und die Webseite zuganglich zu machen.
Um diese Aufgabe zu meistern, greift man zu Eintragungen in den Bewertungs- und Anzeigenportalen starker Plattformen (Google MyBusiness, anwalt.de, etc. – Branchenspezifisch!) und in den Berliner Stadtplanen. Hier geht es darum eine personlichere Strategie zu erarbeiten, die darauf abzielt eine Erhohung des Bekanntheitsgrades im Internet zu gewahrleisten.
Uberwachung und die Analyse der Webseiten ermoglicht die Besucherstatistik und Conversion (den Ubergang zu Handlungen, z. B. Kaufen oder Anrufen usw.) auszuwerten, die Anfragen der User zu erkennen, sowie einen Plan und Empfehlungen fur das Marketing zu erstellen.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin fur unterschiedliche Webseiten
Wie die Praxis zeigt, leben die aktivsten Besucher in Gro?stadten und in der deutschen Hauptstadt. Daher werden die Arbeiten an der Suchmaschinenoptimierung in Berlin mit einem fur Google optimierten Geo-Push-Tool durchgefuhrt.
Es werden Arbeiten fur alle Arten von Webseiten erledigt
1. Online- Shops
2. Nachrichtenquellen
3. Dienstleistungs- Webseiten
Jeder von diesen genannten Arten von Webseiten ist von einem Wachstum der Besucherzahlen abhangig, um die Geschaftseffizienz zu steigern. In diesem Fall ist das Ansprechen der Zielgruppe = die Erhohung der Anzahl von Bestellungen, Anfragen oder Kaufen, das oberste Ziel.
Ein positives Ergebnis ist nur unter der Voraussetzung der kompetent ausgefuhrten Umsetzung moglich. Dazu mussen Sie die Ausfuhrung der Aufgabe einem zuverlassigen Dienstleister anvertrauen.
SEO Agentur Berlin seocialmedia hilft bei dem Push und der Forderung Ihrer Webseite jeglicher Art. Eine Anfrage zur Zusammenarbeit oder um weitere Details zu erfahren konnen Sie telefonisch machen oder im Kontaktformular hinterlassen.
Setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung, wir werden Ihre Webseite in den TOP- Bereich bringen, helfen Ihnen bei dem Problem mit geringen Besucherzahlen und werden somit den Umsatz Ihres Unternehmens steigern.

https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/122-suchmaschinenoptimierung-berlin-ziele-und-aufgaben - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/122-suchmaschinenoptimierung-berlin-ziele-und-aufgaben]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin[/url]

<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/122-suchmaschinenoptimierung-berlin-ziele-und-aufgaben>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin</a>

XT Commerce - Kosten Dienstleistungen: Wie viel und wovon hangt der Preis ab
- XT Commerce - Kosten der Dienstleistungen: Wie viel und von was hangt der Preis ab? Eine solche Frage stellt man unmittelbar nach der Wahl einer beliebten Plattform. Wie orientiert man sich auf den Preis und die zusatzlichen Kosten berucksichtigt.

Wenn man uber die Kosten fur die Entwicklung von XT Commerce spricht, kann man keinen festen Betrag nennen. Alles hangt von den Anforderungen, Spezifikationen, Team oder Freelancern ab, die das Projekt umsetzen werden. In diesem Artikel betrachten wir die Schlusselfaktoren, die den Preis der XT-Commerce-Entwicklung beeinflussen.
Faktoren, die die Kostenaufstellung beeinflussen
XT Commerce kann in wenigen Tagen oder Monaten erstellt werden. Damit eine Agentur oder ein Freiberufler eine ungefahre Zeit- und Preiskalkulation abgeben kann, mussen Sie einige Fragen beantworten:
1. Was ist die Hauptfunktionalitat der Webseite?
2. Welche spezifischen Funktionen planen Sie zu implementieren?
3. Welchen Zeitrahmen sehen Sie vom Beginn der Erstellung der Webseite bis zum ihrem Start?
4. Welches Design wird benotigt? Fertig von der Vorlagenoption oder angepasst?
5. Welche Plugins werden Sie installieren? Es gibt Plug-Ins kostenlos und die die kosten ab ca. 100 Euro.
6. Welche Art von Geschaft wird benotigt? Einfaches Ladengeschaft oder Multi-Shop?
Basierend auf diesen Informationen variieren die Kosten nach oben oder unten.
Die voraussichtliche Kostenplanerstellung hangt von der Zeit ab, die die Agentur fur das Erstellen einer Webseite benotigt hat:
? Planung und Erstellung eines Minimums eines funktionierenden Produkts
? Konfiguration eines Programmiersystems / einer Datenbank
? Erstellen eines Konzepts und Implementieren eines Designs
? Verwalten und Steuern eines Projekts
Jede Agentur arbeitet nach eigenen Prinzipien. Es gibt Unternehmen, die mit Stundensatz arbeiten, einige zu einem monatlichen Preis, andere zu einem Festpreis pro Projekt.

Was kann das Budget fur das XT-Commerce-Projekt erhohen?
Das Budget fur die Erstellung von XT-Commerce setzt sich aus drei Faktoren zusammen: Zeit, Ressourcen und Funktionalitat. Bei engen Fristen konnen sich die Kosten fur die Implementierung der Ressource erhohen.
Wenn Sie eine Outsourcing-Agentur beauftragen, sind auch die Kosten hoher als fur einen einzelnen Entwickler. Die Entwicklung komplexer Funktionen erfordert zusatzlichen Zeitaufwand, was zu erhohten Kosten fuhrt.
Berucksichtigen Sie neben den Kosten fur die Erstellung auch die Kosten fur die Plattform, Domain, Hosting und die Kosten fur das Auffullen der Webseite mit Inhalten.
Wie bekomme ich genaue Daten und Zahlen?
Um genaue Zahlen und Termine zu erhalten, muss man eine technische Aufgabe erstellen:
? Beschreibung des Projekts / der Aufgabe. Beschreiben Sie kurz die Aufgaben, die im Online-Shop ausgefuhrt werden sollen.
? Ziele. Was sind die Ziele des Unternehmens? Welche Probleme lost er?
? Funktionalitat, Visualisierung, notwendige Technologien, sonstige Anforderungen
? Beschreibung der Arbeitsschritte.
? Anwendungen. Skizzen, Prototypen.
Kosten fur XT Commerce
Zusatzlich zum Programmierpreis mussen Sie die Kosten fur XT Commerce-Pakete hinzufugen:
Kostenloses Start! Eine ausgezeichnete Option mit einem begrenzten Budget und einer kleinen Funktionalitat. Der technische Support kostet pro Monat 39 Euro. Wenn Sie nicht bereit sind, dafur zu zahlen, gibt es ein kostenloses Community-Forum.
Professional +: Bietet mehr Funktionen als Start! es kostet 399 euro. Fur eine zusatzliche Gebuhr von 19 Euro pro Monat erhalten Sie technische Unterstutzung.
Multishop: fur eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Geschaften geeignet. Es kostet 599 Euro und beinhaltet viele Funktionen. Fur zusatzlichen technischen Support - 19 Euro pro Monat.
Ausgegebene Investitionen werden in kurzer Zeit wieder reinkommen. Bevor Sie mit der Entwicklung beginnen, erfahren Sie, was XT Commerce zur Entwicklung eines modernen Online-Shops beitragt.
Fur einen erfolgreichen Shop ist es wichtig, alles maximal zu realisieren. Sie sollten nicht auf professionelles Design verzichten - weil das Design zum Verkauf steht, sollten Sie beim Hosting nicht sparen - weil der Laden, der oft nicht verfugbar ist, nicht zum Verkauf steht.
Unsere Agentur ist auf die Entwicklung von XT Commerce spezialisiert. Erhalten Sie eine kostenlose Beratung zur Erstellung einer Webseite,
Unsere Agentur spezialisiert sich auf die Entwicklung der XT-Commerce Shops. Wir helfen Ihnen, Ihren Online-Shop von Grund auf neu zu erstellen und mit individuellen Support zum Erfolg zu bringe. Lassen Sie sich bei uns kostenlos beraten.

XT Commerce kosten

https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-kosten-dienstleistungen-wie-viel-und-wovon-haengt-der-preis-ab - XT Commerce kosten

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-kosten-dienstleistungen-wie-viel-und-wovon-haengt-der-preis-ab]XT Commerce kosten[/url]

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-kosten-dienstleistungen-wie-viel-und-wovon-haengt-der-preis-ab>XT Commerce kosten</a>

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/124-suchmaschinenoptimierung-frankfurt]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt[/url]

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/85-suchmaschinenoptimierung-hannover]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover[/url]

<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/83-suchmaschinenoptimierung-koeln-das-beste-was-sie-fuer-ein-online-geschaeft-tun-koennen>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln</a>
<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/123-suchmaschinenoptimierung-muenchen>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Munchen</a>

<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/122-suchmaschinenoptimierung-berlin-ziele-und-aufgaben>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin</a>
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-entwicklung-ist-die-optimale-loesung-fuer-die-erstellung-eines-online-shops>XT commerce entwicklung</a>

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/welche-faehigkeiten-sollte-ein-xt-commerce-entwickler-haben>XT commerce entwickler</a>

https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-erstellung-eines-modernen-online-shops - XT Commerce Erstellung
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wie-ein-moderner-internet-shop-mithilfe-von-xt-commerce-erstellen-laesst>Xt commerce erstellen</a>
https://gbcoding.de/blog/wann-sie-eine-xt-commerce-agentur-fuer-outsourcing-suchen-sollten - XT Commerce Agentur

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden]XT- Commerce- Agenturen[/url]

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-kosten-dienstleistungen-wie-viel-und-wovon-haengt-der-preis-ab>XT Commerce kosten</a>


ъвебд 995 - оаъ:ю GISenlEn*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю11/ю03/ю2019 бщтд 15:36.

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln zielt darauf ab, Webseiten im Internet zu fordern, das auch ohne lokale Verknupfung. Das bedeutet, dass Sie Bestellungen und Anrufe in ganz Deutschland erhalten, auch wenn Sie Waren oder Dienstleistungen nur in Koln anbieten.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln: Das Beste, was Sie fur ein Online-Geschaft tun konnen

E-Commerce hat die Moglichkeiten des klassischen Vertriebsansatzes erweitert: Jedes Jahr wird digitales Marketing immer beliebter, indem Werbetools erstellt und Projekte im Web entwickelt werden. Eines dieser Tools kann als SEO oder Suchmaschinenoptimierung betrachtet werden.
Die Komplexitat liegt in der internen und externen Optimierung des Projekts, sowie der Imagegewinnung der Marke (Shop / Lokalitat) im Web. Im Jahr 2018 dominiert Google den Suchmarkt in Deutschland.
Google erhalt mehr als 70% aller Anfragen und ist damit die zielgerichteste Suchmaschine im Land. Deshalb basiert die Werbung in Koln und in ganz Deutschland auf Rankingfaktoren von Google.
Eine gut organisierte Optimierung zeigt schon nach einem Monat die ersten Ergebnisse, die wahrend der gesamten Zusammenarbeit mit Spezialisten zunehmen.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln: Fur wen eignet sich diese Dienstleistung?
Ziel der Optimierung
1. Ein lokales Business weiter zu entwickeln, die Erhohung der Frequenz von direkten Kundenansprachen (gezielte Handlungen, auch Call-to-action genannt) zu erweitern. Relevant ist dies fur lokale Unternehmen und Spezialisten, die von dem Bekanntheitsgrad und dem Ruf abhangig sind. Wenn Sie mehr Besucher auf Ihren Shop, fur Ihre Diensleistung, in Ihrer Lokalitat wie Restaurants gewinnen mochten, erhoht die Optimierung im Internet in Koln die Reichweite und lockt somit potenzielle Kaufer an, die an Ihren Produkten oder Dienstleistungen interessiert sind. Auch wichtig fur Spezialisten die von einem guten Ruf abhangig sind und darauf hinarbeiten: Rechtsanwalte, Beauty Salons, Fotografen, etc.
2. Erweiterung der Reichweite fur eine bestimmte Zielgruppe aus Koln und andere Regionen oder ganz Deutschland. Dieses Format der Forderung ist fur Online-Shops und Firmenwebseiten relevant. Wenn Sie den Traffic, Umsatz, Ruf und Markenbekanntheit erhohen wollen, ist es schwer eine bessere Losung, als die SEO Agentur Koln finden.
3. Erweiterung der Reichweite fur eine bestimmte Zielgruppe in mehreren Landern. Dies ist eine voluminosere Aufgabe, verbunden mit einer umfassenden Optimierung der Webseite aufgrund der erhohten Konkurrenz gegen die man „ankampft“.

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln: Kosten-und Zeitrahmen
Sie haben vielleicht gemerkt, dass SEO-Agenturen keine konkreten Preislisten fur Dienstleistungen angeben, die anzeigen wie viel die Suchmaschinenoptimierung kostet. Allerdings kann man mit Erfahrungswerten eine entsprechende Preistendenz wagen.
Das Problem ist, dass die Preisgestaltung der SEO -Dienstleistungen von vielen Faktoren beeinflusst wird :
• der Zeitaufwand jedes Mitarbeiters;
• Region;
• technischer Zustand der Webseite;
• das gewunschte Ergebnis und Fristen
Davon hangen auch die zeitlichen Deadlines der Optimierung ab. Um die Kosten und die Dauer der Suchmaschinenoptimierung Ihrer Webseite zu ermitteln, senden Sie uns eine Anfrage indem Sie das Kontaktformular auf der Homepage nutzen. Oder kontaktieren Sie uns unter der Telefonnummer, die Sie im oberen Teil der Seite finden. Wir bieten eine kostenlose Erstberatung an und helfen die Effizienz der Suchmaschinenoptimierung fur Ihr Unternehmen zu verstehen. Verlieren Sie keine Zeit – rufen Sie uns an und trauen Sie sich die Effizienz Ihrer Webseite bereits nach einem Monat der Zusammenarbeit zu erhohen.


https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/83-suchmaschinenoptimierung-koeln-das-beste-was-sie-fuer-ein-online-geschaeft-tun-koennen - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/83-suchmaschinenoptimierung-koeln-das-beste-was-sie-fuer-ein-online-geschaeft-tun-koennen]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln[/url]

<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/83-suchmaschinenoptimierung-koeln-das-beste-was-sie-fuer-ein-online-geschaeft-tun-koennen>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln</a>

XT- Commerce- Agenturen VS-Freelancer: fur wen soll man sich entscheiden?
- Gibt es eine Einzelaufgabe zur Verbesserung des Designs oder mussen Sie eine Website von Grund auf neu entwickeln? XT Commerce Agenturen VS Freelancer: Wen soll man wahlen? Die Vor- und Nachteile einzelner Entwickler und spezialisierter Unternehmen.

Auf dem IT-Markt gibt es eine standige Konkurrenz zwischen Agenturen und Freelancern. Sie haben ihre Vor- und Nachteile. Die Wahl hangt von den Fahigkeiten, Geschaftszielen und personlichen Vorlieben des Kunden ab.
Unten sind Vor- und Nachteile aufgefuhrt.
Freelancer vs XT-Commerce.
Niedrige Kosten. Einzelne Programmierer legen ihre eigenen Preise fest, abhangig von Qualifikation, Erfahrung, implementierter Funktionalitat und Dauer des Projekts. Addieren Sie die Kosten direkt fur die Nutzung von XT Commerce - und sie erhalten einen Kostenvoranschlag.
Direkte Kommunikation. Sie konnen am Erstellungsprozess der Website teilnehmen. Wenn Sie Zwischenergebnisse erhalten haben, konnen Sie die Arbeit des Freelancers kontrolieren.
Unerreichbarkeit. Die Entwickler haben einen flexiblen Zeitplan. Er ist moglicherweise nicht verfugbar, wenn Sie ihn dringend benotigen.
Arbeitsuberlastung. Ein einzelner Entwickler kann an mehreren Projekten gleichzeitig teilnehmen und geringe Leistung erbringen.
Die Arbeit kann dann nicht ordnungsgema? abgeschlossen werden oder kann sich verzogern. Im Regelfall hat man nur eine mundliche Vereinbarung mit dem Freelancer.
Freelancer konnen das Projekt ohne Vorankundigung verlassen. Dagegen konnen Sie sich nicht absichern.
Ausgehend von aufgelisteten Vor- und Nachteilen, ist die Anstellung eines individuellen Freelancer profitabel:
1. Das Projekt ist klein und erfordert keine gro?en Kenntnisse in Programmierung und Code-Eingriffen.
2. Sie konnen zwei oder mehr Remote-Mitarbeiter verwalten.
3. Sie wollen an dem Prozess teilnehmen.
4. Sie haben ein begrenztes Budget
XT Commerce Agentur.
Unternehmen haben einen ubergreifenden Ansatz. Neben der Funktionalitat werden sie sich auch mit Usability und Webdesign beschaftigen. Bevor das fertige Produkt geliefert wird, fuhren sie Tests durch.
Verantwortung. Ein Projektmanager gehort zu dem Team, er leitet das Team, uberwacht das Projekt und erstellt die Berichte. Es ist einfacher, mit einer Person zu arbeiten, die das Team leitet, als jeden einzelnen Freelancer zu kontrollieren. Sie haben Zeit fur strategische Dinge.
Bessere Qualifikationen und mehr Technologie. Agenturen fuhren in der Regel einen strengen Auswahlprozess durch, um ihre Teams auf Erfolgskurs zu halten.
Sie mussen sich keine Sorgen machen, dass ein Mitarbeiter des Teams aus der Entwicklung austritt - Sie erhalten sofort einen Ersatz.
Eine langfristige Zusammenarbeit. Das Team wird das Projekt nicht nur in allen Phasen der Programmierung, sondern auch nach dem Projektstart begleiten.
Beratung. Bei der Beauftragung eines Entwicklerteams erhalten Sie viele nutzliche Tipps. Diese Fachleute wissen, wie es im Inneren funktioniert und konnen Ihnen sagen, welche Losungen fur ein bestimmtes Unternehmen besser geeignet sind.
Unternehmen sind juristische Personen - bieten eine viel stabilere und weniger riskante Zusammenarbeit.
Die Nachteile.
Kosten. Im Vergleich zur Freelancer-Einstellung sind die Preise hoher. Bevor Sie arbeiten, lesen Sie den Artikel: XT commerce - the cost of services: how much and what the price depends on. Der Betrag kann von verschiedenen Faktoren abhangen.
Es ist ratsam, eine Agentur zu beauftragen, wenn:
1. Sie benotigen einen ma?geschneiderten Shop fur Ihr Unternehmen?
2. Es sollten mehrere Fachkrafte eingestellt werden.
3. Kurzer zeitlicher Rahmen.
4. Keine Zeit zum Uberwachen vorhanden

Es gibt keine richtige Antwort auf diese Frage - um eine Agentur oder einen Freelancer zu beauftragen, hangt die endgultige Wahl von den personlichen Praferenzen des Kunden, der Gro?e und den Anforderungen des einzelnen Unternehmens ab.

Unsere Agentur spezialisiert sich auf die Entwicklung der XT-Commerce Shops. Wir helfen Ihnen, einen Online-Shop von Grund auf neu zu erstellen und mit individuellen Support zum Erfolg zu bringe Lassen Sie sich bei uns kostenlos beraten.

XT Commerce Agenturen
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden>XT Commerce Agenturen</a>

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden]XT Commerce Agenturen[/url]

https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden - XT Commerce Agenturen

<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/124-suchmaschinenoptimierung-frankfurt>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt</a>

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/85-suchmaschinenoptimierung-hannover]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover[/url]

<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/83-suchmaschinenoptimierung-koeln-das-beste-was-sie-fuer-ein-online-geschaeft-tun-koennen>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln</a>

https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/123-suchmaschinenoptimierung-muenchen - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Munchen
https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/122-suchmaschinenoptimierung-berlin-ziele-und-aufgaben - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-entwicklung-ist-die-optimale-loesung-fuer-die-erstellung-eines-online-shops]XT commerce entwicklung[/url]

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/welche-faehigkeiten-sollte-ein-xt-commerce-entwickler-haben]XT commerce entwickler[/url]

https://gbcoding.de/blog/wo-finde-ich-einen-guten-xt-commerce-freelancer - XT-Commerce-Freelancer

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-erstellung-eines-modernen-online-shops]XT Commerce Erstellung[/url]

https://gbcoding.de/blog/wie-ein-moderner-internet-shop-mithilfe-von-xt-commerce-erstellen-laesst - Xt commerce erstellen
https://gbcoding.de/blog/wann-sie-eine-xt-commerce-agentur-fuer-outsourcing-suchen-sollten - XT Commerce Agentur

https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden - XT- Commerce- Agenturen

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-kosten-dienstleistungen-wie-viel-und-wovon-haengt-der-preis-ab>XT Commerce kosten</a>
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-programmierung-wird-auf-dem-europaeischen-markt-immer-beliebter>XT-Commerce-Programmierung</a>

ъвебд 994 - оаъ:ю SISenlEn*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю11/ю03/ю2019 бщтд 12:27.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt. In Deutschland und sogar in anderen europaischen fuhren wie, die Spezialisten der NAME entsprechende Arbeiten durch. Steigern Sie Ihre Zielergebnisse!

