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Great book.Rupert Murdoch Some of his greatest tweets are the mostВ inaneВ ones. You could make the case that this is simply a sponsored tweet.I LOVE the film "we bought a zoo", a great family movie. Very proud of fox team who made this great film.Rupert Murdoch He’ll take to patting himself on the back.Just for the record: Newscorp shares up 60c on news of Sun on Sunday. Highest for year.Rupert Murdoch You can almost imagine Montgomery Burns tweeting this.NY cold and empty, even central park. Nice!Rupert Murdoch Unafraid to tweet his political opinions, he’s gone and shared his two cents about Obama and the GOP candidates throughout the race.Paul too extreme, but right to draw attention toFed. Printing zillions can only cause inflation – the coward’s way out of this mess.Rupert Murdoch Obama seems to agree with consensus view obamacare going down. Bullying supremes silly. People trust judges over politicians any time.Rupert Murdoch While Obama feeling courageous, why not follow his first class education policy. US’ absolute biggest crisis. No read, no write, no jobs.Rupert Murdoch Enemies many different agendas, but worst old toffs and right wingers who still want last century’s status quo with their monoplies.Rupert Murdoch Santorum"Romney looks like well oiled weather vane". Plenty of company, but not POTUS.Rupert Murdoch POTUS seems in deep trouble with all religious groups. "worship" not the same thing as religion.Rupert Murdoch He’s frequently weighed in on the American economy.Economists state Americans in real terms grew 700 per cent in last 100 years by tech inventions – electricity, cars, stainless steel etc.Rupert Murdoch Unemployment: US official figures greatly underestimate real situation plus millions with part time jobs.Rupert Murdoch He’s often criticizingВ BritainВ for an “entitlement culture”UK entitlement society. No wonder rich layabouts contribute nothing when immigrants work harder better. Honest Brits work and resent system.Rupert Murdoch Don’t hate Britain, quite the reverse. But whole of Europe and US facing huge financial and social problemsRupert Murdoch What happened to "land of hope and glory" New poll today shows 48 percent of Brits would like to emigrate.Rupert Murdoch UK. What’s wrong? Over educated snobs sneering at underclass, giving no help to upping education standards. See Gove today.Rupert Murdoch New British proposal. Only immigrants earning 35000 allowed in. After tax equal to many people living on welfare maybe not seeking work.Rupert Murdoch At times, he appears frustrated by the lack of civilized debate. Perhaps he’s not following the right people?Seems impossible to have civilised debate on twitter. Ignorant,vicious abuse lowers whole society, maybe shows real social decay.Rupert Murdoch He’s opined about Facebook and it’s role in media.With Internet no such thing as monopoly media. Ask Zuckerberg.Rupert Murdoch Critical of his peers in media.Looking at Arianna H self portrait. Aren’t we all evangelists? If we don’t propagate our beliefs why bother thinking?Rupert Murdoch Austerity is a theme throughout his tweets.Economic problems made by waves of politicians making impossible promises. Now the bills are arriving .Rupert Murdoch Social fabric means all. Must wake up before coming apart more. That includes closing tax loopholes for rich people and companies.Rupert Murdoch Governments worldwide have borrowed 100 trillion last ten years. Defaults inevitable sometime soon. Means crash, hurting rich and poor.Rupert Murdoch Sometimes reflective and philosophical."all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn". H.G. WellsRupert Murdoch He’s only retweeted once and it was for his Wall Street Journal sister publication for tech, All Things D.Cinemagram App Sees Quick Growth for Artsy Animated Photos -by @LizGannes http://dthin.gs/Iu5wlXAll Things DHe’s excited by technology and what it means for the future.Now we on cusp of new wave of tech transformations to beat last century growth. Big data,smart manufacturing and wireless. Exciting !Rupert Murdoch Tweets regarding Cameron are always interesting in context of how he’s been accused of a cozy relationship between the paper and the UK government. He’s mentioned Rebekah Brooks as well.Cameron should have just followed history and flogged some seats in the Lords, if they still have value! precedents of centuries .Rupert Murdoch Now they are complaining about R Brooks saving an old horse from the glue factory!Rupert Murdoch

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