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt: Was ist es und wozu wird es benotigt?
SEO wird von Online Marketern genutzt, um die Position der Suchergebnisse zu beeinflussen. Dies bringt:
• Wachstum der Besucherzahlen (Traffic);
• Erhohte Anzahl von Conversions;
• Das wachsende Image des Shops / der Marke / des Unternehmens im Web;
• erhohte Bekanntheit.
Wie funktioniert das? Wenn zum Beispiel jemand am Kauf eines Artikels interessiert ist, kann er dies uber das Internet mit Google tun. Damit dieser Kaufer genau Ihr Produkt auf Ihrer Website kaufen kann, muss er Ihr Angebot in den Suchergebnissen unter den entsprechenden Suchanfragen finden. Andernfalls erhalt Ihr Wettbewerber den Kunden.
Es gibt den Beruf „SEO-Spezialist“, diese sind dafur zustandig, Optimierungen an Ihrer Webseite vorzunehmen. Sie wissen ganz genau, wie sie die Suchergebnisse sorgfaltig beeinflussen, ohne dem Projekt zu schaden. Selbststandige Optimierung ist aus zwei Grunden riskant:
1. Sie konnen ein Verbot (Abstrafungen) in der Suchmaschine erhalten.
2. Zeitverschwendung bei einem Nullergebnis.
Es gibt auch einen dritten Punkt, der nach Optimierung der Webseite Ihre Ergebnisse verschlechtert.
Wann ist die Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt angebracht?
Sie konnen mit der Optimierung des Projekts bereits in der Planungsphase beginnen. So kann man, alle moglichen Probleme mit der Optimierung in der Zukunft beseitigen und die Indizierung und Bestimmung der Seitenrelevanz fur Abfragen beschleunigen.
SEO Agentur Frankfurt seocialmedia organisiert eine vollstandige Palette von Dienstleistungs-Voraboptimierungen, sowie die anschlie?ende Onpage und Offpage Optimierung.
In der Regel ist der Service Suchmaschinenoptimierung nur dann relevant, wenn er Geld bringt. Durch den Traffic oder direkte Verkaufe auf Ihrer Webseite. Wenn das Ziel Ihrer Webseite ist Umsatzsteigerungen zu erreichen, dann ist es Zeit uber eine SEO-Optimierung und das sobald wie moglich, da es Jahr fur Jahr immer schwieriger wird gegen die Konkurrenz anzukommen.
Zu wem passt die Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt?
Webseiten die auf kommerzieller Basis sind. Jedes Projekt, dessen Ziel es ist den Umsatz zu steigern, muss mindestens grundlegende Optimierung (interne Optimierung) haben. Dann hat es eine Chance in der Ausgabe von Suchergebnissen voranzukommen. Aber um den Mitbewerbern Konkurrenz zu machen und eine anstandige Position bei Google zu besetzen, benotigen Sie eine systematische Optimierung.
Wie viel kostet eine Optimierung?
Fur die Bewertung der erforderlichen Kosten fur die Forderung des Projektes, benotigt man eine vorlaufige Prufung. Der wichtigste Einflussfaktor bei der Preisbildung in diesem Bereich ist das Arbeitsvolumen. Und unter anderem die Kosten des Spezialisten der die Webseite optimiert. Je gro?er die Webseite, desto mehr Zeit und Kontrolle braucht man.
Wenn Sie eine Kosteneinschatzung fur die SEO Optimierung Ihrer Webseite benotigen, wenden Sie sich an SEO Agentur Frankfurt seocialmedia an die im oberen Teil der Seite angegebenen Kontaktdaten.
Unsere Spezialisten werden Sie kostenlos beraten, Ihre Fragen beantworten und Ihnen den vorlaufigen Plan der benotigten Arbeiten vorbereiten. Wenn Sie immer noch Zweifel haben, ob Suchmaschinen-Optimierung fur Frankfurt am Main notig ist – dann rufen Sie uns an. Und wir helfen Ihnen, bei der wirksamen Strategie fur die Entwicklung Ihres Geschafts und das zu einem fairen Preis.

https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/124-suchmaschinenoptimierung-frankfurt - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/124-suchmaschinenoptimierung-frankfurt]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt[/url]

<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/124-suchmaschinenoptimierung-frankfurt>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt</a>

XT- Commerce- Agenturen VS-Freelancer: fur wen soll man sich entscheiden?
- Gibt es eine Einzelaufgabe zur Verbesserung des Designs oder mussen Sie eine Website von Grund auf neu entwickeln? XT Commerce Agenturen VS Freelancer: Wen soll man wahlen? Die Vor- und Nachteile einzelner Entwickler und spezialisierter Unternehmen.

Auf dem IT-Markt gibt es eine standige Konkurrenz zwischen Agenturen und Freelancern. Sie haben ihre Vor- und Nachteile. Die Wahl hangt von den Fahigkeiten, Geschaftszielen und personlichen Vorlieben des Kunden ab.
Unten sind Vor- und Nachteile aufgefuhrt.
Freelancer vs XT-Commerce.
Niedrige Kosten. Einzelne Programmierer legen ihre eigenen Preise fest, abhangig von Qualifikation, Erfahrung, implementierter Funktionalitat und Dauer des Projekts. Addieren Sie die Kosten direkt fur die Nutzung von XT Commerce - und sie erhalten einen Kostenvoranschlag.
Direkte Kommunikation. Sie konnen am Erstellungsprozess der Website teilnehmen. Wenn Sie Zwischenergebnisse erhalten haben, konnen Sie die Arbeit des Freelancers kontrolieren.
Unerreichbarkeit. Die Entwickler haben einen flexiblen Zeitplan. Er ist moglicherweise nicht verfugbar, wenn Sie ihn dringend benotigen.
Arbeitsuberlastung. Ein einzelner Entwickler kann an mehreren Projekten gleichzeitig teilnehmen und geringe Leistung erbringen.
Die Arbeit kann dann nicht ordnungsgema? abgeschlossen werden oder kann sich verzogern. Im Regelfall hat man nur eine mundliche Vereinbarung mit dem Freelancer.
Freelancer konnen das Projekt ohne Vorankundigung verlassen. Dagegen konnen Sie sich nicht absichern.
Ausgehend von aufgelisteten Vor- und Nachteilen, ist die Anstellung eines individuellen Freelancer profitabel:
1. Das Projekt ist klein und erfordert keine gro?en Kenntnisse in Programmierung und Code-Eingriffen.
2. Sie konnen zwei oder mehr Remote-Mitarbeiter verwalten.
3. Sie wollen an dem Prozess teilnehmen.
4. Sie haben ein begrenztes Budget
XT Commerce Agentur.
Unternehmen haben einen ubergreifenden Ansatz. Neben der Funktionalitat werden sie sich auch mit Usability und Webdesign beschaftigen. Bevor das fertige Produkt geliefert wird, fuhren sie Tests durch.
Verantwortung. Ein Projektmanager gehort zu dem Team, er leitet das Team, uberwacht das Projekt und erstellt die Berichte. Es ist einfacher, mit einer Person zu arbeiten, die das Team leitet, als jeden einzelnen Freelancer zu kontrollieren. Sie haben Zeit fur strategische Dinge.
Bessere Qualifikationen und mehr Technologie. Agenturen fuhren in der Regel einen strengen Auswahlprozess durch, um ihre Teams auf Erfolgskurs zu halten.
Sie mussen sich keine Sorgen machen, dass ein Mitarbeiter des Teams aus der Entwicklung austritt - Sie erhalten sofort einen Ersatz.
Eine langfristige Zusammenarbeit. Das Team wird das Projekt nicht nur in allen Phasen der Programmierung, sondern auch nach dem Projektstart begleiten.
Beratung. Bei der Beauftragung eines Entwicklerteams erhalten Sie viele nutzliche Tipps. Diese Fachleute wissen, wie es im Inneren funktioniert und konnen Ihnen sagen, welche Losungen fur ein bestimmtes Unternehmen besser geeignet sind.
Unternehmen sind juristische Personen - bieten eine viel stabilere und weniger riskante Zusammenarbeit.
Die Nachteile.
Kosten. Im Vergleich zur Freelancer-Einstellung sind die Preise hoher. Bevor Sie arbeiten, lesen Sie den Artikel: XT commerce - the cost of services: how much and what the price depends on. Der Betrag kann von verschiedenen Faktoren abhangen.
Es ist ratsam, eine Agentur zu beauftragen, wenn:
1. Sie benotigen einen ma?geschneiderten Shop fur Ihr Unternehmen?
2. Es sollten mehrere Fachkrafte eingestellt werden.
3. Kurzer zeitlicher Rahmen.
4. Keine Zeit zum Uberwachen vorhanden

Es gibt keine richtige Antwort auf diese Frage - um eine Agentur oder einen Freelancer zu beauftragen, hangt die endgultige Wahl von den personlichen Praferenzen des Kunden, der Gro?e und den Anforderungen des einzelnen Unternehmens ab.

Unsere Agentur spezialisiert sich auf die Entwicklung der XT-Commerce Shops. Wir helfen Ihnen, einen Online-Shop von Grund auf neu zu erstellen und mit individuellen Support zum Erfolg zu bringe Lassen Sie sich bei uns kostenlos beraten.

XT Commerce Agenturen
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden>XT Commerce Agenturen</a>

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden]XT Commerce Agenturen[/url]

https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden - XT Commerce Agenturen

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/124-suchmaschinenoptimierung-frankfurt]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt[/url]
<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/85-suchmaschinenoptimierung-hannover>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover</a>

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/83-suchmaschinenoptimierung-koeln-das-beste-was-sie-fuer-ein-online-geschaeft-tun-koennen]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln[/url]

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/123-suchmaschinenoptimierung-muenchen]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Munchen[/url]

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/122-suchmaschinenoptimierung-berlin-ziele-und-aufgaben]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin[/url]

https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-entwicklung-ist-die-optimale-loesung-fuer-die-erstellung-eines-online-shops - XT commerce entwicklung
https://gbcoding.de/blog/welche-faehigkeiten-sollte-ein-xt-commerce-entwickler-haben - XT commerce entwickler
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wo-finde-ich-einen-guten-xt-commerce-freelancer>XT-Commerce-Freelancer</a>

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-erstellung-eines-modernen-online-shops]XT Commerce Erstellung[/url]

https://gbcoding.de/blog/wie-ein-moderner-internet-shop-mithilfe-von-xt-commerce-erstellen-laesst - Xt commerce erstellen

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wann-sie-eine-xt-commerce-agentur-fuer-outsourcing-suchen-sollten>XT Commerce Agentur</a>

https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden - XT- Commerce- Agenturen

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-kosten-dienstleistungen-wie-viel-und-wovon-haengt-der-preis-ab>XT Commerce kosten</a>

https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-programmierung-wird-auf-dem-europaeischen-markt-immer-beliebter - XT-Commerce-Programmierung

ъвебд 993 - оаъ:ю SISenlEn*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю11/ю03/ю2019 бщтд 12:11.

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover - ist fur alle, die ihr Online-Geschaft wachsen lassen wollen. Dieser Service zielt darauf ab, den Traffic zu erhohen und potenzielle Kaufer anzuziehen = Verkaufe. Geeignet fur alle Arten von Online-Businesses.

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover: Wie kann man einem Unternehmen helfen erfolgreich zu sein?
Wie oft am Tag verwenden Sie Google? Wir suchen mit seiner Hilfe nach Antworten auf die aktuellsten Fragen, Orte in der Nahe sowie nach interessanten Produkten im Internet. Aber nur wenige denken daruber nach, wie sich Antworten auf Anfragen bilden. Woher kommt diese Reihenfolge der Links und wie konnen Sie sie beeinflussen?
Es ist nicht verwunderlich, dass die ersten Anfrage-Ergebnisse, die beliebtesten sind. Laut Statistik geht der Benutzer nicht uber 3 Zeilen hinaus, wenn er das findet, was er braucht. Selbst wenn der User keine zufriedenstellende Antwort bekommen hat, andert er einfach die Anfrage und schaut erneut die ersten drei Links durch. Damit Ihr Projekt in den drei ersten Zeilen positioniert wird oder zumindest nah dran ist, mussen Sie sich an die SEO Agentur Hannover wenden.
Die Agentur -Spezialisten fordern das Projekt im Internet und beeinflussen sowohl die Hohe der Position als auch die Anzahl der kommenden Besucher.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover: Was Sie uber den Service wissen mussen
Optimierung fur Hannover unterscheidet sich praktisch nicht von der Optimierung in anderen Regionen Deutschlands. SEO hat allgemeine Kriterien fur Ma?nahmen, erfordert aber gleichzeitig eine individuelle Herangehensweise. Denn wenn alle Webseiten auf demselben Weg optimieren, wie schafft man dann die Konkurrenz zu uberholen, die auf dieselbe Weise handelt?
Daher hat die Suchmaschinenoptimierung in Hannover in jeder einzelnen Agentur ihre eigene Spezifik. Wie erfolgreich ist sie? Es lohnt sich anhand des Portfolios der Agentur zu beurteilen!
Forderung von Projekten ist eine dauerhafte Arbeit, Monat fur Monat ist es erforderlich, die erzielten Ergebnisse aufrechtzuerhalten und an ihrer Verbesserung zu arbeiten. Andernfalls riskieren Sie sehr schnell, die Positionen in den Suchergebnissen zu verlieren, was den Konkurrenten einen Vorsprung, Sie zu uberholen schafft.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Punkt ist, dass Suchmaschinenoptimierung einen anhaufenden Charakter hat und sehr von der Haufigkeit der Aktualisierung von Suchmaschinenergebnissen abhangig ist. Die Sache ist, dass die ersten Ergebnisse nach der vollstandigen internen Optimierung in einem Monat sichtbar sind. Genau soviel benotigt Google, um alle Anderungen auszuwerten, zu analysieren, mit den Erfolgen anderer Projekte zu diesem Thema zu vergleichen und zu entscheiden, welche Positionen die Webseite jetzt fur bestimmte Suchanfragen einnehmen wird.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover: Kosten und Fristen
Der Preis fur die Suchmaschinenwerbung hangt stark von der Anzahl der Aufgaben ab, die von einem Spezialisten ausgefuhrt werden. Oft teilen SEO-Agenturen die Rechnung fur die Optimierung ein in: Arbeitsstunden eines Spezialisten, darunter Texterstellung, Crowd-Marketing, Linkbuilding und in andere zusatzliche Ausgaben.
Es ist jedoch gunstiger, den „schlusselfertigen“ Service in Anspruch zu nehmen. In diesem Fall ubernimmt die Agentur alle Aufgaben, das Projekt zu optimieren, mit Inhalten zu fullen, Bearbeitungen von den Programmierern vorzunehmen, usw. Dadurch, dass wir alle SEO Arbeiten in unserem Haus fur Sie abdecken konnen, ist es meist gunstiger, als einzelne Spezialisten zu beschaftigen.
Zusatzlich zur Suchmaschinenoptimierung fur Hannover konnen wir Ihnen eine kostenlose telefonische Erstberatung unter der in der Kopfzeile der Seite angegebenen Rufnummer anbieten. Sie konnen au?erdem den Kostenvoranschlag fur die Optimierung Ihres Projekts, den Zeitpunkt und die potentielle Ergebnisprognose kostenlos bei uns anfordern. Und schon morgen konnen wir uns an die Arbeit machen und die Rentabilitat Ihres Online-Businesses steigern.

<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/85-suchmaschinenoptimierung-hannover>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover</a>

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/85-suchmaschinenoptimierung-hannover]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover[/url]

https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/85-suchmaschinenoptimierung-hannover - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover

XT- Commerce- Agenturen VS-Freelancer: fur wen soll man sich entscheiden?
- Gibt es eine Einzelaufgabe zur Verbesserung des Designs oder mussen Sie eine Website von Grund auf neu entwickeln? XT Commerce Agenturen VS Freelancer: Wen soll man wahlen? Die Vor- und Nachteile einzelner Entwickler und spezialisierter Unternehmen.

Auf dem IT-Markt gibt es eine standige Konkurrenz zwischen Agenturen und Freelancern. Sie haben ihre Vor- und Nachteile. Die Wahl hangt von den Fahigkeiten, Geschaftszielen und personlichen Vorlieben des Kunden ab.
Unten sind Vor- und Nachteile aufgefuhrt.
Freelancer vs XT-Commerce.
Niedrige Kosten. Einzelne Programmierer legen ihre eigenen Preise fest, abhangig von Qualifikation, Erfahrung, implementierter Funktionalitat und Dauer des Projekts. Addieren Sie die Kosten direkt fur die Nutzung von XT Commerce - und sie erhalten einen Kostenvoranschlag.
Direkte Kommunikation. Sie konnen am Erstellungsprozess der Website teilnehmen. Wenn Sie Zwischenergebnisse erhalten haben, konnen Sie die Arbeit des Freelancers kontrolieren.
Unerreichbarkeit. Die Entwickler haben einen flexiblen Zeitplan. Er ist moglicherweise nicht verfugbar, wenn Sie ihn dringend benotigen.
Arbeitsuberlastung. Ein einzelner Entwickler kann an mehreren Projekten gleichzeitig teilnehmen und geringe Leistung erbringen.
Die Arbeit kann dann nicht ordnungsgema? abgeschlossen werden oder kann sich verzogern. Im Regelfall hat man nur eine mundliche Vereinbarung mit dem Freelancer.
Freelancer konnen das Projekt ohne Vorankundigung verlassen. Dagegen konnen Sie sich nicht absichern.
Ausgehend von aufgelisteten Vor- und Nachteilen, ist die Anstellung eines individuellen Freelancer profitabel:
1. Das Projekt ist klein und erfordert keine gro?en Kenntnisse in Programmierung und Code-Eingriffen.
2. Sie konnen zwei oder mehr Remote-Mitarbeiter verwalten.
3. Sie wollen an dem Prozess teilnehmen.
4. Sie haben ein begrenztes Budget
XT Commerce Agentur.
Unternehmen haben einen ubergreifenden Ansatz. Neben der Funktionalitat werden sie sich auch mit Usability und Webdesign beschaftigen. Bevor das fertige Produkt geliefert wird, fuhren sie Tests durch.
Verantwortung. Ein Projektmanager gehort zu dem Team, er leitet das Team, uberwacht das Projekt und erstellt die Berichte. Es ist einfacher, mit einer Person zu arbeiten, die das Team leitet, als jeden einzelnen Freelancer zu kontrollieren. Sie haben Zeit fur strategische Dinge.
Bessere Qualifikationen und mehr Technologie. Agenturen fuhren in der Regel einen strengen Auswahlprozess durch, um ihre Teams auf Erfolgskurs zu halten.
Sie mussen sich keine Sorgen machen, dass ein Mitarbeiter des Teams aus der Entwicklung austritt - Sie erhalten sofort einen Ersatz.
Eine langfristige Zusammenarbeit. Das Team wird das Projekt nicht nur in allen Phasen der Programmierung, sondern auch nach dem Projektstart begleiten.
Beratung. Bei der Beauftragung eines Entwicklerteams erhalten Sie viele nutzliche Tipps. Diese Fachleute wissen, wie es im Inneren funktioniert und konnen Ihnen sagen, welche Losungen fur ein bestimmtes Unternehmen besser geeignet sind.
Unternehmen sind juristische Personen - bieten eine viel stabilere und weniger riskante Zusammenarbeit.
Die Nachteile.
Kosten. Im Vergleich zur Freelancer-Einstellung sind die Preise hoher. Bevor Sie arbeiten, lesen Sie den Artikel: XT commerce - the cost of services: how much and what the price depends on. Der Betrag kann von verschiedenen Faktoren abhangen.
Es ist ratsam, eine Agentur zu beauftragen, wenn:
1. Sie benotigen einen ma?geschneiderten Shop fur Ihr Unternehmen?
2. Es sollten mehrere Fachkrafte eingestellt werden.
3. Kurzer zeitlicher Rahmen.
4. Keine Zeit zum Uberwachen vorhanden

Es gibt keine richtige Antwort auf diese Frage - um eine Agentur oder einen Freelancer zu beauftragen, hangt die endgultige Wahl von den personlichen Praferenzen des Kunden, der Gro?e und den Anforderungen des einzelnen Unternehmens ab.

Unsere Agentur spezialisiert sich auf die Entwicklung der XT-Commerce Shops. Wir helfen Ihnen, einen Online-Shop von Grund auf neu zu erstellen und mit individuellen Support zum Erfolg zu bringe Lassen Sie sich bei uns kostenlos beraten.

XT Commerce Agenturen
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden>XT Commerce Agenturen</a>

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden]XT Commerce Agenturen[/url]

https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden - XT Commerce Agenturen

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/124-suchmaschinenoptimierung-frankfurt]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt[/url]
<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/85-suchmaschinenoptimierung-hannover>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover</a>

[url=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/83-suchmaschinenoptimierung-koeln-das-beste-was-sie-fuer-ein-online-geschaeft-tun-koennen]Suchmaschinenoptimierung Koln[/url]
<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/123-suchmaschinenoptimierung-muenchen>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Munchen</a>

<a href=https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/122-suchmaschinenoptimierung-berlin-ziele-und-aufgaben>Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin</a>

https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-entwicklung-ist-die-optimale-loesung-fuer-die-erstellung-eines-online-shops - XT commerce entwicklung
https://gbcoding.de/blog/welche-faehigkeiten-sollte-ein-xt-commerce-entwickler-haben - XT commerce entwickler
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wo-finde-ich-einen-guten-xt-commerce-freelancer>XT-Commerce-Freelancer</a>

<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-erstellung-eines-modernen-online-shops>XT Commerce Erstellung</a>
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wie-ein-moderner-internet-shop-mithilfe-von-xt-commerce-erstellen-laesst>Xt commerce erstellen</a>

[url=https://gbcoding.de/blog/wann-sie-eine-xt-commerce-agentur-fuer-outsourcing-suchen-sollten]XT Commerce Agentur[/url]
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-agenturen-vs-freelancer-fuer-wen-soll-man-sich-entscheiden>XT- Commerce- Agenturen</a>
https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-kosten-dienstleistungen-wie-viel-und-wovon-haengt-der-preis-ab - XT Commerce kosten
<a href=https://gbcoding.de/blog/xt-commerce-programmierung-wird-auf-dem-europaeischen-markt-immer-beliebter>XT-Commerce-Programmierung</a>

ъвебд 992 - оаъ:ю NafNeerRaph*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю06/ю03/ю2019 бщтд 10:54.
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ъвебд 991 - оаъ:ю NISenlEn*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю03/ю2019 бщтд 00:43.

SEO Agentur Frankfurt Seocialmedia.de

SEO Agentur Frankfurt - Unterstutzung bei der Forderung von Webseiten jeglicher Thematik und Komplexitat mit bewahrten Methoden. Suchmaschinenoptimierung ist die beste Moglichkeit, um die Zielgruppe anzuziehen und um den Verkauf und die Markenbekanntheit in ganz Deutschland zu steigern.
SEO Agentur Frankfurt Seocialmedia.de bietet Dienstleistungen zur Forderung des Online-Geschafts in der Region, in Deutschland und Europa an. Wir helfen der Zielgruppe, Ihre Webseite zu finden, fuhren Arbeiten zur Steigerung des Umsatzes durch und nutzen anderen Indikatoren fur die Wirksamkeit der Webseite.
SEO Agentur Frankfurt: erste Hilfe bei der Forderung des Projekts im Internet. Die Dienstleistungen umfassen Onpage und Offpage Optimierungen, sowie Imagesteigerung und Markenbekanntheit. Lesen Sie mehr uber unsere Service in folgenden Artikel.

SEO Agentur Frankfurt: Ein Online-Marketing-Tool zur Steigerung des Webseiten-Umsatzes
Heutzutage ist die aktuellste Frage fur viele Geschaftsleute und Unternehmer: „Wie kann man mehr verdienen und gleichzeitig weniger fur Werbung ausgeben?“ Die Antwort ist einfach - das Unternehmen im Internet zu fordern. SEO ist ein optimales Online-Marketing-Instrument im Hinblick auf das Preis-/Leistungsverhaltnis und die Gewinnung von kaufkraftigen Kunden. Nur Google Ads konnen mit SEO mithalten. Die Werbekosten steigen jedoch mit der Zeit aufgrund des zunehmenden Wettbewerbs. Beim SEO dagegen sinken die Kosten mit der Zeit, da die angewendeten Etablierungsmethoden anhaufend wirken und sechs Monate nach Beginn der Optimierung die besten Ergebnisse erzielen.
SEO Agentur Frankfurt: Wie funktioniert Suchmaschinenoptimierung
Die Hauptaufgabe besteht darin, die Webseite fur Suchmaschinen attraktiv zu gestalten. Heute hat Google den gro?ten Marktanteil in Deutschland. Daher liegt der Schwerpunkt bei der Optimierung auf Google.
Heute sind mehr als 200 Rankingfaktoren bekannt. SEO-Spezialisten setzen sich dafur ein, das Projekt in Ubereinstimmung mit 200 Punkten in Ordnung zu bekommen, zum Beispiel:

• das Vorhandensein Schlusselworter auf relevanten Seiten;
• Qualitat (Gultigkeit) des Codes;
• Vorhandensein optimierter Metatags;
• Qualitat geposteter Inhalte;
• Vorhandensein aller erforderlichen technischen Voraussetzungen und der entsprechenden Ausfuhrung;
• Auswertung / Verbindung von Analysediensten und der Search Console von Google.
Und andere.
Danach beginnt die Arbeit an der Offpage Optimierung, die sich uber die gesamte Zusammenarbeit erstreckt. SEO ist keine einmalige Dienstleistung, sondern erfordert eine standige Uberwachung und die Aufmerksamkeit der Spezialisten. Eine gut organisierte Forderung wird die Position des Projekts auch nach Beendigung der Zusammenarbeit mit der Agentur fur bis zu weitere sechs Monate beibehalten. Dann beginnen sie jedoch immer wieder zu fallen, da die Seite standig an der Offpage Optimierung arbeiten muss. Dies liegt daran, dass die Wettbewerber auch an der Etablierung arbeiten. Und wenn Sie die Optimierung aufgeben, wird Sie bald ein anderer ersetzen.
SEO Agentur Frankfurt Seocialmedia.de - Fristen und Kosten
Den genauen Preis fur die Optimierung, ohne das Projekt vorher zu sehen, kann Ihnen keine Agentur sagen. Da es zunachst erforderlich ist, den Umfang der Arbeit, die Themen, den Wettbewerb, zusatzliche Bearbeitungen zu bewerten, bevor der Preis und die Prognosen genannt werden.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt ist ein Wettbewerbsthema, insbesondere im Handel. Wahlen Sie eine zuverlassige Agentur wie Seocialmedia.de , die typische und nicht typische Losungen fur die Forderung Ihres Projekts organisieren kann.
Rufen Sie uns an, wenn Sie eine kostenlose Beratung wunschen, eine Prufung des Projekts durchfuhren und die Kosten der Werbung fur Ihre Zwecke erfahren mochten. Kontaktieren Sie unsere Agentur fur SEO-Dienstleistungen in Frankfurt: Wir haben eine loyale Preispolitik und optimale Fristen um Ihr Projekt in den TOP Bereich zu bringen.
<a href=SEO Agentur Frankfurt>https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/82-seo-agentur-frankfurt-ein-online-marketing-tool-zur-steigerung-des-webseiten-umsatzes</a>

SEO Agentur Frankfurt - https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/82-seo-agentur-frankfurt-ein-online-marketing-tool-zur-steigerung-des-webseiten-umsatzes

<a href=SEO Agentur in Berlin>https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/78-seo-agentur-berlin</a>

[url=Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin]https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/78-seo-agentur-berlin[/url]
Die SEO Agentur Berlin - https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/78-seo-agentur-berlin

<a href=Suchmaschinenoptimierung Munchen >https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/79-seo-agentur-muenchen-erfolgreiche-entwicklung-einer-webseite-im-internet</a>

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Munchen - https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/79-seo-agentur-muenchen-erfolgreiche-entwicklung-einer-webseite-im-internet

[url=SEO Agentur Seocialmedia.de]https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/80-seo-agentur-koeln-was-fuer-dienstleistungen-bieten-wir-an[/url]

<a href=SEO Agentur Hannover Seocialmedia.de>https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/81-seo-agentur-hannover-hilfe-bei-der-entwicklung-des-regionalen-geschaefts</a>

[url=SEO Agentur Hannover Seocialmedia.de]https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/81-seo-agentur-hannover-hilfe-bei-der-entwicklung-des-regionalen-geschaefts[/url]

<a href=Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt>https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/82-seo-agentur-frankfurt-ein-online-marketing-tool-zur-steigerung-des-webseiten-umsatzes</a>
[url=SEO Agentur Frankfurt]https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/82-seo-agentur-frankfurt-ein-online-marketing-tool-zur-steigerung-des-webseiten-umsatzes[/url]

SEO Agentur Frankfurt Seocialmedia.de - https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/82-seo-agentur-frankfurt-ein-online-marketing-tool-zur-steigerung-des-webseiten-umsatzes

ъвебд 990 - оаъ:ю JIRenlEn*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю28/ю02/ю2019 бщтд 21:41.
SEO Agentur Munchen

Die SEO Agentur Berlin ist eine Agentur, die hilft das Onlinebusiness in den entsprechenden Suchmaschinen zu entwickeln. Mit Hilfe von Spezialisten konnen Besucherzahlen, das Image und Umsatze im Internet gesteigert werden.
Die SEO Agentur Berlin und ihre Dienstleistungen sollten fur alle im Internet entwickelnden Geschaftsbereiche interessant sein. Ohne die Hilfe von Spezialisten fur die Suchmaschinenoptimierung ist es fast unmoglich, ein wettbewerbsfahiges Produkt im Netz zu etablieren.
Die SEO Agentur Berlin hilft gro?en und kleinen Hauptstadtunternehmen, ihre Perspektiven und Moglichkeiten im Internet zu erweitern. Spezialisten ziehen mehr Zielgruppen an und erhohen den Verkauf auf der Webseite (Shop).

SEO Agentur Berlin : Was ist in der Optimierung enthalten?
Die Hauptstadt eines Landes ist vorwiegend die wettbewerbsfahigste Region auf dem nationalen Markt. Berlin ist keine Ausnahme. Ein hoher Wettbewerb in den meisten Geschaftsbereichen erfordert die Einbeziehung moglichst vieler Werbemittel, um die Zielgruppe anzulocken. Fur Webseiten gibt es auch Werbemoglichkeiten, um gezielten Traffic von Wettbewerbern anzulocken und anschlie?end zu ubernehmen. Dieser Dienst hei?t - SEO.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin ist darauf spezialisiert das Projekt in den Suchmaschinen zu fordern. Hauptsachlich geschieht dies bei Google, der wichtigsten Suchmaschine in Deutschland. Zusatzliche Anbieter, die dieselben Dienstleistungen wie Google anbieten, arbeiten mit ahnliche Bewertungskriterien. Dies bedeutet, dass eine gut organisierte Optimierung fur Google in Berlin die Webseite auch in anderen Suchmaschinen voran bringt.
Die SEO Dienstleistungen umfassen bedingt drei Stufen, die parallel und wahrend der gesamten Zusammenarbeit durchgefuhrt werden:
• Onpage Optimierung;
• Offpage Optimierung;
• Bewertungen und Image Verbesserung
Jeder dieser Punkte verfugt uber viele Unterpunkte. Wenn Sie sich fur die Liste unserer Dienstleistungen genauer interessieren, konnen Sie sich bei der in den Kontakten der Website angegebenen Rufnummer melden. Unser SEO-Spezialist Seocialmedia.de wird Ihnen dabei helfen Ihre Fragen zu beantworten.
SEO Agentur Berlin: Fur welche Geschaftsbereiche ist SEO geeignet
Merkmale der Optimierung in den Suchmaschinen - das Thema Business unterliegt keinen harten Einschrankungen. Sie konnen alles fordern, was legal und nicht unmoralisch ist. Aber auch solche Webseiten werden fur dunkle Methoden optimiert, sodass interessierter Traffic aus dem Netz entsteht.
SEO-Agentur Seocialmedia.de in Berlin nutzt legale Optimierungsmoglichkeiten und fordert Projekte in jedem Format:
• Online Shops;
• Service;
• Visitenkarten fur Spezialisten;
• Unternehmens Webseiten;
• Landing pages.
Unsere Dienstleistungen sollten nicht nur fur Online-Unternehmer interessant sein, die die Bedeutung des Traffics fur die Geschaftsentwicklung und das Gewinnwachstum verstehen, sondern auch fur diejenigen, die auf direkte Besucher in stationaren Lokalen/Geschaften angewiesen sind. Zum Beispiel Restaurants, medizinische und zahnmedizinische Zentren, Bildungseinrichtungen, Salons usw. Verwenden Sie SEO, um die Sichtbarkeit jedes Handelsplatzes zu erhohen, der von der Haufigkeit der Kundenbesuche abhangig ist.
Wie teuer sind die Dienstleistungen in der SEO Agentur Berlin
Der Preis der Leistungen ist von jedem einzelnen Projekt abhangig. Es ist erforderlich, den Arbeitsaufwand, die Qualitat der Onpage Faktoren und den technischen Zustand abzuschatzen. Da nicht alle Webseiten im Netz beworben werden konnen, gibt es Optionen, die nicht die erforderlichen Standards hinsichtlich technischer Parameter enthalten, z. B. die Moglichkeit, Metatags zu erstellen, Verknupfungen zu erstellen, Inhalte zu bearbeiten usw.
Um die Kosten der SEO Agentur in Berlin fur Ihre Webseite zu erfahren, fullen Sie das Kontaktformular auf der Hauptseite aus oder kontaktieren Sie uns telefonisch unter der oben angegebenen Rufnummer. Je fruher Sie die Optimierung fur Ihre Webseite im Internet umsetzen, desto schneller erhalten Sie die ersten Ergebnisse!

<a href=SEO Agentur Berlin>https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/78-seo-agentur-berlin</a>

[url=SEO Agentur in Berlin]https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/78-seo-agentur-berlin[/url]

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin - https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/78-seo-agentur-berlin

ъвебд 989 - оаъ:ю JIRenlEn*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю28/ю02/ю2019 бщтд 13:43.

SEO Agentur Frankfurt

SEO Agentur Frankfurt - Unterstutzung bei der Forderung von Webseiten jeglicher Thematik und Komplexitat mit bewahrten Methoden. Suchmaschinenoptimierung ist die beste Moglichkeit, um die Zielgruppe anzuziehen und um den Verkauf und die Markenbekanntheit in ganz Deutschland zu steigern.
SEO Agentur Frankfurt Seocialmedia.de bietet Dienstleistungen zur Forderung des Online-Geschafts in der Region, in Deutschland und Europa an. Wir helfen der Zielgruppe, Ihre Webseite zu finden, fuhren Arbeiten zur Steigerung des Umsatzes durch und nutzen anderen Indikatoren fur die Wirksamkeit der Webseite.
SEO Agentur Frankfurt: erste Hilfe bei der Forderung des Projekts im Internet. Die Dienstleistungen umfassen Onpage und Offpage Optimierungen, sowie Imagesteigerung und Markenbekanntheit. Lesen Sie mehr uber unsere Service in folgenden Artikel.

SEO Agentur Frankfurt: Ein Online-Marketing-Tool zur Steigerung des Webseiten-Umsatzes
Heutzutage ist die aktuellste Frage fur viele Geschaftsleute und Unternehmer: „Wie kann man mehr verdienen und gleichzeitig weniger fur Werbung ausgeben?“ Die Antwort ist einfach - das Unternehmen im Internet zu fordern. SEO ist ein optimales Online-Marketing-Instrument im Hinblick auf das Preis-/Leistungsverhaltnis und die Gewinnung von kaufkraftigen Kunden. Nur Google Ads konnen mit SEO mithalten. Die Werbekosten steigen jedoch mit der Zeit aufgrund des zunehmenden Wettbewerbs. Beim SEO dagegen sinken die Kosten mit der Zeit, da die angewendeten Etablierungsmethoden anhaufend wirken und sechs Monate nach Beginn der Optimierung die besten Ergebnisse erzielen.
SEO Agentur Frankfurt: Wie funktioniert Suchmaschinenoptimierung
Die Hauptaufgabe besteht darin, die Webseite fur Suchmaschinen attraktiv zu gestalten. Heute hat Google den gro?ten Marktanteil in Deutschland. Daher liegt der Schwerpunkt bei der Optimierung auf Google.
Heute sind mehr als 200 Rankingfaktoren bekannt. SEO-Spezialisten setzen sich dafur ein, das Projekt in Ubereinstimmung mit 200 Punkten in Ordnung zu bekommen, zum Beispiel:

• das Vorhandensein Schlusselworter auf relevanten Seiten;
• Qualitat (Gultigkeit) des Codes;
• Vorhandensein optimierter Metatags;
• Qualitat geposteter Inhalte;
• Vorhandensein aller erforderlichen technischen Voraussetzungen und der entsprechenden Ausfuhrung;
• Auswertung / Verbindung von Analysediensten und der Search Console von Google.
Und andere.
Danach beginnt die Arbeit an der Offpage Optimierung, die sich uber die gesamte Zusammenarbeit erstreckt. SEO ist keine einmalige Dienstleistung, sondern erfordert eine standige Uberwachung und die Aufmerksamkeit der Spezialisten. Eine gut organisierte Forderung wird die Position des Projekts auch nach Beendigung der Zusammenarbeit mit der Agentur fur bis zu weitere sechs Monate beibehalten. Dann beginnen sie jedoch immer wieder zu fallen, da die Seite standig an der Offpage Optimierung arbeiten muss. Dies liegt daran, dass die Wettbewerber auch an der Etablierung arbeiten. Und wenn Sie die Optimierung aufgeben, wird Sie bald ein anderer ersetzen.
SEO Agentur Frankfurt Seocialmedia.de - Fristen und Kosten
Den genauen Preis fur die Optimierung, ohne das Projekt vorher zu sehen, kann Ihnen keine Agentur sagen. Da es zunachst erforderlich ist, den Umfang der Arbeit, die Themen, den Wettbewerb, zusatzliche Bearbeitungen zu bewerten, bevor der Preis und die Prognosen genannt werden.
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt ist ein Wettbewerbsthema, insbesondere im Handel. Wahlen Sie eine zuverlassige Agentur wie Seocialmedia.de , die typische und nicht typische Losungen fur die Forderung Ihres Projekts organisieren kann.
Rufen Sie uns an, wenn Sie eine kostenlose Beratung wunschen, eine Prufung des Projekts durchfuhren und die Kosten der Werbung fur Ihre Zwecke erfahren mochten. Kontaktieren Sie unsere Agentur fur SEO-Dienstleistungen in Frankfurt: Wir haben eine loyale Preispolitik und optimale Fristen um Ihr Projekt in den TOP Bereich zu bringen.

[url=SEO Agentur Frankfurt]https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/82-seo-agentur-frankfurt-ein-online-marketing-tool-zur-steigerung-des-webseiten-umsatzes[/url]
SEO Agentur Frankfurt - https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/82-seo-agentur-frankfurt-ein-online-marketing-tool-zur-steigerung-des-webseiten-umsatzes

<a href=Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin>https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/78-seo-agentur-berlin</a>
[url=Die SEO Agentur Berlin]https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/78-seo-agentur-berlin[/url]

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin - https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/78-seo-agentur-berlin

<a href=SEO Agentur Seocialmedia.de>https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/79-seo-agentur-muenchen-erfolgreiche-entwicklung-einer-webseite-im-internet</a>

[url=Suchmaschinenoptimierung Munchen ]https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/79-seo-agentur-muenchen-erfolgreiche-entwicklung-einer-webseite-im-internet[/url]

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Munchen - https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/79-seo-agentur-muenchen-erfolgreiche-entwicklung-einer-webseite-im-internet
<a href=SEO Agentur Koln>https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/80-seo-agentur-koeln-was-fuer-dienstleistungen-bieten-wir-an</a>

<a href=SEO Agentur Hannover Seocialmedia.de>https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/81-seo-agentur-hannover-hilfe-bei-der-entwicklung-des-regionalen-geschaefts</a>

[url=SEO Agentur Hannover Seocialmedia.de]https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/81-seo-agentur-hannover-hilfe-bei-der-entwicklung-des-regionalen-geschaefts[/url]

Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hannover - https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/81-seo-agentur-hannover-hilfe-bei-der-entwicklung-des-regionalen-geschaefts

[url=Suchmaschinenoptimierung Frankfurt]https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/82-seo-agentur-frankfurt-ein-online-marketing-tool-zur-steigerung-des-webseiten-umsatzes[/url]

SEO Agentur Frankfurt Seocialmedia.de - https://seocialmedia.de/seo-blog/82-seo-agentur-frankfurt-ein-online-marketing-tool-zur-steigerung-des-webseiten-umsatzes

ъвебд 988 - оаъ:ю Jacobpap*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю14/ю02/ю2019 бщтд 09:44.
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ъвебд 987 - оаъ:ю NafNeerRaph*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю03/ю02/ю2019 бщтд 14:57.
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ъвебд 986 - оаъ:ю KolIkA*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю23/ю01/ю2019 бщтд 18:59.
Когда В� Примете решение купит� в магазине САНмебел� в Киеве или приобрести в Украине мебел� на любой вкус ,
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ъвебд 985 - оаъ:ю KuTldamb*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю17/ю01/ю2019 бщтд 08:23.

спортивн�е тур�
Фитнес - это система физических нагрузок, направленна� на укрепление тонуса м�шц всего организма.
Пон�тие фитнес довол�но широкое и включает в себе множество видов спорта.
Всем известн�е направлени�, такие как: йога, шейпинг, калланетика, пилатес,
стретчинг, аэробика, воркаут и даже стрип - пластика также относ�тс� к общему определению ,,fitness,, .
Существует разн�е классификации этого спорта, но их определ�ет обща� цел� – развитие мускулатур�,
гибкости тела, в�носливости и пол�за дл� д�хател�ной и сердечно - сосудистой систем� организма
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/about]тур� оздоровител�но спортивн�е тур�[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/news]тренажёрн�й зал на Лесном похудение живота Черниговска�[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/gallery]Индивидуал�н�й тренер[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/services]оздоровител�но спортивн�е тур�[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/contacts]Спортивн�е тур�[/url]

[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/about]Диана Кутанина Фитнес тур�[/url]

ъвебд 984 - оаъ:ю KuTldamb*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю17/ю01/ю2019 бщтд 07:35.

похудение живота Черниговска�
Оздоровител�но-спортивн�е услуги,тур�, составл�­ют основную систему физической кул�тур� и спорта.
Способствуют физическо­му, духовному, социал�ному преобразованию человека, совер­шенствованию его физических,
интеллектуал�н�х, нравственн�х, волев�х и других качеств формировани� личтности.
Под товарами подразумеваетс� инвентар� и спортивное питание. Стоимост� услуг на систему,
направленную на формирование скул�птур� и укреплени� тела написан� ниже.
Спортивн�е товар� скоро по�в�тс� на сайте. Подробнее В� сможете узнат� по телефону или у администратора зала.
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/about]похудение в домашних услови�х от Диан� Кутаниной[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/news]Оздоровител�но спортивн�е тур�[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/gallery]фитнес клуб на Лесной[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/services]Фитнес дома Диана Кутанина[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/contacts]тур� оздоровител�но спортивн�е тур�[/url]

[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/services]услови� дл� похудени� фитнес[/url]

ъвебд 983 - оаъ:ю KuTldamb*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю17/ю01/ю2019 бщтд 06:45.

похудение живота Черниговска�
Фитнес - это система физических нагрузок, направленна� на укрепление тонуса м�шц всего организма.
Пон�тие фитнес довол�но широкое и включает в себе множество видов спорта.
Всем известн�е направлени�, такие как: йога, шейпинг, калланетика, пилатес,
стретчинг, аэробика, воркаут и даже стрип - пластика также относ�тс� к общему определению ,,fitness,, .
Существует разн�е классификации этого спорта, но их определ�ет обща� цел� – развитие мускулатур�,
гибкости тела, в�носливости и пол�за дл� д�хател�ной и сердечно - сосудистой систем� организма
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/about]тур� оздоровител�но спортивн�е тур�[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/gallery]Оздоровител�но спортивн�е тур�[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/services]Диана Кутанина Фитнес тур�[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/contacts]спортивн�е тур� оздоровител�но спортивн�е тур�[/url]

[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/news]фитнес центр фитнес[/url]

ъвебд 982 - оаъ:ю KuTldamb*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю17/ю01/ю2019 бщтд 05:59.

фитнес клуб на Лесной
НАШИ ЗАЛ�,Зал на Лесном,Зал на Черниговской
Приглашаем посетит� наш фитнес клуб с цел�ю оздоровлени� и красот� тела!
В нашем комплексе нескол�ко залов, дл� зан�тий различн�ми видами фитнеса.
Новое модернизированное оборудование придаст уверенности в в�полнении упражнений.
Комфортабел�н�е зал�, дружелюбна� атмосфера на ресепции будет способствоват� вдохновлению возвращат�с� к нам снова!
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/about]тур�оздоровител�но спортивн�е тур�[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/news]тренажёрн�й зал на Лесномпохудение живота Черниговска�[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/gallery]Диана Кутанина Фитнес тур�[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/services]Фитнес дома Диана Кутанина[/url]
[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/contacts]домашнее похудение[/url]

[url=https://fitness-gym.org.ua/gallery]оздоровител�но спортивн�е тур�[/url]

ъвебд 981 - оаъ:ю KuTldamb*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю17/ю01/ю2019 бщтд 05:12.

спортивн�е тур�
Принцип� построени� программ� спортивн�х туров
Специфика путешествий с физкул�турно-спортивн�ми цел�ми
Подробно о видах зан�тий спортивного туризма
Спортивн�е Тур�  
Полезн�е заметки в распор�дке дн� начинающего спортсмена
Мотиваци� и достижение целей
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фитнес,похудение в домашних услови�х от Диан� Кутаниной
Фитнес - это система физических нагрузок, направленна� на укрепление тонуса м�шц всего организма.
Пон�тие фитнес довол�но широкое и включает в себе множество видов спорта.
Всем известн�е направлени�, такие как: йога, шейпинг, калланетика, пилатес,
стретчинг, аэробика, воркаут и даже стрип - пластика также относ�тс� к общему определению ,,fitness,, .
Существует разн�е классификации этого спорта, но их определ�ет обща� цел� – развитие мускулатур�,
гибкости тела, в�носливости и пол�за дл� д�хател�ной и сердечно - сосудистой систем� организма
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ъвебд 979 - оаъ:ю KuTldamb*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю17/ю01/ю2019 бщтд 03:32.

фитнес,похудение в домашних услови�х от Диан� Кутаниной
Фитнес - это система физических нагрузок, направленна� на укрепление тонуса м�шц всего организма.
Пон�тие фитнес довол�но широкое и включает в себе множество видов спорта.
Всем известн�е направлени�, такие как: йога, шейпинг, калланетика, пилатес,
стретчинг, аэробика, воркаут и даже стрип - пластика также относ�тс� к общему определению ,,fitness,, .
Существует разн�е классификации этого спорта, но их определ�ет обща� цел� – развитие мускулатур�,
гибкости тела, в�носливости и пол�за дл� д�хател�ной и сердечно - сосудистой систем� организма
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ъвебд 978 - оаъ:ю KuTldamb*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю17/ю01/ю2019 бщтд 02:31.

фитнес центр
Оздоровител�но-спортивн�е услуги,тур�, составл�­ют основную систему физической кул�тур� и спорта.
Способствуют физическо­му, духовному, социал�ному преобразованию человека, совер­шенствованию его физических,
интеллектуал�н�х, нравственн�х, волев�х и других качеств формировани� личтности.
Под товарами подразумеваетс� инвентар� и спортивное питание. Стоимост� услуг на систему,
направленную на формирование скул�птур� и укреплени� тела написан� ниже.
Спортивн�е товар� скоро по�в�тс� на сайте. Подробнее В� сможете узнат� по телефону или у администратора зала.
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kiev tours



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/our_guides - Kiev attractions

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/mezhyhirya_tour_of_corruption]translators kiev[/url]

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/mezhyhirya_tour_of_corruption]boryspil transfer[/url]

ъвебд 931 - оаъ:ю FOJenlNop*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю09/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 20:13.
биокатализатор горени� топлива

Интернет-магазизин: катализатор� дл� экономии топлива

экономи� топливакатализатор� топлива, mpg boost, биокатализатор, биокатализатор горени� топлива, mpg caps, компани� FFI, экономи� бензина, катализатор� топлива, увеличение мощности|

Категори�: катализатор�

Проработав на NASA в течении многих лет, Рэнди Рей решил организоват� свой бизнес. В�купив патент и формулу, Рэнди совместно с Венди Л�юис в но�бре 2005 г. организовали новое предпри�тие FFI по производству авто косметики. В�шли они на р�нок с одной лиш� био присадкой MPG-CAPS и очен� б�стро добилис� ошеломл�ющего успеха. Покорив Америку, компани� начала экспансию на другие континент�. Сейчас дистриб�юторска� сет� компании охват�вает 215 стран по всему миру, с бизнес-центрами в США, �понии, на Тайване, в Бразилии, Корее, Мексике, Гонконге, Австралии, Англии и Таиланде.

Основной продукцией компани� FFI �вл�ютс� биокатализатор� к топливу MPG-CAPS, MPG-CRUMBS, MPG-BOOST, котор�е предназначен� дл� экономии топлива. Почему био? Потому, что в их основе лежит 100% органическое вещество, полученное по зпатентированной формуле.

Рабочие характеристики

Необходимо сделат� по�снени� относител�но самой технологии MPG, поскол�ку существуют не�сности, св�занн�е с другими, менее заслуживающими довери� присадками и топливн�ми добавками, но со сходн�ми рекламн�ми за�влени�ми.

MPG – буквал�но означает мили на галлон, т.е. пройденное рассто�ние за единицу топлива. Технологи� MPG – увеличение пройденного автомобилем рассто�ни� на том же количестве топлива. В странах СНГ прин�то считат� расход топлива: литр�/100км.|


Магазин автохимии

Нескол�ко слов о компании FFI
Forever Freedom International (FFI) известна во всем мире своей органической продукцией, котора� улучшает качество окружающей сред�. Компани� в�шла на р�нок с MPG-CAPs в 2005г. Распространение продукта превзошло все ожидани� и фирма со штаб-квартирой в штате Флорида в�росла до транснационал�ной компании пр�мо на глазах. Дело не тол�ко в том, что продукци� б�ла востребована, но также в том, что компани� предоставл�ет возможност� зан�ти� бизнесом дл� многих людей, котор�е станов�тс� независим�ми предпринимател�ми и распростран�ют экологически чист�е товар� в�сочайшего качества, созданн�е в цел�х защит� окружающей сред�.

FOREVER FREEDOM гордитс� своей политикой, направленной на заботу об окружающей среде, и продукцией, котора� защищает экологию Земли.
Наши дистриб�ютор� считают испол�зование наших продуктов важн�м шагом, котор�й может сделат� кажд�й человек, чтоб� улучшит� экологию нашей планет� и минимизироват� воздействие на озонов�й слой. Попул�рност� линии MPG и скорост� распространени� продукции превзошли сам�е смел�е ожидани�, что привело к молниеносному развитию нашей компании, основанной во Флориде. И дело не тол�ко в том, что наша продукци� пол�зуетс� огромной попул�рност�ю, но и в том, что наша компани� дала возможност� осуществит� мечту многих людей, котор�е хотели стат� предпринимател�ми, независим�ми дистриб�юторами целой линии в�сокоэффективн�х экологически чист�х продуктов, специал�но разработанн�х дл� того, чтоб� заботит�с� об окружающей среде.

Главн�й офис FFI:
650 Douglas Avenue
Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 USA
Тел: 407-862-9100
Факс: 407-772-2448
Поддержка клиентов: 407-682-0060|

В нашем интернет–магазине В� можете оплатит� заказ двум� способами , в момент получени� товара или сделат� предоплату уточнив Наши реквизит� в телефонном режиме

В нашем интернет–магазине В� можете оплатит� заказ двум� способами , в момент получени� товара или сделат� предоплату уточнив Наши реквизит� в телефонном режиме. Способ оплат� в�бираетс� в процессе оформлени� заказа в нашем интернет-магазине. Если хотите изменит� способ оплат� после оформлени� заказа, сообщите об этом оператору интернет-магазина, котор�й св�жетс� с Вами дл� подтверждени� заказа.

т. (099) 384 70 18

т. (063) 569 35 26

e-mail: [email protected]|

Заказат� катализатор экономии топлива |

Кондиционер поверхности металла MPG-EXTRA™

MPG-EXTRA™ это усовершенствованн�й кондиционер поверхности металла, котор�й образует молекул�рн�е св�зи, котор�е, в свою очеред�, химически реагируют с металлическими соединени�ми, образу� при этом необ�чайно прочную поверхност�. �то снижает трение, коррозию, умен�шает нагрев и образование ржавчин�.

MPG-EXTRA™ разработана дл� восстановлени� металла коленчатого вала, шатунов и смежн�х частей двигател� внутреннего сгорани�. Одна бут�лочка вос�ми унций (236,8 мл.), добавленна� в картер, утроитс� качество масла в вашем двигателе, примерно, на 12,000 мил�. Дозировка рассчит�ваетс� как 2 унции (59,2 мл.) на 1 кварту масла (946 мл.) кажд�е 6 мес�цев.

�тот продукт также может б�т� эффективно испол�зован дл� улучшени� работ� трансмиссии, как автоматической, так и механической, так как он полност�ю совместим со всеми гидравлическими жидкост�ми, минерал�н�ми и синтетическими маслами. Применение тех же сам�х вос�ми унций (236,8 мл.) дл� этой цели рекомендуетс� на 24,000 мил�.

Благодар� тому, что MPG-EXTRA™ предохран�ет металлические поверхности от загр�знений и вредного воздействи� твёрд�х частиц и имеет в�сокий диапазон рабочих температур, то он может испол�зоват�с� везде, где примен�ютс� об�чн�е смазочн�е материал�. При всех других видах испол�зовани� необходимо придерживат�с� соотношени� MPG-EXTRA™ 1 к 16 дл� эффективн�х резул�татов восстановлени�. �то включает в себ� испол�зование компрессоров, разн�х подшипников�х узлов, насосов, рулевого управлени�, моторов, универсал�н�х соединений, дифференциалов, редукторов и гидравлических систем.

Происход�т следующие момент� улучшени� работ� двигател�:

Увеличение мощности

Увеличение крут�щего момента

Пов�шение эффективности испол�зовани� топлива

Снижение в�бросов

Резкое снижение перегрева и износа

Очищение металлических поверхностей от опасн�х загр�знений, нагара и смол�

Снижение трени� до 90%|


Патрон E27 с инфракрасн�м и светочувствител�н�м датчиком

�кономит� электроэнергию и в�ключат� свет автоматически стало легко! Просто установите лампу в этот патрон Е27, и датчик движени� будет включат� лампу автоматически при приближении человека.

Сфер� применени�:

б�тов�е помещени�
лестничн�е плащадки
Абсолютно безопасн�й дл� здоров�� человека патрон автоматического срабат�вани�, за счет реагировани� на тепло человека инфракрасн�ми лучами. Он улавливает тепло человека сто�щего возле датчика в радиусе от 3-5 м, подключает лампу — так автоматически загораетс� свет. Если в�йти с комнат�, лампа не сразу в�ключаетс�, может работат� от 20 секунд до 5 минут в зависимости от настройки таймера, а потом самосто�тел�но в�ключаетс�.


угол сенсора: 140°
цокол� и патрон E27
инфракрасн�й датчик
светочувствител�н�й датчик
питание: 100-265 В, 50-60 Гц
макс. нагрузка: 60 Вт
регулировка освещенности, при которой срабат�вает сенсор: 3-2000 лм
регулировка задержки в�ключени�: 16-300 с
в�сота установки: 2-3,5 м
рассто�ние обнаружени� 5-8 м
рабоча� температура -20 +50 °С
1 * Шт ПИР E27 Основание Светил�ника (лампа не входит)
2 * Шт Винт|

Гранул� MPG-Mega-Crumbs

MPG-Mega-Crumbs органический катализатор камер� сгорани� топлива
MPG-Mega-Crumbs — дл� крупн�х грузовиков, кар�ерн�х самосвалов и машин, работающих с бол�шими объемами горючего

Продукт рассчитан на 800-1000 л бензина или на 500-800 л дизел�ного топлива, зависит от качества топлива.

Обработчик камер� внутреннего сгорани� в об�чн�х и дизел�н�х моторах. Разработан� специал�но дл� бол�ших грузовиков и машин с огромной грузоподъёмност�ю

MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS™ изготавливаютс� по той же революционной технологии, как и MPG-CAPS ™, однако, б�ли разработан� дл� коммерческого испол�зовани� в бол�ших грузов�х машинах, где требуетс� обработка огромн�х объемов топлива.

Подавл�ющее бол�шинство топливн�х добавок, обработчиков и кондиционеров, продающихс� в США, служат просто как моющие средства дл� очистки топливной систем�, но ничего не делают дл� улучшени� сгорани� топлива, или, что еще более важно, улучшени� характеристик камер� сгорани�. �то именно то, что отдел�ет нашу продукцию из всех других, и где наши технологии разрабат�валис� дл� достижени� совершенн�х резул�татов

Достоинства испол�зовани� MPG-CAPS™ и MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS™:

�кономит расход топлива и увеличивает мощност�
Защищает клапана и снижает количество углеродн�х накоплений
Снижает в�брос газов, способствующих разрушению озонового сло�
Устран�ет вредн�е стуки и шум в двигател�х
Увеличивает октанов�е характеристики горючего
Продлевает работу свечей, форсунок и клапанов
Катализатор� MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS™ не тол�ко способствуют постепенному исчезновению нагара, но и обладают эффектом, увеличивающим октановое число топлива (хот� и не �вл�ютс� октанкорректором).

Попада� в камеру сгорани�, компонент� катализатора MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS™ при в�соких температурах создают микропленку (термал�ное окисление), образу� на стенках цилиндра, на днище поршн� и на поверхности сгорани� тонкий слой в 0,1 мкм.

�тот слой обладает низкой теплопроводност�ю и создает в камере сгорани� услови�, при котор�х температура горени� топливо — воздушной смеси равномерна по всему объему, что и способствует полноценному сгоранию топлива и пов�шению КПД.

�то органический катализатор камер� сгорани� топлива, принцип действи� которого идентичен уже хорошо известн�м продуктам MPG-CAPS и MPG-BOOST, котор�е достаточно широко примен�ютс� в легков�х автомобил�х. MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS в�пускаетс� в с�пучем виде в тюбиках по 5 грамм. �тот продукт разработан специал�но дл� бол�шегрузн�х автомобилей и других машин с бол�шой грузоподъёмност�ю и обрабат�вающих бол�шие объем� топлива (бензин или дизел�ное топливо).

Пластиков�й тюбик MPG-CRUMBS также можно в�годно испол�зоват� дл� изготовлени� жидкого концентрата биокатализатора. Концентрата из одного тюбика хватает на 800-1000 литров горючего.|




MPG Boost — катализатор камер� сгорани�. Основ�ва�с� на тех же революционн�х технологи�х, как и MPG-CAPS™, MPG-Boost представл�ет собой жидкую форму обработчика дл� камер внутреннего сгорани�, котор�й также увеличивает экономию топлива и снижает количество вредн�х в�бросов в окружающую среду. В MPG-Boost испол�зуетс� уникал�н�й катализатор горени�, разработанн�й в аэрокосмической индустрии, котор�й и обеспечивает максимал�ную производител�ност�. �тот катализатор, встречающийс� тол�ко в MPG Boost, ускор�ет реал�ную скорост�, при которой топливо смешиваетс� с воздухом в камере внутреннего сгорани�. Резул�татом �вл�етс� значител�ное увеличение скорости горени� топлива.

Данн�й катализатор не зависит от внешней температур� и прекрасно смешиваетс� с топливом даже при критически низких температурах.

Основное преимущество по сравнению с MPG-CAPS — это скорост� начала работ� добавки и получени� реал�ной экономии бензина и дизел�ного топлива. Так как MPG-BOOST поставл�етс� в жидком виде, то дл� смешени� с топливом ему требуетс� минимал�ное врем�. Таким образом, практически сразу после добавки BOOSTа в топливн�й бак, он начинает работу. Затем, в составе обогащенной смеси BOOST очищает камеру сгорани�, формирует в ней каталитическое покр�тие и увеличивает эффективност� сгорани� топлива.


улучшение работ� систем� зажигани� при критических температурах зимой и летом;
экономи� топлива;
Улучшение экологических характеристик двигателей, за счет более полного сгорани� топлива (умен�шение вредн�х в�бросов СО, СН и NxO в в�хлопн�х газах на 60-90%;
Снижение удел�ного расхода топлива на 7-14% (официал�н�е данн�е компании); реал�н�е данн�е: город 10-20% / трасса 15-35%;
Защита топливной систем�, двигател� и каталитического нейтрализатора от некачественного топлива;
Очистка камер� сгорани�, свечей и газов�хлопного тракта от нагаров и предотвращение от последующих нагаров;
Улучшение динамики разгона автомобил� благодар� увеличению мощности и КПД двигател�;
Снижение температурной и механической напр�женности двигател�;
Умен�шение шумности двигател�;
Снижение износа и увеличение моторесурса двигател�;
Увеличение межремонтн�х периодов двигател�.
Благодар� уникал�ной формуле, органическому составу и минимал�н�м концентраци�м, катализатор� MPG предназначен� дл� длител�ного испол�зовани� и АБСОЛ�ТНО БЕЗОПАСН� ДЛ� ДВИГАТЕЛ�!

Примен�етс� как на стар�х, так и на нов�х гарантийн�х автомобил�х уже более, чем в 200 странах мира.


Аи -95: начинаем с 0.9 мл и снижаемс� с шагом 0,05..об�чно оптимал�на� дозировка — 0,75-0,82, если проситс� мен�ше, мен�йте заправку. 0,9 — 0,85 — 0,8 — 0,75

Пример: В� решили заправит�с� на 200 гривен при стоимости топлива 16,59 это будет 12.05 литра. Делим на 10л = 1.888 и умножаем на 0,8мл = 0.96 мл (округлим до 1 мл) берем шприц 2-х кубов�й, набираем, в�ливаем продукт в заправочн�й пистолет, вставл�ем в бак, идем платим ден�ги, другие алгоритм� нежелател�н�.

Аи — 92: от 0,85 до 0,6 мл

Дизел�: все зависит от объемов двигател� и пробега от 1.4л до 4,2л, начинаем от 1.2 — 1.4 и умен�шаем до 0,9 — 1,2 мл. дл� грузовиков от 2,0мл до 1.3-1.2мл.

Благодар� уникал�ной формуле, органическому составу и минимал�н�м концентраци�м, катализатор� MPG предназначен� дл� длител�ного испол�зовани� и АБСОЛ�ТНО БЕЗОПАСН� ДЛ� ДВИГАТЕЛ�!|


Дл� чего это нужно?
Через кажд�е 20-40 т�с. км на форсунках и инжекторах двигател� образуютс� смолист�е отложени� и нагар, котор�е значител�но вли�ют на эффективную работу двигател�. �то ведёт к умен�шению КПД, мощности и, соответственно, к увеличению расхода топлива. Автомобил� по динамике, как говор�т, становитс� «туп�м».

Отложени� накапливаютс� на всех детал�х топливного тракта, но бол�шее вли�ние они оказ�вают именно в зоне игл� форсунки. Изменение проходного сечени� мен�ет производител�ност� и форму расп�ла.

Поэтому, состо�ние форсунок существенно вли�ет на работу двигател�. Основн�ми признаками их неисправности б�вают: недостаточна� мощност�, развиваема� двигателем; р�вки и провал� при увеличении нагрузки на двигател�; неустойчива� работа на мал�х оборотах; пов�шенна� токсичност� отработавших газов.

Перв�м и основн�м способом восстановлени� нормал�ной работоспособности форсунок �вл�етс� их пром�вка. При этом моющий раствор не должен воздействоват� на элемент� топливного тракта, а также на клапана, сал�ники, прокладки ДВС и т.п.

Наше решение — экологически чист�й продукт MPG-MAX-PRO
Один флакон MPG-Max-Pro (236мл) чистит забит�е топливн�е инжектора, форсунки, карбюратор, помогает восстанавливат� потер�нную мощност� двигател� и предотвращает перерасход топлива.

Необходимо в�лит� полное содержание флакона в Ваш бензобак перед его заполнением, затем наполнит� бак топливом. Кроме того, добав�те MPG-CAPS. При совместном испол�зовании MPG-MAX-PRO с продуктами серии MPG, эффект экономии топлива В� получите гораздо б�стрее.

Общие рекомендации
Данн�й способ эффективен при регул�рном удалении относител�но небол�ших загр�знений и носит, скорее, профилактический характер. Удаление застарел�х отложений данн�м способом может привести к пр�мо противоположному резул�тату. В этом случае лучше всего обратит�с� в сервисн�е служб� СТО.|


MPG-CAPS ™ Оказ�вает революционное воздействие на камеру внутреннего сгорани�, что увеличивает экономию топлива.
Предназначен дл� легков�х автомобилей и машин, работающих с небол�шими объемами горючего.

Таблетки MPG-CAPS ™ — Биокатализатор горени� топлива
Обработчик камер� внутреннего сгорани� в об�чн�х и дизел�н�х моторах.

MPG-CAPS™ оказ�вает революционное воздействие на камеру внутреннего сгорани�, что увеличивает экономию топлива и сокращает вредн�е в�брос� в�хлопн�х газов. MPG CAPS включает в себ� 100% активн�х ингредиентов, без каких либо растворителей или наполнителей, котор�е безопасно и удобно испол�зоват�. Сделанн�е как мален�кие и плотн�е таблетки, их легко и удобно испол�зоват�: надо просто добавит� их в топливн�й бак при заправке бензином. Практические исп�тани� с испол�зованием MPG-CAPS™ показали снижение эмиссии в�хлопн�х газов, таких как углеводородов, окиси углерода и окислов азота. �ти в�брос� очен� вредн� дл� земной атмосфер� и способствуют глобал�ному потеплению.

Компани� FFI говорит о наличии пр�мого и косвенного эффекта при испол�зовании биокатализатора MPG-CAPS. Под пр�м�м, подразумеваютс� те резул�тат�, котор�е м� видим за короткий промежуток времени, а косвенн�е — заметн� тол�ко при длител�ном испол�зовании добавки.

Forever Freedom International гарантирует, что максимум на 6-й капсуле, водител� авто ощутит эффект от применени� биокатализатора в виде экономии бензина или дизел�ного топлива. М� убедилис� на практике, что эффект заметен на 2-3 капсуле (некотор�е его ощущают сразу). Он зависит по бол�шей мере от состо�ни� автомобил�, и в мен�шей — от качества топлива. Если после 3-й капсул� в� не замечаете никакой разниц� — обратите внимание на правил�ност� дозировки присадки, провер�те состо�ние топливного фил�тра и инжектора.

И так, практически сразу после испол�зовани� MPG-CAPS водител� получает:

�кономи� топлива: Умен�шение расхода дизел�ного топлива и бензина до 23% (об�чно более 12%).
Умен�шение уровн� СО: его содержание в в�хлопн�х газах умен�шаетс� на 70%.
Увеличение мощности двигател�: автомобил� ведет себ� заметно резвее и динамичнее.
Очен� часто еще сразу заметно умен�шение детонации двигател�, умен�шение температур� охлаждающей жидкости (двигател� мен�ше греетс�), умен�шаетс� врем� прогрева машин� в зимнее врем�.

Из косвенн�х преимуществ особо стоит в�делит� увеличение ресурса двигател�, срока служб� катализатора и л�мбда-зондов в�хлопной систем� автомобил�, свечей, форсунок и поршневой систем�.

Достоинства испол�зовани� MPG-CAPS™

�кономит расход топлива и увеличивает мощност�
Защищает клапана и снижает количество углеродн�х накоплений
Снижает в�брос газов, способствующих разрушению озонового сло�
Устран�ет вредн�е стуки и шум в двигател�х
Увеличивает октанов�е характеристики горючего Продлевают работу свечей, форсунок и клапанов
Продукт рассчитан на 800-1000 л бензина или на 500-800 л дизтоплива, зависит от качества топлива.

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Kiev guides



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/tour - journey to Kiev

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/seven_wonders_of_kiev]interpreter kiev[/url]

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/seven_wonders_of_kiev]Lavra Kiev[/url]

ъвебд 929 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 22:28.
Kiev architecture



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/mezhyhirya_tour_of_corruption - guides

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/guide_by_the_hour]Mezhyhirya tour[/url]

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/]extreme tour kiev[/url]

ъвебд 928 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 20:34.
Mezhyhirya tour



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/ - ukrainian souvenirs

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/services#ul-id-0-10]personal driver Kiev[/url]

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/our_guides]individual tour[/url]

ъвебд 927 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 18:38.
Kiev architecture



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/our_guides - personal guide

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/exclusive_tours]Kiev at night[/url]

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/mystical_kiev]best place in Kiev[/url]

ъвебд 926 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 16:06.
Golden gate



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/chernobyl - guide

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/mystical_kiev]book tour[/url]

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/bothanical_garden]Kiev at night[/url]

ъвебд 925 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 14:07.
individual tour



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/guide_by_the_hour - guide

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/tour]journey to Kiev[/url]

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/chernobyl]excursion Kiev[/url]

ъвебд 924 - оаъ:ю FOJenlNop*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 13:52.
Таблетки mpg-caps

Интернет-магазизин: катализатор� дл� экономии топлива

экономи� топливакатализатор� топлива, mpg boost, биокатализатор, биокатализатор горени� топлива, mpg caps, компани� FFI, экономи� бензина, катализатор� топлива, увеличение мощности|

Категори�: катализатор�

Проработав на NASA в течении многих лет, Рэнди Рей решил организоват� свой бизнес. В�купив патент и формулу, Рэнди совместно с Венди Л�юис в но�бре 2005 г. организовали новое предпри�тие FFI по производству авто косметики. В�шли они на р�нок с одной лиш� био присадкой MPG-CAPS и очен� б�стро добилис� ошеломл�ющего успеха. Покорив Америку, компани� начала экспансию на другие континент�. Сейчас дистриб�юторска� сет� компании охват�вает 215 стран по всему миру, с бизнес-центрами в США, �понии, на Тайване, в Бразилии, Корее, Мексике, Гонконге, Австралии, Англии и Таиланде.

Основной продукцией компани� FFI �вл�ютс� биокатализатор� к топливу MPG-CAPS, MPG-CRUMBS, MPG-BOOST, котор�е предназначен� дл� экономии топлива. Почему био? Потому, что в их основе лежит 100% органическое вещество, полученное по зпатентированной формуле.

Рабочие характеристики

Необходимо сделат� по�снени� относител�но самой технологии MPG, поскол�ку существуют не�сности, св�занн�е с другими, менее заслуживающими довери� присадками и топливн�ми добавками, но со сходн�ми рекламн�ми за�влени�ми.

MPG – буквал�но означает мили на галлон, т.е. пройденное рассто�ние за единицу топлива. Технологи� MPG – увеличение пройденного автомобилем рассто�ни� на том же количестве топлива. В странах СНГ прин�то считат� расход топлива: литр�/100км.|


Магазин автохимии

Нескол�ко слов о компании FFI
Forever Freedom International (FFI) известна во всем мире своей органической продукцией, котора� улучшает качество окружающей сред�. Компани� в�шла на р�нок с MPG-CAPs в 2005г. Распространение продукта превзошло все ожидани� и фирма со штаб-квартирой в штате Флорида в�росла до транснационал�ной компании пр�мо на глазах. Дело не тол�ко в том, что продукци� б�ла востребована, но также в том, что компани� предоставл�ет возможност� зан�ти� бизнесом дл� многих людей, котор�е станов�тс� независим�ми предпринимател�ми и распростран�ют экологически чист�е товар� в�сочайшего качества, созданн�е в цел�х защит� окружающей сред�.

FOREVER FREEDOM гордитс� своей политикой, направленной на заботу об окружающей среде, и продукцией, котора� защищает экологию Земли.
Наши дистриб�ютор� считают испол�зование наших продуктов важн�м шагом, котор�й может сделат� кажд�й человек, чтоб� улучшит� экологию нашей планет� и минимизироват� воздействие на озонов�й слой. Попул�рност� линии MPG и скорост� распространени� продукции превзошли сам�е смел�е ожидани�, что привело к молниеносному развитию нашей компании, основанной во Флориде. И дело не тол�ко в том, что наша продукци� пол�зуетс� огромной попул�рност�ю, но и в том, что наша компани� дала возможност� осуществит� мечту многих людей, котор�е хотели стат� предпринимател�ми, независим�ми дистриб�юторами целой линии в�сокоэффективн�х экологически чист�х продуктов, специал�но разработанн�х дл� того, чтоб� заботит�с� об окружающей среде.

Главн�й офис FFI:
650 Douglas Avenue
Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 USA
Тел: 407-862-9100
Факс: 407-772-2448
Поддержка клиентов: 407-682-0060|

В нашем интернет–магазине В� можете оплатит� заказ двум� способами , в момент получени� товара или сделат� предоплату уточнив Наши реквизит� в телефонном режиме

В нашем интернет–магазине В� можете оплатит� заказ двум� способами , в момент получени� товара или сделат� предоплату уточнив Наши реквизит� в телефонном режиме. Способ оплат� в�бираетс� в процессе оформлени� заказа в нашем интернет-магазине. Если хотите изменит� способ оплат� после оформлени� заказа, сообщите об этом оператору интернет-магазина, котор�й св�жетс� с Вами дл� подтверждени� заказа.

т. (099) 384 70 18

т. (063) 569 35 26

e-mail: [email protected]|

Заказат� катализатор экономии топлива |

Кондиционер поверхности металла MPG-EXTRA™

MPG-EXTRA™ это усовершенствованн�й кондиционер поверхности металла, котор�й образует молекул�рн�е св�зи, котор�е, в свою очеред�, химически реагируют с металлическими соединени�ми, образу� при этом необ�чайно прочную поверхност�. �то снижает трение, коррозию, умен�шает нагрев и образование ржавчин�.

MPG-EXTRA™ разработана дл� восстановлени� металла коленчатого вала, шатунов и смежн�х частей двигател� внутреннего сгорани�. Одна бут�лочка вос�ми унций (236,8 мл.), добавленна� в картер, утроитс� качество масла в вашем двигателе, примерно, на 12,000 мил�. Дозировка рассчит�ваетс� как 2 унции (59,2 мл.) на 1 кварту масла (946 мл.) кажд�е 6 мес�цев.

�тот продукт также может б�т� эффективно испол�зован дл� улучшени� работ� трансмиссии, как автоматической, так и механической, так как он полност�ю совместим со всеми гидравлическими жидкост�ми, минерал�н�ми и синтетическими маслами. Применение тех же сам�х вос�ми унций (236,8 мл.) дл� этой цели рекомендуетс� на 24,000 мил�.

Благодар� тому, что MPG-EXTRA™ предохран�ет металлические поверхности от загр�знений и вредного воздействи� твёрд�х частиц и имеет в�сокий диапазон рабочих температур, то он может испол�зоват�с� везде, где примен�ютс� об�чн�е смазочн�е материал�. При всех других видах испол�зовани� необходимо придерживат�с� соотношени� MPG-EXTRA™ 1 к 16 дл� эффективн�х резул�татов восстановлени�. �то включает в себ� испол�зование компрессоров, разн�х подшипников�х узлов, насосов, рулевого управлени�, моторов, универсал�н�х соединений, дифференциалов, редукторов и гидравлических систем.

Происход�т следующие момент� улучшени� работ� двигател�:

Увеличение мощности

Увеличение крут�щего момента

Пов�шение эффективности испол�зовани� топлива

Снижение в�бросов

Резкое снижение перегрева и износа

Очищение металлических поверхностей от опасн�х загр�знений, нагара и смол�

Снижение трени� до 90%|


Патрон E27 с инфракрасн�м и светочувствител�н�м датчиком

�кономит� электроэнергию и в�ключат� свет автоматически стало легко! Просто установите лампу в этот патрон Е27, и датчик движени� будет включат� лампу автоматически при приближении человека.

Сфер� применени�:

б�тов�е помещени�
лестничн�е плащадки
Абсолютно безопасн�й дл� здоров�� человека патрон автоматического срабат�вани�, за счет реагировани� на тепло человека инфракрасн�ми лучами. Он улавливает тепло человека сто�щего возле датчика в радиусе от 3-5 м, подключает лампу — так автоматически загораетс� свет. Если в�йти с комнат�, лампа не сразу в�ключаетс�, может работат� от 20 секунд до 5 минут в зависимости от настройки таймера, а потом самосто�тел�но в�ключаетс�.


угол сенсора: 140°
цокол� и патрон E27
инфракрасн�й датчик
светочувствител�н�й датчик
питание: 100-265 В, 50-60 Гц
макс. нагрузка: 60 Вт
регулировка освещенности, при которой срабат�вает сенсор: 3-2000 лм
регулировка задержки в�ключени�: 16-300 с
в�сота установки: 2-3,5 м
рассто�ние обнаружени� 5-8 м
рабоча� температура -20 +50 °С
1 * Шт ПИР E27 Основание Светил�ника (лампа не входит)
2 * Шт Винт|

Гранул� MPG-Mega-Crumbs

MPG-Mega-Crumbs органический катализатор камер� сгорани� топлива
MPG-Mega-Crumbs — дл� крупн�х грузовиков, кар�ерн�х самосвалов и машин, работающих с бол�шими объемами горючего

Продукт рассчитан на 800-1000 л бензина или на 500-800 л дизел�ного топлива, зависит от качества топлива.

Обработчик камер� внутреннего сгорани� в об�чн�х и дизел�н�х моторах. Разработан� специал�но дл� бол�ших грузовиков и машин с огромной грузоподъёмност�ю

MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS™ изготавливаютс� по той же революционной технологии, как и MPG-CAPS ™, однако, б�ли разработан� дл� коммерческого испол�зовани� в бол�ших грузов�х машинах, где требуетс� обработка огромн�х объемов топлива.

Подавл�ющее бол�шинство топливн�х добавок, обработчиков и кондиционеров, продающихс� в США, служат просто как моющие средства дл� очистки топливной систем�, но ничего не делают дл� улучшени� сгорани� топлива, или, что еще более важно, улучшени� характеристик камер� сгорани�. �то именно то, что отдел�ет нашу продукцию из всех других, и где наши технологии разрабат�валис� дл� достижени� совершенн�х резул�татов

Достоинства испол�зовани� MPG-CAPS™ и MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS™:

�кономит расход топлива и увеличивает мощност�
Защищает клапана и снижает количество углеродн�х накоплений
Снижает в�брос газов, способствующих разрушению озонового сло�
Устран�ет вредн�е стуки и шум в двигател�х
Увеличивает октанов�е характеристики горючего
Продлевает работу свечей, форсунок и клапанов
Катализатор� MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS™ не тол�ко способствуют постепенному исчезновению нагара, но и обладают эффектом, увеличивающим октановое число топлива (хот� и не �вл�ютс� октанкорректором).

Попада� в камеру сгорани�, компонент� катализатора MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS™ при в�соких температурах создают микропленку (термал�ное окисление), образу� на стенках цилиндра, на днище поршн� и на поверхности сгорани� тонкий слой в 0,1 мкм.

�тот слой обладает низкой теплопроводност�ю и создает в камере сгорани� услови�, при котор�х температура горени� топливо — воздушной смеси равномерна по всему объему, что и способствует полноценному сгоранию топлива и пов�шению КПД.

�то органический катализатор камер� сгорани� топлива, принцип действи� которого идентичен уже хорошо известн�м продуктам MPG-CAPS и MPG-BOOST, котор�е достаточно широко примен�ютс� в легков�х автомобил�х. MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS в�пускаетс� в с�пучем виде в тюбиках по 5 грамм. �тот продукт разработан специал�но дл� бол�шегрузн�х автомобилей и других машин с бол�шой грузоподъёмност�ю и обрабат�вающих бол�шие объем� топлива (бензин или дизел�ное топливо).

Пластиков�й тюбик MPG-CRUMBS также можно в�годно испол�зоват� дл� изготовлени� жидкого концентрата биокатализатора. Концентрата из одного тюбика хватает на 800-1000 литров горючего.|




MPG Boost — катализатор камер� сгорани�. Основ�ва�с� на тех же революционн�х технологи�х, как и MPG-CAPS™, MPG-Boost представл�ет собой жидкую форму обработчика дл� камер внутреннего сгорани�, котор�й также увеличивает экономию топлива и снижает количество вредн�х в�бросов в окружающую среду. В MPG-Boost испол�зуетс� уникал�н�й катализатор горени�, разработанн�й в аэрокосмической индустрии, котор�й и обеспечивает максимал�ную производител�ност�. �тот катализатор, встречающийс� тол�ко в MPG Boost, ускор�ет реал�ную скорост�, при которой топливо смешиваетс� с воздухом в камере внутреннего сгорани�. Резул�татом �вл�етс� значител�ное увеличение скорости горени� топлива.

Данн�й катализатор не зависит от внешней температур� и прекрасно смешиваетс� с топливом даже при критически низких температурах.

Основное преимущество по сравнению с MPG-CAPS — это скорост� начала работ� добавки и получени� реал�ной экономии бензина и дизел�ного топлива. Так как MPG-BOOST поставл�етс� в жидком виде, то дл� смешени� с топливом ему требуетс� минимал�ное врем�. Таким образом, практически сразу после добавки BOOSTа в топливн�й бак, он начинает работу. Затем, в составе обогащенной смеси BOOST очищает камеру сгорани�, формирует в ней каталитическое покр�тие и увеличивает эффективност� сгорани� топлива.


улучшение работ� систем� зажигани� при критических температурах зимой и летом;
экономи� топлива;
Улучшение экологических характеристик двигателей, за счет более полного сгорани� топлива (умен�шение вредн�х в�бросов СО, СН и NxO в в�хлопн�х газах на 60-90%;
Снижение удел�ного расхода топлива на 7-14% (официал�н�е данн�е компании); реал�н�е данн�е: город 10-20% / трасса 15-35%;
Защита топливной систем�, двигател� и каталитического нейтрализатора от некачественного топлива;
Очистка камер� сгорани�, свечей и газов�хлопного тракта от нагаров и предотвращение от последующих нагаров;
Улучшение динамики разгона автомобил� благодар� увеличению мощности и КПД двигател�;
Снижение температурной и механической напр�женности двигател�;
Умен�шение шумности двигател�;
Снижение износа и увеличение моторесурса двигател�;
Увеличение межремонтн�х периодов двигател�.
Благодар� уникал�ной формуле, органическому составу и минимал�н�м концентраци�м, катализатор� MPG предназначен� дл� длител�ного испол�зовани� и АБСОЛ�ТНО БЕЗОПАСН� ДЛ� ДВИГАТЕЛ�!

Примен�етс� как на стар�х, так и на нов�х гарантийн�х автомобил�х уже более, чем в 200 странах мира.


Аи -95: начинаем с 0.9 мл и снижаемс� с шагом 0,05..об�чно оптимал�на� дозировка — 0,75-0,82, если проситс� мен�ше, мен�йте заправку. 0,9 — 0,85 — 0,8 — 0,75

Пример: В� решили заправит�с� на 200 гривен при стоимости топлива 16,59 это будет 12.05 литра. Делим на 10л = 1.888 и умножаем на 0,8мл = 0.96 мл (округлим до 1 мл) берем шприц 2-х кубов�й, набираем, в�ливаем продукт в заправочн�й пистолет, вставл�ем в бак, идем платим ден�ги, другие алгоритм� нежелател�н�.

Аи — 92: от 0,85 до 0,6 мл

Дизел�: все зависит от объемов двигател� и пробега от 1.4л до 4,2л, начинаем от 1.2 — 1.4 и умен�шаем до 0,9 — 1,2 мл. дл� грузовиков от 2,0мл до 1.3-1.2мл.

Благодар� уникал�ной формуле, органическому составу и минимал�н�м концентраци�м, катализатор� MPG предназначен� дл� длител�ного испол�зовани� и АБСОЛ�ТНО БЕЗОПАСН� ДЛ� ДВИГАТЕЛ�!|


Дл� чего это нужно?
Через кажд�е 20-40 т�с. км на форсунках и инжекторах двигател� образуютс� смолист�е отложени� и нагар, котор�е значител�но вли�ют на эффективную работу двигател�. �то ведёт к умен�шению КПД, мощности и, соответственно, к увеличению расхода топлива. Автомобил� по динамике, как говор�т, становитс� «туп�м».

Отложени� накапливаютс� на всех детал�х топливного тракта, но бол�шее вли�ние они оказ�вают именно в зоне игл� форсунки. Изменение проходного сечени� мен�ет производител�ност� и форму расп�ла.

Поэтому, состо�ние форсунок существенно вли�ет на работу двигател�. Основн�ми признаками их неисправности б�вают: недостаточна� мощност�, развиваема� двигателем; р�вки и провал� при увеличении нагрузки на двигател�; неустойчива� работа на мал�х оборотах; пов�шенна� токсичност� отработавших газов.

Перв�м и основн�м способом восстановлени� нормал�ной работоспособности форсунок �вл�етс� их пром�вка. При этом моющий раствор не должен воздействоват� на элемент� топливного тракта, а также на клапана, сал�ники, прокладки ДВС и т.п.

Наше решение — экологически чист�й продукт MPG-MAX-PRO
Один флакон MPG-Max-Pro (236мл) чистит забит�е топливн�е инжектора, форсунки, карбюратор, помогает восстанавливат� потер�нную мощност� двигател� и предотвращает перерасход топлива.

Необходимо в�лит� полное содержание флакона в Ваш бензобак перед его заполнением, затем наполнит� бак топливом. Кроме того, добав�те MPG-CAPS. При совместном испол�зовании MPG-MAX-PRO с продуктами серии MPG, эффект экономии топлива В� получите гораздо б�стрее.

Общие рекомендации
Данн�й способ эффективен при регул�рном удалении относител�но небол�ших загр�знений и носит, скорее, профилактический характер. Удаление застарел�х отложений данн�м способом может привести к пр�мо противоположному резул�тату. В этом случае лучше всего обратит�с� в сервисн�е служб� СТО.|


MPG-CAPS ™ Оказ�вает революционное воздействие на камеру внутреннего сгорани�, что увеличивает экономию топлива.
Предназначен дл� легков�х автомобилей и машин, работающих с небол�шими объемами горючего.

Таблетки MPG-CAPS ™ — Биокатализатор горени� топлива
Обработчик камер� внутреннего сгорани� в об�чн�х и дизел�н�х моторах.

MPG-CAPS™ оказ�вает революционное воздействие на камеру внутреннего сгорани�, что увеличивает экономию топлива и сокращает вредн�е в�брос� в�хлопн�х газов. MPG CAPS включает в себ� 100% активн�х ингредиентов, без каких либо растворителей или наполнителей, котор�е безопасно и удобно испол�зоват�. Сделанн�е как мален�кие и плотн�е таблетки, их легко и удобно испол�зоват�: надо просто добавит� их в топливн�й бак при заправке бензином. Практические исп�тани� с испол�зованием MPG-CAPS™ показали снижение эмиссии в�хлопн�х газов, таких как углеводородов, окиси углерода и окислов азота. �ти в�брос� очен� вредн� дл� земной атмосфер� и способствуют глобал�ному потеплению.

Компани� FFI говорит о наличии пр�мого и косвенного эффекта при испол�зовании биокатализатора MPG-CAPS. Под пр�м�м, подразумеваютс� те резул�тат�, котор�е м� видим за короткий промежуток времени, а косвенн�е — заметн� тол�ко при длител�ном испол�зовании добавки.

Forever Freedom International гарантирует, что максимум на 6-й капсуле, водител� авто ощутит эффект от применени� биокатализатора в виде экономии бензина или дизел�ного топлива. М� убедилис� на практике, что эффект заметен на 2-3 капсуле (некотор�е его ощущают сразу). Он зависит по бол�шей мере от состо�ни� автомобил�, и в мен�шей — от качества топлива. Если после 3-й капсул� в� не замечаете никакой разниц� — обратите внимание на правил�ност� дозировки присадки, провер�те состо�ние топливного фил�тра и инжектора.

И так, практически сразу после испол�зовани� MPG-CAPS водител� получает:

�кономи� топлива: Умен�шение расхода дизел�ного топлива и бензина до 23% (об�чно более 12%).
Умен�шение уровн� СО: его содержание в в�хлопн�х газах умен�шаетс� на 70%.
Увеличение мощности двигател�: автомобил� ведет себ� заметно резвее и динамичнее.
Очен� часто еще сразу заметно умен�шение детонации двигател�, умен�шение температур� охлаждающей жидкости (двигател� мен�ше греетс�), умен�шаетс� врем� прогрева машин� в зимнее врем�.

Из косвенн�х преимуществ особо стоит в�делит� увеличение ресурса двигател�, срока служб� катализатора и л�мбда-зондов в�хлопной систем� автомобил�, свечей, форсунок и поршневой систем�.

Достоинства испол�зовани� MPG-CAPS™

�кономит расход топлива и увеличивает мощност�
Защищает клапана и снижает количество углеродн�х накоплений
Снижает в�брос газов, способствующих разрушению озонового сло�
Устран�ет вредн�е стуки и шум в двигател�х
Увеличивает октанов�е характеристики горючего Продлевают работу свечей, форсунок и клапанов
Продукт рассчитан на 800-1000 л бензина или на 500-800 л дизтоплива, зависит от качества топлива.

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ъвебд 923 - оаъ:ю Stasoldamb*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю08/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 05:00.
Николай Фролов и его феноменал�на� команда


298 817грн.

Компани� ТОВ "ПЛ�ССЕРВІС" предложила организоват� поставку того же комп�ютерного оборудовани� тол�ко в 2 раза дороже за 433 500грн. Ниже м� посмотрим на розничн�е цен� в магазинах на данн�е комплектующие .

Самое интересное это дал�нейший ход собитий.

Суд� из "Протокола розкритт�" компании

ТОВ "ВИРОБНИЧО-КОМЕРЦІЙНЕ ПІДПРИЄМСТВО "ВСЕСВІТ" котора� предлжила цену в 2 раза ниже отказ�вают с формулировкой

Несоответствие тендерной документации. В дал�нейшем эту же формулировку Команда Фролова на тендерах будет оглашат� еще не раз. И давайте запомним состав тендерного комитета.

Если посмотрет� внимател�но на услови� тендера то м� увидим следующую картину : Запорожскому Национал�ному Университету согласно «Додатку 1» необходимо закупит�:

Додаток 1

до Тендерної документації

Інформаці� про необхідні технічні, �кісні, кіл�кісні та інші характеристики,

щодо предмета закупівлі: машини дл� обробки даних(апаратна чатина) (персонал�ні комп’ютери, ноутбук), код за ДК 021:2015-30210000-4

(технічне завданн�)

https://in-fact.info/leadership/186-zaporozhskij-nardep-i-rektor-znu-ne-doveryaet-grivne-i-polzuetsya-vsemi-deputatskimi-lgotami.html - Николай Фролов депутатство ради свобод�

https://in-fact.info/leadership/186-zaporozhskij-nardep-i-rektor-znu-ne-doveryaet-grivne-i-polzuetsya-vsemi-deputatskimi-lgotami.html - Фролов Николай Александрович как украст� миллион

[url=https://in-fact.info/business/187-zhadnyj-rektor-deputat-ili-kak-ya-provel-860-tenderov-za-10-mes.html]депутат Николай Фролов[/url]

<a href=https://in-fact.info/entertainment/188-zhadnyj-rektor-ili-kak-ya-provel-860-tenderov-za-10-mes-kak-pokupali-shkodu.html>ректор-депутат ЗАПОРІЗ�КОГО НАЦІОНАЛ�НОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ – депутат Николай Фролов</a>

https://in-fact.info/entertainment/188-zhadnyj-rektor-ili-kak-ya-provel-860-tenderov-za-10-mes-kak-pokupali-shkodu.html - Фролов Николай Александрович цикл статей о тендерах
https://in-fact.info/business/187-zhadnyj-rektor-deputat-ili-kak-ya-provel-860-tenderov-za-10-mes.html - Фролов Николай Александрович

https://in-fact.info/entertainment/188-zhadnyj-rektor-ili-kak-ya-provel-860-tenderov-za-10-mes-kak-pokupali-shkodu.html - депутат Николай Фролов и зароботок на студентах

ъвебд 922 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю07/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 18:32.



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

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ъвебд 921 - оаъ:ю FOJenlNop*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю07/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 16:58.

Интернет-магазизин: катализатор� дл� экономии топлива

экономи� топливакатализатор� топлива, mpg boost, биокатализатор, биокатализатор горени� топлива, mpg caps, компани� FFI, экономи� бензина, катализатор� топлива, увеличение мощности|

Категори�: катализатор�

Проработав на NASA в течении многих лет, Рэнди Рей решил организоват� свой бизнес. В�купив патент и формулу, Рэнди совместно с Венди Л�юис в но�бре 2005 г. организовали новое предпри�тие FFI по производству авто косметики. В�шли они на р�нок с одной лиш� био присадкой MPG-CAPS и очен� б�стро добилис� ошеломл�ющего успеха. Покорив Америку, компани� начала экспансию на другие континент�. Сейчас дистриб�юторска� сет� компании охват�вает 215 стран по всему миру, с бизнес-центрами в США, �понии, на Тайване, в Бразилии, Корее, Мексике, Гонконге, Австралии, Англии и Таиланде.

Основной продукцией компани� FFI �вл�ютс� биокатализатор� к топливу MPG-CAPS, MPG-CRUMBS, MPG-BOOST, котор�е предназначен� дл� экономии топлива. Почему био? Потому, что в их основе лежит 100% органическое вещество, полученное по зпатентированной формуле.

Рабочие характеристики

Необходимо сделат� по�снени� относител�но самой технологии MPG, поскол�ку существуют не�сности, св�занн�е с другими, менее заслуживающими довери� присадками и топливн�ми добавками, но со сходн�ми рекламн�ми за�влени�ми.

MPG – буквал�но означает мили на галлон, т.е. пройденное рассто�ние за единицу топлива. Технологи� MPG – увеличение пройденного автомобилем рассто�ни� на том же количестве топлива. В странах СНГ прин�то считат� расход топлива: литр�/100км.|


Магазин автохимии

Нескол�ко слов о компании FFI
Forever Freedom International (FFI) известна во всем мире своей органической продукцией, котора� улучшает качество окружающей сред�. Компани� в�шла на р�нок с MPG-CAPs в 2005г. Распространение продукта превзошло все ожидани� и фирма со штаб-квартирой в штате Флорида в�росла до транснационал�ной компании пр�мо на глазах. Дело не тол�ко в том, что продукци� б�ла востребована, но также в том, что компани� предоставл�ет возможност� зан�ти� бизнесом дл� многих людей, котор�е станов�тс� независим�ми предпринимател�ми и распростран�ют экологически чист�е товар� в�сочайшего качества, созданн�е в цел�х защит� окружающей сред�.

FOREVER FREEDOM гордитс� своей политикой, направленной на заботу об окружающей среде, и продукцией, котора� защищает экологию Земли.
Наши дистриб�ютор� считают испол�зование наших продуктов важн�м шагом, котор�й может сделат� кажд�й человек, чтоб� улучшит� экологию нашей планет� и минимизироват� воздействие на озонов�й слой. Попул�рност� линии MPG и скорост� распространени� продукции превзошли сам�е смел�е ожидани�, что привело к молниеносному развитию нашей компании, основанной во Флориде. И дело не тол�ко в том, что наша продукци� пол�зуетс� огромной попул�рност�ю, но и в том, что наша компани� дала возможност� осуществит� мечту многих людей, котор�е хотели стат� предпринимател�ми, независим�ми дистриб�юторами целой линии в�сокоэффективн�х экологически чист�х продуктов, специал�но разработанн�х дл� того, чтоб� заботит�с� об окружающей среде.

Главн�й офис FFI:
650 Douglas Avenue
Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 USA
Тел: 407-862-9100
Факс: 407-772-2448
Поддержка клиентов: 407-682-0060|

В нашем интернет–магазине В� можете оплатит� заказ двум� способами , в момент получени� товара или сделат� предоплату уточнив Наши реквизит� в телефонном режиме

В нашем интернет–магазине В� можете оплатит� заказ двум� способами , в момент получени� товара или сделат� предоплату уточнив Наши реквизит� в телефонном режиме. Способ оплат� в�бираетс� в процессе оформлени� заказа в нашем интернет-магазине. Если хотите изменит� способ оплат� после оформлени� заказа, сообщите об этом оператору интернет-магазина, котор�й св�жетс� с Вами дл� подтверждени� заказа.

т. (099) 384 70 18

т. (063) 569 35 26

e-mail: [email protected]|

Магазин автохимии

М� находимс� по адресу:
г. Киев ,пр-т Воздухофлотский 56
т. (099) 384 70 18
т. (063) 569 35 26
e-mail: [email protected]
Как св�зат�с� с нами через сайт:

Чтоб� св�зат�с� с нами, позвоните Нам по указанн�м номерам или испол�зуйте контактную форму, расположенную на этой странице справа.

Ваши личн�е данн�е не будут опубликован�. М� ответим Вам на адрес электронной почт�, указанн�й Вами при заполнении контактной форм�.

В форме обращени�, пожалуйста, как можно более точно опишите Ваше предложение, пожелание, требование, вопрос.|

Кондиционер поверхности металла MPG-EXTRA™

MPG-EXTRA™ это усовершенствованн�й кондиционер поверхности металла, котор�й образует молекул�рн�е св�зи, котор�е, в свою очеред�, химически реагируют с металлическими соединени�ми, образу� при этом необ�чайно прочную поверхност�. �то снижает трение, коррозию, умен�шает нагрев и образование ржавчин�.

MPG-EXTRA™ разработана дл� восстановлени� металла коленчатого вала, шатунов и смежн�х частей двигател� внутреннего сгорани�. Одна бут�лочка вос�ми унций (236,8 мл.), добавленна� в картер, утроитс� качество масла в вашем двигателе, примерно, на 12,000 мил�. Дозировка рассчит�ваетс� как 2 унции (59,2 мл.) на 1 кварту масла (946 мл.) кажд�е 6 мес�цев.

�тот продукт также может б�т� эффективно испол�зован дл� улучшени� работ� трансмиссии, как автоматической, так и механической, так как он полност�ю совместим со всеми гидравлическими жидкост�ми, минерал�н�ми и синтетическими маслами. Применение тех же сам�х вос�ми унций (236,8 мл.) дл� этой цели рекомендуетс� на 24,000 мил�.

Благодар� тому, что MPG-EXTRA™ предохран�ет металлические поверхности от загр�знений и вредного воздействи� твёрд�х частиц и имеет в�сокий диапазон рабочих температур, то он может испол�зоват�с� везде, где примен�ютс� об�чн�е смазочн�е материал�. При всех других видах испол�зовани� необходимо придерживат�с� соотношени� MPG-EXTRA™ 1 к 16 дл� эффективн�х резул�татов восстановлени�. �то включает в себ� испол�зование компрессоров, разн�х подшипников�х узлов, насосов, рулевого управлени�, моторов, универсал�н�х соединений, дифференциалов, редукторов и гидравлических систем.

Происход�т следующие момент� улучшени� работ� двигател�:

Увеличение мощности

Увеличение крут�щего момента

Пов�шение эффективности испол�зовани� топлива

Снижение в�бросов

Резкое снижение перегрева и износа

Очищение металлических поверхностей от опасн�х загр�знений, нагара и смол�

Снижение трени� до 90%|


Патрон E27 с инфракрасн�м и светочувствител�н�м датчиком

�кономит� электроэнергию и в�ключат� свет автоматически стало легко! Просто установите лампу в этот патрон Е27, и датчик движени� будет включат� лампу автоматически при приближении человека.

Сфер� применени�:

б�тов�е помещени�
лестничн�е плащадки
Абсолютно безопасн�й дл� здоров�� человека патрон автоматического срабат�вани�, за счет реагировани� на тепло человека инфракрасн�ми лучами. Он улавливает тепло человека сто�щего возле датчика в радиусе от 3-5 м, подключает лампу — так автоматически загораетс� свет. Если в�йти с комнат�, лампа не сразу в�ключаетс�, может работат� от 20 секунд до 5 минут в зависимости от настройки таймера, а потом самосто�тел�но в�ключаетс�.


угол сенсора: 140°
цокол� и патрон E27
инфракрасн�й датчик
светочувствител�н�й датчик
питание: 100-265 В, 50-60 Гц
макс. нагрузка: 60 Вт
регулировка освещенности, при которой срабат�вает сенсор: 3-2000 лм
регулировка задержки в�ключени�: 16-300 с
в�сота установки: 2-3,5 м
рассто�ние обнаружени� 5-8 м
рабоча� температура -20 +50 °С
1 * Шт ПИР E27 Основание Светил�ника (лампа не входит)
2 * Шт Винт|

Гранул� MPG-Mega-Crumbs

MPG-Mega-Crumbs органический катализатор камер� сгорани� топлива
MPG-Mega-Crumbs — дл� крупн�х грузовиков, кар�ерн�х самосвалов и машин, работающих с бол�шими объемами горючего

Продукт рассчитан на 800-1000 л бензина или на 500-800 л дизел�ного топлива, зависит от качества топлива.

Обработчик камер� внутреннего сгорани� в об�чн�х и дизел�н�х моторах. Разработан� специал�но дл� бол�ших грузовиков и машин с огромной грузоподъёмност�ю

MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS™ изготавливаютс� по той же революционной технологии, как и MPG-CAPS ™, однако, б�ли разработан� дл� коммерческого испол�зовани� в бол�ших грузов�х машинах, где требуетс� обработка огромн�х объемов топлива.

Подавл�ющее бол�шинство топливн�х добавок, обработчиков и кондиционеров, продающихс� в США, служат просто как моющие средства дл� очистки топливной систем�, но ничего не делают дл� улучшени� сгорани� топлива, или, что еще более важно, улучшени� характеристик камер� сгорани�. �то именно то, что отдел�ет нашу продукцию из всех других, и где наши технологии разрабат�валис� дл� достижени� совершенн�х резул�татов

Достоинства испол�зовани� MPG-CAPS™ и MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS™:

�кономит расход топлива и увеличивает мощност�
Защищает клапана и снижает количество углеродн�х накоплений
Снижает в�брос газов, способствующих разрушению озонового сло�
Устран�ет вредн�е стуки и шум в двигател�х
Увеличивает октанов�е характеристики горючего
Продлевает работу свечей, форсунок и клапанов
Катализатор� MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS™ не тол�ко способствуют постепенному исчезновению нагара, но и обладают эффектом, увеличивающим октановое число топлива (хот� и не �вл�ютс� октанкорректором).

Попада� в камеру сгорани�, компонент� катализатора MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS™ при в�соких температурах создают микропленку (термал�ное окисление), образу� на стенках цилиндра, на днище поршн� и на поверхности сгорани� тонкий слой в 0,1 мкм.

�тот слой обладает низкой теплопроводност�ю и создает в камере сгорани� услови�, при котор�х температура горени� топливо — воздушной смеси равномерна по всему объему, что и способствует полноценному сгоранию топлива и пов�шению КПД.

�то органический катализатор камер� сгорани� топлива, принцип действи� которого идентичен уже хорошо известн�м продуктам MPG-CAPS и MPG-BOOST, котор�е достаточно широко примен�ютс� в легков�х автомобил�х. MPG-MEGA-CRUMBS в�пускаетс� в с�пучем виде в тюбиках по 5 грамм. �тот продукт разработан специал�но дл� бол�шегрузн�х автомобилей и других машин с бол�шой грузоподъёмност�ю и обрабат�вающих бол�шие объем� топлива (бензин или дизел�ное топливо).

Пластиков�й тюбик MPG-CRUMBS также можно в�годно испол�зоват� дл� изготовлени� жидкого концентрата биокатализатора. Концентрата из одного тюбика хватает на 800-1000 литров горючего.|




MPG Boost — катализатор камер� сгорани�. Основ�ва�с� на тех же революционн�х технологи�х, как и MPG-CAPS™, MPG-Boost представл�ет собой жидкую форму обработчика дл� камер внутреннего сгорани�, котор�й также увеличивает экономию топлива и снижает количество вредн�х в�бросов в окружающую среду. В MPG-Boost испол�зуетс� уникал�н�й катализатор горени�, разработанн�й в аэрокосмической индустрии, котор�й и обеспечивает максимал�ную производител�ност�. �тот катализатор, встречающийс� тол�ко в MPG Boost, ускор�ет реал�ную скорост�, при которой топливо смешиваетс� с воздухом в камере внутреннего сгорани�. Резул�татом �вл�етс� значител�ное увеличение скорости горени� топлива.

Данн�й катализатор не зависит от внешней температур� и прекрасно смешиваетс� с топливом даже при критически низких температурах.

Основное преимущество по сравнению с MPG-CAPS — это скорост� начала работ� добавки и получени� реал�ной экономии бензина и дизел�ного топлива. Так как MPG-BOOST поставл�етс� в жидком виде, то дл� смешени� с топливом ему требуетс� минимал�ное врем�. Таким образом, практически сразу после добавки BOOSTа в топливн�й бак, он начинает работу. Затем, в составе обогащенной смеси BOOST очищает камеру сгорани�, формирует в ней каталитическое покр�тие и увеличивает эффективност� сгорани� топлива.


улучшение работ� систем� зажигани� при критических температурах зимой и летом;
экономи� топлива;
Улучшение экологических характеристик двигателей, за счет более полного сгорани� топлива (умен�шение вредн�х в�бросов СО, СН и NxO в в�хлопн�х газах на 60-90%;
Снижение удел�ного расхода топлива на 7-14% (официал�н�е данн�е компании); реал�н�е данн�е: город 10-20% / трасса 15-35%;
Защита топливной систем�, двигател� и каталитического нейтрализатора от некачественного топлива;
Очистка камер� сгорани�, свечей и газов�хлопного тракта от нагаров и предотвращение от последующих нагаров;
Улучшение динамики разгона автомобил� благодар� увеличению мощности и КПД двигател�;
Снижение температурной и механической напр�женности двигател�;
Умен�шение шумности двигател�;
Снижение износа и увеличение моторесурса двигател�;
Увеличение межремонтн�х периодов двигател�.
Благодар� уникал�ной формуле, органическому составу и минимал�н�м концентраци�м, катализатор� MPG предназначен� дл� длител�ного испол�зовани� и АБСОЛ�ТНО БЕЗОПАСН� ДЛ� ДВИГАТЕЛ�!

Примен�етс� как на стар�х, так и на нов�х гарантийн�х автомобил�х уже более, чем в 200 странах мира.


Аи -95: начинаем с 0.9 мл и снижаемс� с шагом 0,05..об�чно оптимал�на� дозировка — 0,75-0,82, если проситс� мен�ше, мен�йте заправку. 0,9 — 0,85 — 0,8 — 0,75

Пример: В� решили заправит�с� на 200 гривен при стоимости топлива 16,59 это будет 12.05 литра. Делим на 10л = 1.888 и умножаем на 0,8мл = 0.96 мл (округлим до 1 мл) берем шприц 2-х кубов�й, набираем, в�ливаем продукт в заправочн�й пистолет, вставл�ем в бак, идем платим ден�ги, другие алгоритм� нежелател�н�.

Аи — 92: от 0,85 до 0,6 мл

Дизел�: все зависит от объемов двигател� и пробега от 1.4л до 4,2л, начинаем от 1.2 — 1.4 и умен�шаем до 0,9 — 1,2 мл. дл� грузовиков от 2,0мл до 1.3-1.2мл.

Благодар� уникал�ной формуле, органическому составу и минимал�н�м концентраци�м, катализатор� MPG предназначен� дл� длител�ного испол�зовани� и АБСОЛ�ТНО БЕЗОПАСН� ДЛ� ДВИГАТЕЛ�!|


Дл� чего это нужно?
Через кажд�е 20-40 т�с. км на форсунках и инжекторах двигател� образуютс� смолист�е отложени� и нагар, котор�е значител�но вли�ют на эффективную работу двигател�. �то ведёт к умен�шению КПД, мощности и, соответственно, к увеличению расхода топлива. Автомобил� по динамике, как говор�т, становитс� «туп�м».

Отложени� накапливаютс� на всех детал�х топливного тракта, но бол�шее вли�ние они оказ�вают именно в зоне игл� форсунки. Изменение проходного сечени� мен�ет производител�ност� и форму расп�ла.

Поэтому, состо�ние форсунок существенно вли�ет на работу двигател�. Основн�ми признаками их неисправности б�вают: недостаточна� мощност�, развиваема� двигателем; р�вки и провал� при увеличении нагрузки на двигател�; неустойчива� работа на мал�х оборотах; пов�шенна� токсичност� отработавших газов.

Перв�м и основн�м способом восстановлени� нормал�ной работоспособности форсунок �вл�етс� их пром�вка. При этом моющий раствор не должен воздействоват� на элемент� топливного тракта, а также на клапана, сал�ники, прокладки ДВС и т.п.

Наше решение — экологически чист�й продукт MPG-MAX-PRO
Один флакон MPG-Max-Pro (236мл) чистит забит�е топливн�е инжектора, форсунки, карбюратор, помогает восстанавливат� потер�нную мощност� двигател� и предотвращает перерасход топлива.

Необходимо в�лит� полное содержание флакона в Ваш бензобак перед его заполнением, затем наполнит� бак топливом. Кроме того, добав�те MPG-CAPS. При совместном испол�зовании MPG-MAX-PRO с продуктами серии MPG, эффект экономии топлива В� получите гораздо б�стрее.

Общие рекомендации
Данн�й способ эффективен при регул�рном удалении относител�но небол�ших загр�знений и носит, скорее, профилактический характер. Удаление застарел�х отложений данн�м способом может привести к пр�мо противоположному резул�тату. В этом случае лучше всего обратит�с� в сервисн�е служб� СТО.|


MPG-CAPS ™ Оказ�вает революционное воздействие на камеру внутреннего сгорани�, что увеличивает экономию топлива.
Предназначен дл� легков�х автомобилей и машин, работающих с небол�шими объемами горючего.

Таблетки MPG-CAPS ™ — Биокатализатор горени� топлива
Обработчик камер� внутреннего сгорани� в об�чн�х и дизел�н�х моторах.

MPG-CAPS™ оказ�вает революционное воздействие на камеру внутреннего сгорани�, что увеличивает экономию топлива и сокращает вредн�е в�брос� в�хлопн�х газов. MPG CAPS включает в себ� 100% активн�х ингредиентов, без каких либо растворителей или наполнителей, котор�е безопасно и удобно испол�зоват�. Сделанн�е как мален�кие и плотн�е таблетки, их легко и удобно испол�зоват�: надо просто добавит� их в топливн�й бак при заправке бензином. Практические исп�тани� с испол�зованием MPG-CAPS™ показали снижение эмиссии в�хлопн�х газов, таких как углеводородов, окиси углерода и окислов азота. �ти в�брос� очен� вредн� дл� земной атмосфер� и способствуют глобал�ному потеплению.

Компани� FFI говорит о наличии пр�мого и косвенного эффекта при испол�зовании биокатализатора MPG-CAPS. Под пр�м�м, подразумеваютс� те резул�тат�, котор�е м� видим за короткий промежуток времени, а косвенн�е — заметн� тол�ко при длител�ном испол�зовании добавки.

Forever Freedom International гарантирует, что максимум на 6-й капсуле, водител� авто ощутит эффект от применени� биокатализатора в виде экономии бензина или дизел�ного топлива. М� убедилис� на практике, что эффект заметен на 2-3 капсуле (некотор�е его ощущают сразу). Он зависит по бол�шей мере от состо�ни� автомобил�, и в мен�шей — от качества топлива. Если после 3-й капсул� в� не замечаете никакой разниц� — обратите внимание на правил�ност� дозировки присадки, провер�те состо�ние топливного фил�тра и инжектора.

И так, практически сразу после испол�зовани� MPG-CAPS водител� получает:

�кономи� топлива: Умен�шение расхода дизел�ного топлива и бензина до 23% (об�чно более 12%).
Умен�шение уровн� СО: его содержание в в�хлопн�х газах умен�шаетс� на 70%.
Увеличение мощности двигател�: автомобил� ведет себ� заметно резвее и динамичнее.
Очен� часто еще сразу заметно умен�шение детонации двигател�, умен�шение температур� охлаждающей жидкости (двигател� мен�ше греетс�), умен�шаетс� врем� прогрева машин� в зимнее врем�.

Из косвенн�х преимуществ особо стоит в�делит� увеличение ресурса двигател�, срока служб� катализатора и л�мбда-зондов в�хлопной систем� автомобил�, свечей, форсунок и поршневой систем�.

Достоинства испол�зовани� MPG-CAPS™

�кономит расход топлива и увеличивает мощност�
Защищает клапана и снижает количество углеродн�х накоплений
Снижает в�брос газов, способствующих разрушению озонового сло�
Устран�ет вредн�е стуки и шум в двигател�х
Увеличивает октанов�е характеристики горючего Продлевают работу свечей, форсунок и клапанов
Продукт рассчитан на 800-1000 л бензина или на 500-800 л дизтоплива, зависит от качества топлива.

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[url=https://auto-mpg.com.ua/vse-tovari/katalizatory/mpg-max-pro/]увеличение мощности[/url]

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ъвебд 920 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю07/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 16:29.
Andreevsky descent



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

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ъвебд 919 - оаъ:ю Stasoldamb*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю06/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 22:59.
Николай Фролов тендер� в университете

Запорожский Нардеп И Ректор ЗНУ Не Довер�ет Гривне И Пол�зуетс� Всеми Депутатскими Л�готами
Звезда активнаЗвезда активнаЗвезда активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активна
Пожалуйста, оцените
Напомним, что Николай Фролов давно в запорожской политике. Его часто обвин�ли в смене партий. В 2001-2005 годах Фролов возглавл�л Запорожскую городскую организацию СДПУ (о). Редактор газет� "Суббота+" наз�вал его "част�ю донецкого паханата". Так, в 2004 году он состо�л в руководстве предв�борного штаба Виктора �нуковича в Запорож�е. А потом его св�з�вали с Партией регионов. Даже по�вилас� фото его удостоверени� члена ПР от 2005 года. Впрочем, сам Фролов наз�вал это удостоверение подделкой и увер�л, что не вступал в партию.
Затем Фролов, когда на "властн�й Олимп" взошла �ли� Тимошенко, ушел в "Бат�кивщину". Впрочем. формла�но он вошел в парти, когда Тимошенко уже "скинули" с этого Олимпа. На в�борах 2010 года прошел в областной совет от ВО "Бат�кивщина" по одномандатному округу № 46 (единственн�й мажоритарщик от этой партии). На 2012 год он б�л одной из главн�х оппозиционн�х сил (представл�� тот же Б�Т) котора� формал�но противосто�ла Партии регионов в Запорож�е. Неожиданно он, практически, сошел с политической арен� и стал ректором. В 2012 году Николай Фролов победил на в�борах ректора ЗНУ.

В 2014 году Фролов стал кандидатом в народн�е депутат� от Блока Порошенко по мажоритарному округу № 76 (Хортицкой и Орджоникидзевский район�) и одержал победу, набрав 21,75% голосов избирателей.

В 2015 году он проиграл на в�борах мэра Владимиру Бур�ку.

За 2017 год Николай Фролов вместе с супругой (Натал�ей Фроловой), котора� работает в отделе образовани� Вознесеновского района, заработал 996 384 гривен. Самосто�тел�но он получил - 799 691 грн. �то в�плат�, как нардепу, так и за преподавател�скую де�тел�ност�.

Любоп�тно, что Фролов получает все депутатские л�гот�, как компенсаци� проезда и аренда жил�� в Киеве.

У наредпа всего одна машина.

https://in-fact.info/leadership/186-zaporozhskij-nardep-i-rektor-znu-ne-doveryaet-grivne-i-polzuetsya-vsemi-deputatskimi-lgotami.html - депутат Николай Фролов и зароботок на студентах

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<a href=https://in-fact.info/leadership/186-zaporozhskij-nardep-i-rektor-znu-ne-doveryaet-grivne-i-polzuetsya-vsemi-deputatskimi-lgotami.html>Николай Фролов вечна� стройка в универе</a>

https://in-fact.info/business/185-skhemy-i-migratsii-koli-shatuna-frolova.html - депутат Николай Фролов доход� на тендерах

https://in-fact.info/leadership/186-zaporozhskij-nardep-i-rektor-znu-ne-doveryaet-grivne-i-polzuetsya-vsemi-deputatskimi-lgotami.html - Николай Фролов и его феноменал�на� команда

https://in-fact.info/leadership/186-zaporozhskij-nardep-i-rektor-znu-ne-doveryaet-grivne-i-polzuetsya-vsemi-deputatskimi-lgotami.html - Николай Фролов тендер� в университете

ъвебд 918 - оаъ:ю BrianSnima*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю12/ю2018 бщтд 04:24.

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ъвебд 917 - оаъ:ю BrianSnima*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю30/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 23:19.

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ъвебд 916 - оаъ:ю BrianSnima*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю30/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 20:44.

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ъвебд 915 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю30/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 16:33.



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/seven_wonders_of_kiev - culturalkiev

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/o_nas]kiev girlfriend[/url]

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/bothanical_garden]extreme tour kiev[/url]

ъвебд 914 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю30/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 14:02.
airport transfer



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/mystical_kiev - Kiev at night

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/exclusive_tours]botanical garden Kiev[/url]

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/mystical_kiev]excursion Kiev[/url]

ъвебд 913 - оаъ:ю BrianSnima*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю29/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 22:36.

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Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

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ъвебд 911 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю29/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 19:40.
translators kiev



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/chernobyl - Lavra tour

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/o_nas]Andreevsky descent[/url]

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/o_nas]ukrainian souvenirs[/url]

ъвебд 910 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю29/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 16:14.
best place in Kiev



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/our_guides - travels to Kiev

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/]helicopter kiev[/url]

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/bothanical_garden]book tour[/url]

ъвебд 909 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю29/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 12:46.
Mezhyhirya tour



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/exclusive_tours - botanical garden Kiev


[url=https://culturalkiev.com/city_lights]professional guides[/url]

ъвебд 908 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю29/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 01:12.
Pechersk Lavra



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That´s how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80´s, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/seven_wonders_of_kiev - transfer Kiev

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/exclusive_tours]ukrainian souvenirs[/url]

[url=https://culturalkiev.com/seven_wonders_of_kiev]airballoon kiev[/url]

ъвебд 907 - оаъ:ю AUQenlCem*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю28/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 22:56.



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they´ll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company ´Cultural Kiev´ will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides ´The only way to do great work is to love what you do´

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won´t find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don´t need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you´d like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don´t worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew´s Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew´s Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don´t know how to spend free time, we recommend our service ´guide for an hour´. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city´s secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it´s not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych´s presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


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ъвебд 522 - оаъ:ю Hectorrutle*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю10/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 15:21.
Приветствую всех! интересн�й у вас сайт!
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ъвебд 521 - оаъ:ю Begazimben*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю07/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 22:02.
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ъвебд 520 - оаъ:ю HollieItefe*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю06/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 17:00.
Long and fluffy eyelashes are the dream of every woman. If you are tired of looking for the perfect mascara, and your natural eyelashes are not too fluffy and long, then eyelashes extensions Dubai are an easy way out.

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ъвебд 519 - оаъ:ю SVSean*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю03/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 08:21.
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ъвебд 518 - оаъ:ю HenryBrord*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю03/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 05:54.
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ъвебд 517 - оаъ:ю EdwardXU*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 21:22.
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ъвебд 516 - оаъ:ю WilliamGaugs*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 17:55.
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ъвебд 515 - оаъ:ю IIRobert*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 11:24.
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ъвебд 514 - оаъ:ю dashajak*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 09:02.
The free movement of goods, services, capital, and people-these are the pillars that form an essential foundation for welfare and employment in Europe. Mobility is the fundamental premise for these four core values to be strengthened not only in the domestic market but also beyond its borders. This is particularly significant in the Baltic Sea region, where a well thought-out and developed transport system is one of the positive development factors. Flight-related activities have both direct and indirect impact on the economy. The direct impact includes the income derived from the activities of airline personnel and ground handling workers, whereas the indirect input implies all purchases in the aviation sector from locally based suppliers who basically do not represent the aviation sector. Additional impact on the economy of Latvia is formed by the costs of aviation sector employees and service providers.

More than 30 airports are located in Lithuania

There are four international airports operating in Lithuania - in Kaunas, Palanga, Siauliai, and, of course, in Vilnius, and there are more than 30 smaller airports and military airfields. In Estonia, airports are mainly located in the capital in Tallinn, as well as in Tartu, Kuressaare, Kerdle and Parnu. These are international airports, however, there are more than 15 private and military airports and so-called airports of local importance located throughout the country. Latvia still has only two international airports - in Riga and in Liepaja; there are also small airdromes, for example, in Spilva, in Tukums and Ventspils, and several other military flight platforms though. Riga International Airport entered the top five rapidly growing airports in Europe last year, which lead to an increase in the number of passengers by 16.2%. Therefore, it underscores the fact that even though the airport in Liepaja will have to put a lot of time and effort to its development, it brings a great potential, which can give a significant and valuable contribution to the domestic economy of the country.

A successful start is taken after reconstruction Rolands Petersons minicredit

The airport in Liepaja did a great job - in 2015 after its reconstruction was completed. At the airport a significant drainage effort was undertaken, a new cover for the take-off track was laid, the take-off strip was reinforced, the cover of the shunting route was improved and expanded, parking places for the aircraft were renovated as well. After Liepaja Airport was certified for commercial flights for the summer season in 2016, the Latvian national airline "AirBaltic" launched regular flights between Riga and Liepaja. During the first half of that year, more than 4,780 passengers were transported along this route. The five most popular destinations for transit flights along the Liepaja route include London, Berlin, Moscow, Copenhagen, and Hamburg, which, in general, brought very good results.
Keeping in mind the processes that are still underway, it is important to mention the extensive capacity-building of the airports, environment protection in a long-term, enhancement of cooperation with other regional airports in Europe. It is not enough for Latvia to have only one high-capacity airport - we have a regional leader who can serve as an example of a successful market behavior for others. Rolands Petersons minicredit

Support strategy for attracting new aviation communities
Rolands Petersons minicredit
Liepaja airport is the only example nowadays in terms of Latvian regional airports, however, I see several competitive regional airports in Latvia. To promote their development, a thorough analysis of the passengers´ potential is needed, starting with linking their activities with the existing types of transport in the surrounding region, forming a support strategy to attract new aviation communities, passengers, and additional services for client groups, bearing in mind that the added value of airports is formed by airlines operating there, strategic cooperation partners and service providers. Without a doubt, it is also essential to study the ultimate goals of tourist destinations, in order to promote the growth of the travel market and ensure its positive impact on the economy.

Infrastructure for a variety multifaceted of commercial activities Rolands Petersons minicredit

The strategic objective of the regional airports is a creation of the favorable and unified conditions for the enterprises and institutions operating there, as well as to proactive procurement of a sufficient infrastructure for the development various of commercial activities. It is also necessary to develop new ways of cooperation in order to actively identify airlines that are ready to join the development of new travel destinations and to expand their market share in the airport. Apart from this, it is necessary to work on the incentive prerequisites for launching new flights.
The imperfection of the transport system can no longer be an obstacle, with the 85 million inhabitants who live in the Baltic Sea region, who can be isolated or cut off from the rest of the European Union, or may face serious travel problems. The power generated by the economy and innovation provides the Baltic Sea Region with opportunities to create a modern, forward-looking transport system that will also contribute to the creation of a socially balanced economic policy. Rolands Petersons minicredit

ъвебд 513 - оаъ:ю CVLyle*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 08:33.
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ъвебд 512 - оаъ:ю BDDavid*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 05:46.
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ъвебд 511 - оаъ:ю IgnacioFZ*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 03:02.
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ъвебд 510 - оаъ:ю dashajak*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 00:22.
The free movement of goods, services, capital, and people-these are the pillars that form an essential foundation for welfare and employment in Europe. Mobility is the fundamental premise for these four core values to be strengthened not only in the domestic market but also beyond its borders. This is particularly significant in the Baltic Sea region, where a well thought-out and developed transport system is one of the positive development factors. Flight-related activities have both direct and indirect impact on the economy. The direct impact includes the income derived from the activities of airline personnel and ground handling workers, whereas the indirect input implies all purchases in the aviation sector from locally based suppliers who basically do not represent the aviation sector. Additional impact on the economy of Latvia is formed by the costs of aviation sector employees and service providers.

More than 30 airports are located in Lithuania

There are four international airports operating in Lithuania - in Kaunas, Palanga, Siauliai, and, of course, in Vilnius, and there are more than 30 smaller airports and military airfields. In Estonia, airports are mainly located in the capital in Tallinn, as well as in Tartu, Kuressaare, Kerdle and Parnu. These are international airports, however, there are more than 15 private and military airports and so-called airports of local importance located throughout the country. Latvia still has only two international airports - in Riga and in Liepaja; there are also small airdromes, for example, in Spilva, in Tukums and Ventspils, and several other military flight platforms though. Riga International Airport entered the top five rapidly growing airports in Europe last year, which lead to an increase in the number of passengers by 16.2%. Therefore, it underscores the fact that even though the airport in Liepaja will have to put a lot of time and effort to its development, it brings a great potential, which can give a significant and valuable contribution to the domestic economy of the country.

A successful start is taken after reconstruction Rolands Petersons minicredit

The airport in Liepaja did a great job - in 2015 after its reconstruction was completed. At the airport a significant drainage effort was undertaken, a new cover for the take-off track was laid, the take-off strip was reinforced, the cover of the shunting route was improved and expanded, parking places for the aircraft were renovated as well. After Liepaja Airport was certified for commercial flights for the summer season in 2016, the Latvian national airline "AirBaltic" launched regular flights between Riga and Liepaja. During the first half of that year, more than 4,780 passengers were transported along this route. The five most popular destinations for transit flights along the Liepaja route include London, Berlin, Moscow, Copenhagen, and Hamburg, which, in general, brought very good results.
Keeping in mind the processes that are still underway, it is important to mention the extensive capacity-building of the airports, environment protection in a long-term, enhancement of cooperation with other regional airports in Europe. It is not enough for Latvia to have only one high-capacity airport - we have a regional leader who can serve as an example of a successful market behavior for others. Rolands Petersons minicredit

Support strategy for attracting new aviation communities
Rolands Petersons minicredit
Liepaja airport is the only example nowadays in terms of Latvian regional airports, however, I see several competitive regional airports in Latvia. To promote their development, a thorough analysis of the passengers´ potential is needed, starting with linking their activities with the existing types of transport in the surrounding region, forming a support strategy to attract new aviation communities, passengers, and additional services for client groups, bearing in mind that the added value of airports is formed by airlines operating there, strategic cooperation partners and service providers. Without a doubt, it is also essential to study the ultimate goals of tourist destinations, in order to promote the growth of the travel market and ensure its positive impact on the economy.

Infrastructure for a variety multifaceted of commercial activities Rolands Petersons minicredit

The strategic objective of the regional airports is a creation of the favorable and unified conditions for the enterprises and institutions operating there, as well as to proactive procurement of a sufficient infrastructure for the development various of commercial activities. It is also necessary to develop new ways of cooperation in order to actively identify airlines that are ready to join the development of new travel destinations and to expand their market share in the airport. Apart from this, it is necessary to work on the incentive prerequisites for launching new flights.
The imperfection of the transport system can no longer be an obstacle, with the 85 million inhabitants who live in the Baltic Sea region, who can be isolated or cut off from the rest of the European Union, or may face serious travel problems. The power generated by the economy and innovation provides the Baltic Sea Region with opportunities to create a modern, forward-looking transport system that will also contribute to the creation of a socially balanced economic policy. Rolands Petersons minicredit

ъвебд 509 - оаъ:ю WarrenTN*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю11/ю2018 бщтд 17:36.
[url=http://www.ativanx.com]http://www.ativanx.com[/url] GraifutratReumma

ъвебд 508 - оаъ:ю dashajak*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю31/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 17:31.
Palanga, Siauliai There are four international airports
operating in Lithuania - in Kaunas, and, of course,
in Vilnius, and there are more than 30 smaller airports
and military airfields. In Estonia, airports are mainly
located in the capital in Tallinn, as well as in Tartu,
Kuressaare, Kerdle and Parnu. These are international
airports, however, there are more than 15 private and
military airports and so-called airports of local importance
located throughout the country. Latvia still has only two
international airports - in Riga and in Liepaja; there are
also small airdromes, for example, in Spilva, in Tukums and
Ventspils, and several other military flight platforms though.
Riga International Airport entered the top five rapidly
growing airports in Europe last year, which lead to an
increase in the number of passengers by 16.2%. Therefore,
it underscores the fact that even though the airport in
Liepaja will have to put a lot of time and effort to its
development, it brings a great potential, which can give a
significant and valuable contribution to the domestic
economy of the country.

ъвебд 507 - оаъ:ю Tarascup*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю26/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 12:56.
ТОО “Камал-Ойл” и его глава Абай Камалов рад предоставит� вам услуги по аренде, поставке техники и материалов, а также сервисн�х услуг необходим�х в нефтегазовом секторе.

Квалифицированн�е специалист� и управленческий персонал Абай Камалова, получивший западное образование гарантируют: услуги предоставл�ем�е нами отвечают в�соким требовани�м и Европейским стандартам. Директор нашей компании Абай Камалов обучалс� в Германии - Академии Менеджмента и практиковалс� на таких заводах, как Liebherr, JCB и т.п., что дает преимущество, Абаю Камалову и его команде, в сфере развит�х партнерских отношений по всему миру.
-Абай Камалов

ъвебд 506 - оаъ:ю DarylQN*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю21/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 20:15.
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ъвебд 505 - оаъ:ю JoeNQ*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю21/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 13:31.
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ъвебд 504 - оаъ:ю KTKevin*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю21/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 09:36.
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ъвебд 503 - оаъ:ю GFJoseph*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю21/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 06:48.
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ъвебд 502 - оаъ:ю IKBrain*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю21/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 02:01.
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ъвебд 501 - оаъ:ю RoyDB*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю20/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 18:57.
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ъвебд 500 - оаъ:ю JeffEM*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю20/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 15:20.
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ъвебд 498 - оаъ:ю ZIChristopher*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю20/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 10:15.
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ъвебд 497 - оаъ:ю EGMichael*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю20/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 07:17.
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ъвебд 496 - оаъ:ю BrianSer*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю20/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 05:55.
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ъвебд 494 - оаъ:ю Dwightmow*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю19/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 18:11.
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ъвебд 493 - оаъ:ю WilliamLY*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю19/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 15:38.
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ъвебд 492 - оаъ:ю DavidImmog*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю19/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 09:55.
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ъвебд 490 - оаъ:ю RobertfloOt*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю19/ю10/ю2018 бщтд 01:44.
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Фантастика :)

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По моему мнению В� не прав�. � уверен. Давайте обсудим.

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ъвебд 90 - оаъ:ю temkohob*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю13/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 02:30.
В� не прав�. � уверен. Предлагаю это обсудит�. Пишите мне в PM, поговорим.

Извините, что � Вас прер�ваю, но � предлагаю пойти другим путём. восстановлени� зрени� новосибирск, восстановление пол� зрени� и [url=http://newpcgame.ru/user/egsublek/]здес�[/url] 100 зрение восстановление

ъвебд 89 - оаъ:ю ElwoodPaf*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю13/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 00:47.
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ъвебд 88 - оаъ:ю temkohob*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю12/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 22:47.
Он безусловно прав

� считаю, что В� допускаете ошибку. Давайте обсудим это. Пишите мне в PM. программа восстановление зрени�, восстановление зрени� муз�кой и [url=http://cxpco-a.ru/user/egsuboa/]тут[/url] после восстановлени� зрени�

ъвебд 87 - оаъ:ю temkohob*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю12/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 22:08.
Отличн�й ответ, браво :)

По моему мнению В� не прав�. � уверен. Предлагаю это обсудит�. Пишите мне в PM, поговорим. цена восстановление зрени�, уфа восстановление зрени� и [url=http://kinogo-2.ru/user/egsubMatt/]тут[/url] восстановление зрени� бейтса

ъвебд 86 - оаъ:ю vietruthhona*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю11/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 21:23.
Полност�ю раздел�ю Ваше мнение. В этом что-то ест� и мне кажетс� это отлична� иде�. Полност�ю с Вами соглашус�.

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ъвебд 85 - оаъ:ю vietruthhona*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю11/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 17:22.
Не всегда,иногда и ран�ше=)

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ъвебд 84 - оаъ:ю vietruthhona*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю11/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 16:45.
Вовсе нет.

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ъвебд 83 - оаъ:ю vietruthhona*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю11/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 13:18.
В� попали в самую точку. � думаю, что это отлична� м�сл�.

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ъвебд 80 - оаъ:ю vietruthhona*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю10/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 04:58.
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ъвебд 79 - оаъ:ю mobadSn*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю10/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 04:02.
В� допускаете ошибку. Давайте обсудим. Пишите мне в PM, поговорим.

В� очен� талантлив�й человек интересн�е сумки, философи� интересна� и [url=http://www.club-kia.com/forum/thread12093.html]тут[/url] интересн�й сценарий

ъвебд 78 - оаъ:ю mobadSn*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю10/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 03:21.
посмотрю дл� разнообрази� ...

Мне кажетс� это блест�ща� м�сл� художники интересн�е, презентации интересн�е а также [url=http://kobra.4adm.ru/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=186]тут[/url] интересн�е боевики

ъвебд 77 - оаъ:ю mauwindsods*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю09/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 20:28.
Бесподобное сообщение, мне очен� интересно :)

� думаю, что В� ошибаетес�. Могу это доказат�. Пишите мне в PM, обсудим. интересн�е флаги, интересн�й питер или [url=http://www.100voprosov.net/forum/sto-voprosov-sto-otvetov/biznes/smart-rus23.html#28184]тут[/url] интересн�е записи

ъвебд 76 - оаъ:ю mauwindsods*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю09/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 19:52.
Извините, � удалил эту фразу

Куда уж тут против таланта игр� интересн�й, интересн�е игрушки или [url=http://aquariymist.com/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=7305]тут[/url] хентай интересн�й

ъвебд 75 - оаъ:ю NormanBroRp*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю09/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 02:40.
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ъвебд 74 - оаъ:ю vietruthhona*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю07/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 23:38.
� удалил эту м�сл� :)

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ъвебд 73 - оаъ:ю RobertVaw*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю07/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 15:37.
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ъвебд 72 - оаъ:ю Beverlytat*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю07/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 13:09.
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ъвебд 71 - оаъ:ю searchlessea*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю07/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 00:31.
� хорошо разбираюс� в этом. Могу помоч� в решении вопроса. Вместе м� сможем прийти к правил�ному ответу.

Хот� убей, не знаю. интересн�е ворота, интересн�е книги а также [url=http://personalnetzwerk.net/modules.php?name=Journal&file=display&jid=3201]тут[/url] интересн�е присказки

ъвебд 70 - оаъ:ю searchlessea*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю06/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 23:55.
класс класс супер!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Исключител�на� м�сл� )))) интересн�е хештеги, интересн�е ножи а также [url=http://www.unihockeynight.com/forum/unihockeynight-2014-spielerforum/23915#23949]тут[/url] хентай интересн�й

ъвебд 69 - оаъ:ю nosattult*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю06/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 22:58.
�тот топик просто бесподобен :), мне интересно .

Прошу прощени�, что вмешалс�... У мен� похожа� ситуаци�. Приглашаю к обсуждению. притча интересна�, аудиосказка интересна� и [url=http://riverstreetsav.com/index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topic&catid=3&id=4098&Itemid=151]тут[/url] интересн�е фигур�

ъвебд 68 - оаъ:ю praregGono*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю06/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 22:36.
Абсолютно с Вами согласен. В этом что-то ест� и иде� отлична�, поддерживаю.

� считаю, что В� не прав�. � уверен. Давайте обсудим. Пишите мне в PM, пообщаемс�. интересн�й фикус, интересн�е фант� или [url=http://rusakov-club.com/index.php/forum/razdel-predlozhenij/9612-zaim-online24#9668]тут[/url] френч интересн�й

ъвебд 67 - оаъ:ю praregGono*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю06/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 21:59.
про бабло заб�ли написат�!!!!!!!!!

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ъвебд 66 - оаъ:ю unnarop*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю06/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 21:40.
В� оказалис� прав�. Благодарю за совет, как � могу Вас отблагодарит�?

В� не прав�. � уверен. Могу это доказат�. Пишите мне в PM, поговорим. интересн�е трейлер�, интересн�е бутерброд� и [url=http://tennis.krata.ru/index.php/component/users/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=1050859]тут[/url] созвезди� интересн�е

ъвебд 65 - оаъ:ю unnarop*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю06/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 21:03.
Мне знакома эта ситуаци�. Готов помоч�.

Предлагаю Вам зайти на сайт, на котором ест� много статей по этому вопросу. интересн�е проект�, тату интересн�е и [url=http://kladoiskatel.asia/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3269]тут[/url] интересн�й синоним�

ъвебд 64 - оаъ:ю flatovOl*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю06/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 20:06.
ха, прикол�но!

Безмолвие наступило :) интересно ли, мул�тик интересн�е а также [url=http://sterlingadultdaycarecenter.com/component/k2/itemlist/user/72050]тут[/url] паблики интересн�е

ъвебд 63 - оаъ:ю Dannyorgak*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю06/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 00:28.
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ъвебд 62 - оаъ:ю CharlesTip*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю04/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 15:53.
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ъвебд 61 - оаъ:ю Mashfgd*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю04/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 11:59.
Добрый день. Доброго времени суток
дамы и господа!

Недавно утроилась работать в интернет-Магазин. "Мамины Детки"
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Нам будет приятно видеть у нас на вебресурсе

ъвебд 60 - оаъ:ю Jessicaeroda*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю03/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 10:57.
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ъвебд 59 - оаъ:ю MichaelJiz*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю03/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 07:14.
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ъвебд 58 - оаъ:ю francitSoge*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 21:24.
Сожалею, что не могу Вам помоч�. � думаю, В� найдёте здес� верное решение.

Бред какой то мул�т интересн�й, интересн�е подкаст� а также [url=http://gprovmods.com/index.php/component/users/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=472822]тут[/url] интересн�й нефтекамск

ъвебд 57 - оаъ:ю francitSoge*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 20:44.
подборка )))

Браво, какие нужна� фраза..., замечател�на� м�сл� интересн�е миф�, интересна� фотосесси� и [url=http://maysvilleacademy.com/component/kunena/suggestion-box/10071-wowgifts#10122]тут[/url] интересн�й минет

ъвебд 56 - оаъ:ю prismeoVep*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 20:20.
В� не прав�. � уверен.

Можно бесконечно говорит� по этому вопросу. где интересно, книги интересн�е или [url=http://ogff.ru/component/kunena/2-dobro-pozhalovat/97590-avtobus-moskva-minsk?Itemid=0#97590]тут[/url] интересн�й орел

ъвебд 55 - оаъ:ю prismeoVep*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 19:38.
качну, о качестве потом коментну При�тного просмотра!!!

Можно восполнит� пробел? интересное кино, интересное слово а также [url=http://maysvilleacademy.com/component/kunena/welcome-mat/10072-a#10123]тут[/url] книгу интересную

ъвебд 54 - оаъ:ю rowsmonMype*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 19:13.
Ничего прикол�ного тут нет

В� допускаете ошибку. Могу отсто�т� свою позицию. Пишите мне в PM, пообщаемс�. синоним интересна�, интересн�е шутки а также [url=http://alnakhaaldimashqyarest.com/index.php/main-forum/suggestion-box/237476-hd39.html#238902]тут[/url] антоним интересн�й

ъвебд 53 - оаъ:ю rowsmonMype*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю02/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 18:33.
Охотно принимаю. Интересна� тема, приму участие. � знаю, что вместе м� сможем прийти к правил�ному ответу.

слов нет,одни эмоции сладости интересн�е, интересн�е видеоролики и [url=http://neochita.ru/users/ecutata]тут[/url] интересное youtube

ъвебд 52 - оаъ:ю Waltervat*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 23:46.
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ъвебд 51 - оаъ:ю critbestmr*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 05:32.
Очен� любоп�тн�й топик

Какие хорошие собеседники :) интересна� женщина, интересное мелирование и [url=http://770307.ru/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=216964]тут[/url] сергей интересн�й

ъвебд 50 - оаъ:ю taidesnef*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 05:10.
Извините, что � Вас прер�ваю, но � предлагаю пойти другим путём.

Прошу прощени�, что вмешалс�... � разбираюс� в этом вопросе. Приглашаю к обсуждению. Пишите здес� или в PM. интересн�е повести, интересн�е девушки и [url=http://dommagii.com/dm_blog/21664/sellds]тут[/url] интересна� брошюра

ъвебд 49 - оаъ:ю taidesnef*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 04:27.
Извин�юс�, но, по-моему, ест� другой пут� решени� вопроса.

Прошу прощени�, это не совсем то, что мне нужно. Кто еще, что может подсказат�? интересн�е откр�тки, диалог интересн�й или [url=http://www.trainwithspice.com/index.php/component/kunena/site-feedback/223394-sellds#223476]тут[/url] как интересно

ъвебд 48 - оаъ:ю fimitBele*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 04:04.
Да это немного удивл�ет

По-моему это тол�ко начало. Предлагаю Вам попробоват� поискат� в google.com какой интересн�й, аватарки интересн�е или [url=http://oneidalakecampgrounds.com/component/k2/itemlist/user/306641]тут[/url] интересна� аудиокнига

ъвебд 47 - оаъ:ю fimitBele*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 03:25.

Огромное спасибо за поддержку, как � могу Вас отблагодарит�? интересн�е примет�, интересн�е викторин� а также [url=http://clio-travel.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=187977]тут[/url] интересн�е композиции

ъвебд 46 - оаъ:ю gigtiDof*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 02:24.
ну и да!!!

Жал�, что сейчас не могу в�сказат�с� - нет свободного времени. Освобожус� - об�зател�но в�скажу своё мнение по этому вопросу. интересн�е заметки, интересн�е хобби или [url=http://www.orion-26.ru/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=47956]тут[/url] фото интересное

ъвебд 45 - оаъ:ю titaOt*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 02:02.
Крута тумбочка

Замечател�но, это ценна� информаци� интересн�е интер�ер�, интересна� иде� или [url=http://str-sambo.ru/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=174916]тут[/url] интересн�й екатеринбург

ъвебд 44 - оаъ:ю titaOt*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 01:21.
Какие слова... супер, замечател�на� иде�

В� шутите? интересна� москва, интересн�е развлечени� или [url=http://www.sueostapowich.org/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=339559]тут[/url] интересн�е конструктор�

ъвебд 43 - оаъ:ю ulvijupt*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю01/ю03/ю2018 бщтд 00:58.
Бесподобна� тема, мне очен� интересно :)

�та отлична� фраза придетс� как раз кстати интересн�й музей, прическа интересна� и [url=http://www.vignobledomainebresee.com/en/component/kunena/suggestion-box/114149-dedicatesales#114144]тут[/url] мул�т интересн�й

ъвебд 42 - оаъ:ю pamuRon*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю28/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 23:53.
Бол�шое Вам спасибо за помощ� в этом вопросе. � не знал этого.

Ничего не измениш�. интересн�е постройки, данетки интересн�е или [url=http://str-sambo.ru/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=174751]тут[/url] интересна� муз�ка

ъвебд 41 - оаъ:ю pamuRon*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю28/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 23:13.
Бесподобна� тема, мне очен� интересно :)

Да, б�вает же... интересн�е об�чаи, интересн�е растени� или [url=http://tibetgalerie.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=5569]тут[/url] интересн�е синоним�

ъвебд 40 - оаъ:ю mioflanMuT*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю28/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 22:51.
Мирка не кип�тис�!!!

Браво, мне кажетс� это замечател�на� иде� интересн�й рецепт, интересн�е штор� или [url=http://xn7sbenqmtngtg2d.xnp1ai/forum/%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%BE-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C/1422-idealfloristika]тут[/url] обув� интересна�

ъвебд 39 - оаъ:ю Angelathini*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю28/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 19:44.
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ъвебд 38 - оаъ:ю RodneyLox*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю28/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 16:28.
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ъвебд 37 - оаъ:ю Denisqen*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю28/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 00:59.
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ъвебд 36 - оаъ:ю Harrisrob*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю27/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 05:50.
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ъвебд 35 - оаъ:ю Jackiefassy*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю26/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 04:03.
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ъвебд 34 - оаъ:ю postbackSew*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю26/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 02:11.
ой.. не магу бол�ше)))

Бол�шое спасибо за информацию, тепер� � буду знат�. творчество интересное, интересное плат�е или [url=http://gstest.ru/shop/televizory/port_televi/elektronika_trist-r90/#comments]тут[/url] интересн�е закон�

ъвебд 33 - оаъ:ю postbackSew*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю25/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 23:44.
Прошу прощени�, что вмешалс�... � разбираюс� в этом вопросе. Давайте обсудим.

� извин�юс�, но, по-моему, В� ошибаетес�. Могу это доказат�. Пишите мне в PM, обсудим. считалки интересн�е, как интересно и [url=http://www.symbolstudio.ru/blog/protivopokazaniya-k-pirsingu/#comments]тут[/url] интересно посмотрет�

ъвебд 32 - оаъ:ю postbackSew*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю25/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 22:58.
давно хотела посматрет�

Надеюс�, всё нормал�но интересн�е в�ставки, интересн�е меропри�ти� а также [url=http://fk.kiev.ua/member.php/911-gensutcet]здес�[/url] инновации интересн�е

ъвебд 31 - оаъ:ю Davidbeere*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю25/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 16:07.
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ъвебд 30 - оаъ:ю encajag*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю25/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 03:16.
Поздравл�ю, отлична� иде� и своевременно

Согласен, эта великолепна� м�сл� придетс� как раз кстати простодин капли от простатита состав, простодин капли от простатита отз�в� или [url=http://daritmama.ru/zhenskoe_zdorove/krasota/abhyanga_sekret_ayurvedicheskogo_massazha/]здес�[/url] простанорм капли от простатита инструкци� по применению

ъвебд 29 - оаъ:ю encajag*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю25/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 02:45.
Чтоб� не сказат� бол�ше.

� извин�юс�, но, по-моему, В� допускаете ошибку. Давайте обсудим. купит� капли от простатита, простодин капли от простатита цена в аптеках уфа или [url=http://panthea.endemics.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=158&p=344#p344]тут[/url] простодин капли от простатита цена отз�в�

ъвебд 28 - оаъ:ю hinkchesssix*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю25/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 01:15.
� присоедин�юс� ко всему в�ше сказанному.

у мен� нету разработки интересн�е, интересн�е надписи или [url=http://www.orion-26.ru/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=47233]тут[/url] презентаци� интересна�

ъвебд 27 - оаъ:ю siorinKl*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю25/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 00:16.
Пон�тно, спасибо за помощ� в этом вопросе.

По моему мнению В� допускаете ошибку. Предлагаю это обсудит�. Пишите мне в PM, поговорим. телеграмм интересн�е, энциклопеди� интересна� а также [url=http://primoris.ru/index.php/component/users/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=157540]тут[/url] шрифт интересн�й

ъвебд 26 - оаъ:ю siorinKl*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю24/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 23:45.
Прошу прощени�, что � вмешиваюс�, но не могли б� В� дат� немного бол�ше информации.

не! МЛ� В� ТОЛ�КО УМЕЕТЕ ПОЗИТИВНО ДУМАТ�! интересна� куса, интересн�е диалоги и [url=http://www.dariocromas.it/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=207028]тут[/url] интересн�е видео

ъвебд 25 - оаъ:ю phopastap*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю24/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 22:47.
Конечно. � согласен со всем в�ше сказанн�м. Давайте обсудим этот вопрос.

� конечно, прошу прощени�, но не могли б� В� дат� бол�ше информации. посмотрет� интересное, интересное растение и [url=http://knigilub.ru/users/ifycod]тут[/url] диалоги интересн�е

ъвебд 24 - оаъ:ю phopastap*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю24/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 22:16.
� считаю, что В� допускаете ошибку. Давайте обсудим это.

Google в помощ� вопрос� интересн�й, интересн�е чат� а также [url=http://shashki.zp.ua/index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topic&catid=3&id=11671&Itemid=146#11773]тут[/url] интересно рифма

ъвебд 23 - оаъ:ю Edwinuneta*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю24/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 01:12.
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ъвебд 22 - оаъ:ю FeliciaHak*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю23/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 05:39.
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ъвебд 21 - оаъ:ю sigangmum*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю22/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 18:54.

это хорошо интересн�е курс�, интересна� б�лина и [url=http://medmolds.com/index.php/component/users/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=434416]тут[/url] интересн�е штуки

ъвебд 20 - оаъ:ю unphuledy*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю22/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 17:57.
� думаю, что В� ошибаетес�. Предлагаю это обсудит�. Пишите мне в PM, поговорим.

� лучше, пожалуй, промолчу конкурс� интересн�е, интересна� газета или [url=http://brd-x.com/index.php/component/users/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=43385]тут[/url] интересн�е преступлени�

ъвебд 19 - оаъ:ю DanielReuts*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю22/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 00:38.
[url=http://emcm.eu/]http://emcm.eu/[/url] kaxexevy , <a href="http://emcm.eu/sanct-bernhard-propolis-flussig-30-ml-1er-pack-1-x-30-ml/">Sanct Bernhard Propolis flussig- 30 ml</a>

ъвебд 18 - оаъ:ю Mildredwarve*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю21/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 11:18.
[url=http://educationtip.eu/]http://educationtip.eu/[/url] GraifutratReumma , <a href="http://educationtip.eu/reference-and-education/">Reference and Education</a>

ъвебд 17 - оаъ:ю renriDips*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю20/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 09:54.
Нет см�сла.

ест� некотор�е нормал�н�е интересн�й урок, интересн�е игра а также [url=http://pibltd.com/index.php/component/kunena/investments/263-24#263]тут[/url] интересное резюме

ъвебд 16 - оаъ:ю Philliprox*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю20/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 06:30.
[url=http://educationpoints.eu/]http://educationpoints.eu/[/url] GraifutratReumma , <a href="http://educationpoints.eu/student-driverj717-8-inch-drivers-education-sticker-decal/">Student DriverJ717 8 inch driver’s education Sticker decal</a>

ъвебд 15 - оаъ:ю rolcoKi*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю20/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 06:12.
В� допускаете ошибку. Давайте обсудим это.

� думаю, что В� не прав�. � уверен. Давайте обсудим. интересн�й фразеологизм, интерв�ю интересное или [url=http://www.tdmrv.ru/index.php/kunena/forum-torgovogo-doma-moskovskij/19525-otdykh-v-chernogorii]тут[/url] интересна� внешност�

ъвебд 14 - оаъ:ю voilicSi*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю20/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 05:10.
Извините, что � вмешиваюс�, но � предлагаю пойти другим путём.

Какой занимател�н�й ответ тост� интересн�е, интереснее синоним а также [url=http://meat.kir-edu.ru/index.php/component/users/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=175473&Itemid=638]тут[/url] интересн�е майки

ъвебд 13 - оаъ:ю voilicSi*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю20/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 04:38.
� считаю, что В� не прав�. � уверен. Могу отсто�т� свою позицию. Пишите мне в PM.

А мне понравилос�,прикол�но. мелодрама интересна�, оригами интересное или [url=http://rco.k46.ru/index.php/component/users/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=81075]тут[/url] интересн�е машинки

ъвебд 12 - оаъ:ю fundrwommr*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю20/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 03:40.
Где � могу это найти?

Советую Вам посмотрет� сайт, на котором ест� много статей по этому вопросу. интересное ню, интересное дет�м а также [url=http://baby-best.ru/forum/topic_6030]тут[/url] интересна� информатика

ъвебд 11 - оаъ:ю fundrwommr*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю20/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 03:07.
Без вариантов....

В� похожи на эксперта ))) ксени� интересна�, интересн�е жж а также [url=http://klinikazabota.ru/forum/welcome-mat/99-board-ksivi-bz/]тут[/url] ежедневники интересн�е

ъвебд 10 - оаъ:ю DeloresLom*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю19/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 16:16.
[url=http://learningclue.eu/]http://learningclue.eu/[/url] GraifutratReumma , [url=http://learningclue.eu/]http://learningclue.eu/[/url] GraifutratReumma

ъвебд 9 - оаъ:ю gargukimb*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю19/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 02:14.
� думаю, что В� не прав�. Могу отсто�т� свою позицию. Пишите мне в PM, обсудим.

Очен� б�стр�й ответ :) интересн�й никнейм, интересн�е цвета и [url=http://www.baurock.ru/phforum/index.php?showuser=325748]тут[/url] интересно смотрет�

ъвебд 8 - оаъ:ю gargukimb*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю19/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 01:46.
�то интересно. Скажите мне, пожалуйста - где мне узнат� бол�ше об этом?

Прошу прощени�, что вмешалс�... Мне знакома эта ситуаци�. Готов помоч�. интересн�е переписки, интересна� канцел�ри� а также [url=http://aranzeld.com/user/gadelozy/]тут[/url] интересн�е синоним�

ъвебд 7 - оаъ:ю doctsahon*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю19/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 00:16.

Да, действител�но. Всё в�ше сказанное правда. Можем пообщат�с� на эту тему. интересн�е автомобили, интересн�й гарнир а также [url=http://magicinside.org/forum-main/professionalnaya-magiya/5712-filajf#5792]тут[/url] фамилии интересн�е

ъвебд 6 - оаъ:ю doctsahon*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю18/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 23:19.

Абсолютно с Вами согласен. �то отлична� иде�. � Вас поддерживаю. сериал� интересн�й, интересн�е сказки и [url=http://reality-show.ru/portal/user/graphensr/]тут[/url] новости интересно

ъвебд 5 - оаъ:ю doctsahon*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю18/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 22:49.
Надо гл�нут�

� уверен, что это мне совсем не подходит. Кто еще, что может подсказат�? интересное кино, ребус� интересн�е и [url=http://newrocktech.ir/froum/member.php?action=profile&uid=42342]тут[/url] интересн�е места

ъвебд 4 - оаъ:ю Jamesrabof*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю18/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 18:21.
[url=http://healthclue.eu/]http://healthclue.eu/[/url] GraifutratReumma , <a href="http://healthclue.eu/halo-oral-antiseptic-berry-1-oz/">Halo Oral Antiseptic, Berry, 1 oz</a>

ъвебд 3 - оаъ:ю sleddisprex*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю18/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 00:15.
Извините, что не могу сейчас поучаствоват� в дискуссии - очен� зан�т. Вернус� - об�зател�но в�скажу своё мнение по этому вопросу.

�то сообщение, бесподобно ))), мне нравитс� :) интересное смотрет�, интересн�й сайт� и [url=http://fmea.pl/member.php?action=profile&uid=12155]тут[/url] интересна� стратеги�

ъвебд 2 - оаъ:ю sleddisprex*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю17/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 23:34.
Предлагаю Вам посетит� сайт, на котором ест� много информации на интересующую Вас тему.

По моему мнению В� не прав�. � уверен. Давайте обсудим это. Пишите мне в PM, пообщаемс�. интересн�е спектакли, мне интересно или [url=http://forum.drfaster.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=265251]тут[/url] новое интересное

ъвебд 1 - оаъ:ю Lakishastown*. ю рщмз бъашйк ю17/ю02/ю2018 бщтд 22:58.
[url=http://navrcholu.eu/]http://navrcholu.eu/[/url] GraifutratReumma, <a href="http://navrcholu.eu/turen-palma-weis-aktenschrank-buroschrank-2/">Palma Wei? Aktenschrank Buroschrank</a>

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